Si Si No No April 1993-New Danger Catechism of the Catholic Church

April 1993 No. 1

New Danger! Catechism of the Catholic Church!


Nobody ever believed that we would ever have to write on the subject of the new Catechism, as it was so blatantly unacceptable. Yet we are obliged to do so, since it has met with a certain approval on the part of those who want to be faithful to the Church.

Let it be said right now that this approval shows these people to have barely glanced at this new Catechism obviously stopping at the first good thing they read.

Isn't it just true that the sons of darkness are more cunning than the sons of light - and aren't we ready to believe what we wish was true?

It is true that in the new Catechism, just as in Vatican II, there are good things to be found. Yet it is also true of both the Catechism and the Council, that these good things, not altogether new, are mixed in with new things, not altogether good! We see this with their false sense of collegiality, their erroneous policy of religious liberty and the ruin brought about by a heretical notion of ecumenism.

On these three points, the new Catechism slavishly imitates Vatican II. Consequently, both Council and Catechism are unacceptable, because of these erroneous and heretical ideas. They contradict what the Faith has taught throughout all ages and all places - a Faith which Rome has a grave obligation to protect, a Faith that nobody can alter or dispute: "For we can do nothing against the truth; but for the truth. (II Cor. 13:8)"

To dispel all illusions, it suffices to quote Pope John Paul II, who confirmed his fidelity to Vatican II in unveiling the new Catechism:

"For me - having had the special grace of participating and actively playing a part in its progress - Vatican II always has been and still is, in a special way, a constant point of reference in all my pastoral work; whereby I have made a conscious effort to carry out its directives by faithfully and concretely applying them to each church and all the Church. (From Acts of the Holy See 78, 1986, pp. 1273: Speech of May 30, 1986; also quoted in the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 6)"

In his address to the bishops of Wales, during an ad limina visit, he said:

"Together with the liturgical reform and the New Code of Canon Law, the new Catechism gives a solid foundation to the ecclesiastical reform started by the Council.

(L 'Osservatore Romano, December 18, 1992)"

Catechism of the Catholic Church!

Actually, the voluminous text of the Catechism (almost 700 pages) is nothing but a copy of the rarely read, verbose passages of Vatican II. It has the same errors, the same ambiguities, permitting everyone to do their own thing, mixed together with the usual batch of good and true elements that can also be found in the Conciliar texts.

Therefore, acceptance of the new Catechism is equivalent to accepting Vatican II. Why, then, did the immutable Faith of the Church resist change for all these years; but yet to let in by the window today those things which it rejected at the door yesterday?


It is quite true that the press, cleverly orchestrated, has spoken of a change of direction. Yet, two things must be stressed. Firstly, this change of direction is purely on the theoretical level. Secondly, it changes only the most striking excesses or abuses of the post-Conciliar period, referred to by Cardinal Ratzinger. His slogan for this change of direction is certainly not "Return to Tradition, " but rather "Return to the authentic texts of Vatican II "

He explains himself further in Discussion on the Faith with Vittorio Messori (p. 32). Therein, he says:

"Today, to defend the true Tradition of the Church is to defend the Council (Vatican II). Also, it is our fault if at times we have given both the 'right' and the 'left' an excuse to say that Vatican II has created a rupture or abandoned Tradition. On the contrary, there is a continuity, which neither permits turning back, racing ahead, nor living nostalgically in the past or being unjustifiably impatient. We must be faithful to the today of the Church –not its yesterday, nor its future. This today of the Church is found in the documents of Vatican II in all their authenticity - without reserve, since that dismembers them; and without abusing them) for that disfigures them. "

Thus, it is not a case of returning to the unchangeable Catholic Faith or the universal and constant Tradition of the Church, which has infallibly handed down to us Divine Apostolic Tradition; but rather a return to the Council with its "aggiornamento, " which now calls itself the "true" Tradition, and places itself in opposition to the perennial Tradition of "yesteryear." It claims to be the "true" Tradition because it is "living" and evolving [along modernist lines], whereas the ever-present Tradition is seen to be false, simply because it is unchangeable.


