Amidst the innumerable errors of our day, which confuse minds and break down social life, we would like to publish these particularly disputed truths once and for all.
1. We can deduce from Creation the existence of a personal, eternal, almighty, omniscient and all-wise God . ( 1)
2. Jesus Christ has revealed this God to us. This God is Father, Son and Holy Ghost, one God in three Persons. There is no other God but Him, neither Allah, Buddha, nor the Great Architect of the Freemasons.
3. The Second Divine Person took a human nature and became like us in everything excepting sin alone. Jesus Christ is, therefore, true God and true Man.
4. Islam denies the Blessed Trinity, and logically the Incarnation, and again logically our participation in the life of the Triune God as Christ’s Brethren and co-heirs of God’s Kingdom .(2)
5. The other Eastern religions are just as perfidious, with their misleading practices, Zen meditation and Yoga; closely linked with the antichrist New Age Movement.
6. Mary the Mother of Jesus is truly the Mother of God. In view of this office, God, foreseeing the merits of Jesus Christ, preserved her from every stain of Original Sin. We honour her as the Immaculate Conception, she is the model of all created purity and beauty.
7. The ruin of the human race came through the sin of one couple. It is fitting, then, that the new Adam should have a new Eve; Jesus Christ and His most Blessed Mother are the parents of the humanity renewed in the Holy Ghost.
8. Mary was a virgin before the birth at Bethlehem, during the birth, and she remained so after the birth. Miraculously Jesus Christ came forth from her as light through glass, or as the Lord after His resurrection passed through closed doors. Her virginity is a great sign of hope.
9. The Society of St.Pius X has denounced the Swiss German Television company for showing Godard’s film “Je vous salue, Marie” on 28th November, 1990, in which Our Blessed Lady is mocked and insulted. A people who blasphemes God and the saints deserve not clemency and mercy, but punishment,
10. Jesus Christ is the only Redeemer of the world, who continually intercedes between God and man, the unique High Priest of the New Testament, the only King and Ruler of all things, The unconditional recognition of His all-embracing dominion, both from individuals and from society and nations, is the fundamental condition for a lasting peace, in people’s hearts and the world. Neither Perestroika nor sophisticated deterrents guarantee this peace, only the realization of the words of St. Paul: “He shall reign” (1 Cor. 15, 25). God will chastise the peoples who have fallen away from Him, until on their knees they cry out: “Glory, Laud and Honour be unto Thee, Christ, the Holy Redeemer”. (3)
11. If the peace demonstrators really want to serve the cause for peace in the world, let them
a) Work for Christian families, Christian schools and a Christian state;
b) Realize, and put into practice everywhere, as best they can, the teaching of the Sermon on the Mount;
c) Daily call upon Mary, the Queen of Peace, in the Rosary, and
d) Demonstrate in St. Peter’s square in Rome for the consecration of Russia (by the pope and bishops) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as the Mother of God asked in Fatima.
12. By His sacrificial death on the Cross, Christ founded a Church, His Immaculate Bride, which He instituted to carry on His work of redemption in truth and peace after His return to the Father. He sends the Holy Ghost who teaches her, keeps her free from error, sanctifies and leads her. It is to her that He confides His whole teaching, law and means of grace, especially the sacrifice of the Cross and the seven sacraments, to celebrate and apply through the priesthood of the new covenant instituted by Him.
13. Holy Mass is the unbloody renewal of what happened on Calvary – a true sacrifice, not a community meal, and certainly no carnival. In Holy Communion, we receive Christ sacrificed for us, Who in the Host is truly, really and essentially present.
14. The Lord on the evening of His resurrection, instituted the Sacrament of Penance, as the sacrament of a spiritual resurrection from guilt and sin. In order to have sins forgiven, one must personally confess them. General penitential services may be a preparation for this; they have, however, no sacramental power, and thus intrinsically forgive no sin.
15. Priestly celibacy is an essential of the Church. The priest must remain in undivided love for the Lord; he must be free from all human attachments for the Kingdom of God. He should, by the offering of his life and renunciation of marriage and earthly love, give witness of the efficacy of Christ’s grace, and by his faithfulness be an example to married people. Besides, priestly celibacy keeps away from God’s sanctuary those who are not called to the priesthood.
16. The Church is both divine and human. She is One, Holy, catholic (or universal), Apostolic, and built upon the Roman pope as the representative of Jesus Christ on earth. He is infallible when he, as supreme pastor and teacher, irrevocably defines a question of faith and morals, which must then be believed by the whole Church.
17. The Church is missionary, not oecumenical, and enters into dialogue with those outside her fold essentially only for the sake of their conversion.
18. The Church is the Kingdom of God on earth. This we enter through Faith and Baptism, which takes away Original Sin, and makes us temples of the Holy Ghost, and participants in the divine life. In her we are reborn from water and the Holy Ghost, as true sons of God, brethren of Christ and co-heirs of Heavenly glory. Conversion, penance, faith in Christ and acceptance of all His commands are necessary for salvation.
