A case of diabolical obsession, that yielded to the power of St Anthony of Padua, was recorded in Portugal during the reign of King Denis.

Under the guise of a heavenly visitant, the devil frequently appeared to a woman of Lisbon and urged her to throw herself into the river Tagus in order to obtain the remission of her sins and eternal happiness.

The tormented woman at length decided to drown herself. Passing a Franciscan chapel on her way to the river, she entered, and kneeling before the altar of St. Anthony, implored the Saint to help her save her soul. Overcome by fatigue, she fell asleep.

During her slumber St Anthony appeared to her, revealed the deceit of the "father of lies" and released her from the obsession. On awaking, the woman found a letter which the Saint had given her during the vision. It contained the prayer now known as the "Brief of St Anthony."

The original of Saint Anthonys Brief was preserved with the crown jewels by the King of Portugal. Pope Sixtus V caused the efficacious lines to be inscribed on an obelisk, which he had erected in the quadrangle in front of Saint Peter's.

Ecce Crucem Domini, 
Fugite, partes adversae, 
Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, 
Radix David, alleluia.


Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Fly, ye powers of darkness!
The Lion of the tribe of Juda,
the root of David, has conquered.

It is a devout practice to wear this blessing known as Saint Anthonys Brief on one's person, or to put it up in the home, and often repeat it.

Passion of Christ comfort me! Comfort me for the day is long and weary, comfort me as I fight my up the path of life safe to the haven of Thy Sacred Heart. Comfort me in pain and sorrow and tribulation, comfort me when temptation rages around me and every hope seems lost. And when that last dread hour has sounded and my eyes are closing on this world of sin, Passion of Christ! comfort me then, and lead me gently to Thy Wounded Feet above. Amen

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!

 Ecce Crucem Domini, 
Fugite, partes adversae, 
Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, 
Radix David, alleluia.


Behold the Cross of the Lord!
Fly, ye powers of darkness!
The Lion of the tribe of Juda,
the root of David, has conquered.

Views: 1038


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Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 21, 2020 at 2:25pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 20, 2020 at 5:25am

Passion of Christ comfort me!

Comfort me for the day is long and weary,

comfort me as I fight my up the path of life

safe to the haven of Thy Sacred Heart.

Comfort me in pain and sorrow and tribulation,

comfort me when temptation rages around me

and every hope seems lost.

And when that last dread hour has sounded

and my eyes are closing on this world of sin,

Passion of Christ! Comfort me then,

and lead me gently to Thy Wounded Feet above.


Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary,

pray for Us!



Behold, the Cross of the Lord!
Flee, ye powers of darkness!
The Lion of the tribe of Juda,
the Root of David, has conquered!

For Alley and family with all my love.

Pax Christi!

Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 16, 2020 at 7:27pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 14, 2020 at 9:42pm

Amen .

Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 14, 2020 at 6:27am


Comment by Charibel R Hilario on July 13, 2020 at 7:07am


Comment by Charibel R Hilario on July 12, 2020 at 8:33am


Comment by Charibel R Hilario on July 10, 2020 at 8:10am


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on July 9, 2020 at 12:58pm


Comment by Charibel R Hilario on July 8, 2020 at 7:57am


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