Faced with this new danger, it is necessary to remind ourselves that "Such is the nature of faith, that it is impossible to believe one thing and reject another," because "He who refuses to accept even one divinely revealed truth, in reality totally abandons the Faith -since he refuses to submit himself to God, who is Sovereign Truth itself and the motive for our act of Faith" ... "The Arians and Montanists most certainly did not abandon Catholic doctrine in all its entirety, but only some part of it - and we all know that as a result they were declared to be heretics and so excluded from the bosom of the Church. (Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum)"

The same pope quotes St. Augustine on this subject:

"On many points they agree with me. They disagree with me on only a few points. Yet, since they stand apart from me on these few points, it is pointless for them to stand with me on all the rest. (Ennarat on Ps. 54:19)"

Pope Leo continues: "It is only fair [that they be declared heretics and excluded from the Church), for those who take from Christian doctrine only those things which they want, rely upon their own judgment rather than relying upon Faith. Thus, by this refusal of 'bringing into captivity every understanding unto the obedience of Christ,’ they are really more obedient to themselves than they are to God. "

St. Augustine wrote: "If you only believe those parts of the Gospel that please and reject those parts that displease you, then you believe more in yourselves than you do in the Gospel. (Book 17: Contra Faustum Manich. ch. 3)"

Consequently, our attitude to the Catholic Faith should be one of - "either we profess it in its entirety, or not at all. (Benedict XV, Ad Beatorum Apostolorum Principio)" Only one error, in the tiniest detail of the Faith, suffices to make any Catechism unacceptable.

What then are we to think of this new Catechism, which pretends to be Catholic, while it propagates the same errors as Vatican II? Errors that are in no way insignificant, since they touch upon the very origins and structure of the Church; the Social Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ; the unity and universality of His mediation, and in effect, His Divinity!

In future issues we will publish a detailed examination of the new Catechism by two of our learned colleagues. For the time being, we will simply say that in order to accept the new Catechism, it would be necessary to prove that there never was any reason whatsoever in resisting the "aggiornamento" of Vatican II.


To all that has been said, we must add that the most significant post-Vatican II abuses are simply the logical consequences of Conciliar deviation. As Cardinal Ratzinger himself admits, the ultra-progressives cannot understand why some things can be changed, whereas oth Poncannot. They see certain teachings of pre-Vatican II popes changed, and they ask themselves: "Why can't we change the rest?" This is more understandable (in the logic of their error) than the attitude of Cardinal Ratzinger and all the other moderate neo-modernists (cf. "Cardinal Ratzinger and the doctrinal changes in the Church," Courrier de Rome July, 1986).

It is clear that the post-conciliar Rome of "collegiality" and democracy has no intention of taking any measures against the most serious abuses. Furthermore, Rome still grants bishops the greatest possible freedom in their methods of catechizing - a freedom, which has been, used until now, for the general destruction of catechetics.

"This Catechism is not meant to replace those local catechisms that have been duly approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, diocesan bishops and Episcopal Conferences, especially if they have received approval from the Apostolic See. Its purpose is to encourage and be of help in the compilation of new local catechisms, which take into account local situations and cultures, while still preserving with care, the unity of the Faith and fidelity to Catholic doctrine. (Quoted from the new Catechism, p.9)"

What changes, then, does the new Catechism bring about? None at all!

In order to put an end to this doctrinal and disciplinary crisis, the Roman Authorities must do two things:

Firstly, they must profess and present "the Faith in its integrity, free of all traces of error" (Benedict XV, Ad Beatorum Apostolorum Principis), for as Leo XIII said of the Faith: "Either we Profess it in its entirety, or not at all!" ..."Whoever sins against one sole point [of the Faith], thereby sins against Faith as a whole" (Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum).

Secondly, the Roman authorities must exercise all the powers that Our Lord Jesus Christ has conferred upon His Church - that includes judicial and coercive powers - in order to defend the "deposit of Faith."

As long as this is not done, then it is merely a subtle and pernicious illusion to expect a change of direction from Rome!  Maurus

Translated from Courrier de Rome February 1993

April 1993 No. 1

Secret Vatican Power Group Preparing Next Conclave


It is now absolutely certain that, for certain persons, preparations for the next Conclave have already been under way for quite a while; and have now taken on a sense of urgency since Pope John Paul II' s hospitalisation, last summer, at the Gemelli Polyclinic.

On several occasions, independent journals have revealed that in the very heart of the Vatican, there presently exists a secret power group - in the form of a true organization, made up of the press, information services as well as minions strategically placed in the internal structure of the Church (Apostolic Nunciatures, Offices of the Holy See, different Commissions, in dioceses, Episcopal Universities and Conferences, etc.), or having connections with other power groups outside the Church (cf. Impact Suisse February/March/April 1981; cf. Il Settimanale May 5, 1981; cf. si si no no November 15,1985 and May 31,1987).