19. We love with our whole heart those who are outside the Church and pray for them. For the sake of this love, we have to say to them that no confession or religion other than the Church founded by the God-man Himself is a way of salvation. In spite of the elements of truth and salvation they may contain, they nevertheless lead away either from Christ or from His Church.
20. The gathering at Assisi, 27th October 1986, was a tremendous scandal and leads many souls into error.
21. No one, absolutely no one will be saved merely because, naturally speaking, he is a nice person. One isa saved by faith, or one is not saved at all. (4)
22. The saints in Heaven are the already perfect part of the Church of Jesus Christ. This is particularly true for the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose body and not only her soul has been definitely glorified, and who in the beatific vision is the mediatrix for all graces.
23. Christ will come again at the end of time to judge the living and the dead. They who have believed in the Son of God and who have lived their lives accordingly, will enter into eternal life, the others will suffer eternal damnation
24. Truth, faith and morals are utterly immutable and objective, and oblige everyone in like measure; for God remains forever the same, as also Jesus Christ is always the same. Whereas human nature is the same for all peoples, cultures and ages, it is characterized by Original Sin, and without exception requires Redemption. Freedom does not create truth, but truth does create freedom.
25. Their common nature aside, God created man, individuals and peoples, unequal. This is particularly true for the inequality between man and woman. That is why present day ‘emancipation’ and feminism are against God’s order of creation.
Even in the supernatural order of salvation, there is inequality. In the parable, one servant received five talents, another two, and the third only one. (Mt.25, 14-30). There is only equality insofar as each individual receives the necessary graces for his own salvation.
The offices and duties in the Kingdom of God are also different. (5) Only one was called to be the Mother of God; only twelve were called to be apostles; only men are called to be priests. In the same way that men cannot bear children, so women cannot become priests.
26. One may also say without exaggeration, inequality of men, with superiors and inferiors, and every authority comes from God, equality from the devil.
27. The human soul is immortal and thus lives on after separation from the body, and after its individual judgement by God goes to Heaven, to a place of purification, or to a place of everlasting torment. The theory of absolute death is the invention of atheist theologians, reincarnation an unchristian way of thinking, which contradicts everything in the Gospel.
28. Man’s freedom is ordered towards truth and moral good. “What worse death for the soul is there than the freedom of error?”, asks St. Augustine.
29. Man therefore has no freedom to put an end to his life, even if it is one of great suffering and pain. Killing on demand is and remains murder.
30. Likewise the killing of an unborn infant in its mother’s womb is a crime and a sin crying out to Heaven for vengeance. The abortion pill RU 486 is to be considered in the same way. The estimated 50 million innocent children a year murdered throughout the world provokes God’s wrath.
31. With the whole Church, we reject categorically the theory of dissolubility of marriage. “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.” (Mat. 19,6). Equally sinful is living together before or outside marriage.
32. Contraceptives are man’s enemy; they prevent God’s blessings, damage the health, undermine marriage and destroy the family. Just as immoral are artificial fertilization and experiments on living human beings.
33. The human body after the separation fro the soul is destined, as with Christ, not for burning but for the resurrection. Cremation is inhuman and the invention of freethinkers who thereby wish to deny the resurrection of the body.
Let us listen to the evocative words of the Patron of Switzerland, Saint Brother Nicholas: “Remain firm in the faith of your fathers, for there will be great tumult in Christendom. Guard yourselves so that you are not deceived by the novelties and craftiness of the Devil. Keep together, keep to the footsteps of your pious fathers, keep and follow their teaching, thus attacks and storms will not harm you.”
Rickenbach, June 1991.
(1) “For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes are clearly seen – his everlasting power and divinity – being understood through the things that are made.” (Rom. 1,20).
(2) A quotation from a letter from an Islam extremist in Egypt shows clearly this fundamental incompatibility of the Church with Islam: “You Christian pigs, who insult your Almighty God with the making Him one of three, it is certain that you will be severely punished …Know this, you, near and far, young and old, priest and monk, that by your deeds you have condemned yourselves to death and the confiscation of your property. Your blood will be justly shed by Moslems and your money belongs to us. We will not idly stand by and watch your immorality and blasphemies. We know very well how to terrorize people like you and how to prepare an end for you cross worshippers (…). You will not escape our sword, thirsty for vengeance (…)
(3) Acclamation for Palm Sunday
(4) “Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” (Jn.3,5).
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me.” (Jn.14,6).
“He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned.” (Mk.16,16).
Peter gave as an answer to the Jews who asked the apostles how he cured the lame man: “ In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even in His name does He stand here before you …Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4, 10-12).
(5) Cf. I Cor. 12, 4-30
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