Is there anyone here who is a SSPX Third Order member?

If so, would you kindly relate your experiences--positive and negative--in regards to the benefits and challenges of being a member?

I am very interested in this, but I live out in the boondocks and would

not have any "support" other than my family and fellow boondockers.

Many thanks in advance!!

Views: 246


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Comment by Mary Shaw on November 30, 2014 at 5:59pm

Hi Susan,

I endorse Gloria's comment 100%.

To join this most wonderful world wide family is a blessing, we lay people also share in

all the Prayers and Holy Masses said by our Priests.

God bless you most dear.


Comment by Susan on November 25, 2014 at 7:39pm

Wow Gloria, what an endorsement!  Beautiful!

Comment by Gloria on November 25, 2014 at 12:04pm

Susan please do  join  the SSPX Third Order. You will never regret it for you will be blessed abundantly spiritually knowing that all members of the SSPX Third Order share in the graces of the Society, gained by its priests and merits of its member. What a blessing !  As for support, you have all of the members for your support , most powerful- prayers and graces. Go to our Lady  and ask Her what She wants you to do. My prayers are with you . Hugs and prayers  Gloria

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