As far as a Power Group is concerned, the Conclave is not to be organized after the death of the pope - but much sooner than that. Their goal is to make sure that they control "a third of the votes, plus one" at the next Conclave. By thus controlling the electorate, they can reject undesirable candidates and elect a pope who fits their requirements.

N.B. "a third of the voters, plus one" - a majority of two thirds is required to elect any candidate as pope. Therefore a group that can count on a third of the votes plus one more vote can thus effectively prevent the election of any candidate they might consider undesirable.

Thus we can appreciate the importance of consistories, wherein new cardinals are appointed - especially those appointments of the immediate future. The prime objective of this power group is the appointment of their friends as cardinals or their appointment to any key position that can act as a springboard to attaining the post of cardinal.

Since a papal election is of the greatest importance for the good of the Church, we have deemed it more opportune than ever to take up once again and update that which in the past has already been published concerning the above-mentioned pressure group. We shall also examine and consider its present strategy in view of the next Conclave.


As recently as May 10,1992, the presence of a well organized, Freemasonic, mafiosa-type clan ("cosa nostra") in the Vatican itself was denounced by the journal Il Borghese:

"The old suspicions have resurfaced, of many truly "cunning" (as they used to say) ’Monsignori’ being associated with Freemasonry. Not that we can actually speak of them being in Lodges as such, but still nevertheless, a "secret society " organized in, let us say, "the Roman manner" - in order to help one another in their respective careers - as was admitted by one of their naive, affiliated members. "

It is often asked if there are Freemasons within the Vatican and if this can be proved. This is a misleading question, since Freemasonry is a secret society and consequently it is not possible to give everybody concrete, conclusive proof of the identity of their agents.

So let us put the question another way. Does Freemasonry exist in the Vatican? This question is more easily answered, since there does exist, within the Vatican, an organized power group which 'plays the Masonic game.' Whether or not the members of this power group are actually ‘card-carrying' members of a Masonic Lodge - this question we leave to others.

What we find interesting is the fact that, in practice, they do act as if they were registered members of Freemasonry; sharing, as they do, its ideology and supporting its plans; plans, moreover, well-known by ecclesiastical experts (cf. Leo XIII, Humanum genus; Pierre Virion, Mystere d'iniquite; si si no no Year I, #5 and ff.).

It is a well-known fact, that each time someone tries to remedy, in one way or another, some of the current abuses in the Church, the files pertaining to these abuses mysteriously disappear and all initiatives are paralysed - either by the power group or by their friends. So it is, that the Church is affected by more and more serious problems, which can easily be seen to have their roots in Freemasonry.

A few examples will suffice:

(a)    It is estimated (El Mercurio 7/9/1992) that every day in Latin America, 8,000 souls leave the Catholic Church to go over to the various sects; whose expansion American Freemasonry desires and furthers by providing these sects with an abundance of funds.

(b)    False ecumenism, which breeds religious indifferentism, has been very much desired and planned by Freemasonry. The large ecumenical meetings are held with the collaboration of the New Age movement, which is nothing but a "pure fruit" of Freemasonry.

(c)    Heresies, which today are spread around "by the armful" (John Paul II, quoted by L 'Osservatore Romano) by the priests themselves, are the result of a Masonic infiltration of the clergy - which has been going on since the last century.

(d)    The secularization of both States and clergy is something that Freemasonry has long since desired and worked towards.

(e)    Today, birth control is taught to Catholics under the label of "responsible maternity," encouraging so-called "natural methods" in flagrant opposition to Catholic doctrine - which on the contrary urges and blesses large families. This has long since been the design and the program of Freemasonry, aided and abetted by the international organizations it controls, such as the O.N.U., the F.A.O., etc., who periodically whip up false fears of world over-population (cf. Courier de Rome June 1991; also the article of Piero Gheddo in Il Giornale 12/9/1992 entitled "La variante 'catholique' de la contraception").

Hence, the presence of such an organized power group, striking at the Church from its very interior and paralyzing its vital organs, is something so grave that, anyone being aware of it is duty-bound to denounce it publicly, if they seriously take to heart the good of the Church.

In fact, the main aim of this group is not the "good of the Church," but rather the interests of the group itself and its associates. This clique does not serve the Church, but uses it for its own ends. It has no hesitation in subjugating the Church to a foreign "boss," to an enemy who seeks only to use it, modify it and transform into a mere "holding," a mere associate of some higher power - in other words: the New World Order or One World Government.


As is always the case in circles of this kind, the lower ranks are made up of men who are, for the most part, ambitious self-seekers and careerists or simply weak men, easily black-mailed; whereas the topmost echelons, or summit, is controlled by distinguished men, who are well-organized, able and cunning.

All of this is no incentive to a young cleric who wishes nothing more than to humbly serve the Church - for it is obvious that persons outside of, or in disagreement with the pressure group, soon find themselves edged out of any influential position.


At one time, a series of personnel changes had raised hopes that the granite-like power group was perhaps beginning to crumble.

Firstly, there was the departure of His Excellency Achille Silvestrini in June 1988. This was followed by the departure of Mgsr. Giovanni Coppa to take up the nunciature in Prague, Czechoslovakia (though he disliked this nomination and hoped to return to Rome).

Then there came Casaroli's calculated resignation from his post of Secretary of State, whereby he hoped to leave without actually leaving - a plan that backfired when an "outsider" ousted Casaroli's protégé and personal nomination for the post.

Finally, there was the retirement of Cardinal Ugo Poletti from the Roman Curacy. Yet despite all this, the glimmer of hope grew weaker and weaker as prospects for meaningful reform faded in the distance. For not only do we see a return of the "old guard," but rather, a reinforced old guard.


The Italian journal Avvenire, was right in calling Silvestrini's nomination as Prefect of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches as "the return." Some may consider this Congregation as being of little importance, but such is not the case. In importance, it is second only to that of the Holy Office.

In fact, Catholics of the Eastern Rite are scattered all over the world and their communities often have their own bishops. It is, therefore, an error to think that this Congregation's power is limited to the mere geographic limitations of the East - its power is actually felt, not only in the Middle East, but from the ex-U.S.S.R. to the U.S.A., from India to Canada. Thus it has the power of nominating bishops throughout the entire world.

The Congregation for the Eastern Churches can also be said to be powerful because of the considerable economic resources it has at its disposal, coming from donations, various profits and other forms of incoming aid - especially from the former French protectorates.


How can one possibly have confidence in Silvestrini in view of his record? That man who, over a period of many years, played into the hands of Communism - which he now describes as being "anti-human and anti-religious." This same man who, for years, preferred listening and "being open" to the heads of a schismatic Church, sold-out to the secret police (K.G.B.) - while having nothing but scorn for the true priests and faithful who had remained faithful to Rome.

How can we have confidence in a man who was ready and willing to have recourse to injustice, under the pretext of obtaining religious liberty in an anti-religious system (something that is absurd!); and has not hesitated in employing agents in the Vatican who were closely connected with the K.G.B. - to the point where even the Italian Secret Service grew concerned? (Cf. La Repubblica March 15/16, 1992, article entitled "Spia del K.G.B. in Vaticano" ("K.G.B. spies in the Vatican "); also cf. si si no no May 31, 1987).

Today, this very same Silvestrini, writing about the collapse of Communism, states that "the last eleven years of history ...have changed the world, and hopefully, have buried once and for all, an anti-human and anti-religious structure, which seemed granite-like, unassailable, as well as shielded behind a gigantic arsenal of nuclear weapons." (Achille Silvestrini's preface to the book, The U.S.S.R-An Empire In Shreds)

What value can now be ascribed to such words? It is 10 or 20 years ago that we would have wished to hear this same judgment passed upon Communism from the man who, by his manoeuvring, subjugated the Church to this regime in the countries of the East. Today, these utterances simply serve to illustrate his haste to place himself on the "right side" of the fence.

Shrewdly, and with much "bowing and scraping," Silvestrini uses the same preface to publicize the pope's role in the collapse of Soviet power. In doing so, he smoothly turns his back on his Ostpolitik Master-Casaroli, who, as we shall presently see, cannot resign himself to the new world situation.


During the last European Synod, certain leaders of the Orthodox Church (formerly agents of the K.G.B. and still retaining some influence) not only refused to come to Rome, but took advantage of the situation to publicly insult the Catholic Church. How can we otherwise explain this, unless during those long, dark years, those same men had readily agreed with Silvestrini's Ostpolitik?

According to the requirements of Casaroli's utopia, wherein Communism would perpetually exist, Casaroli and Silvestrini surrended to the dictates of Communist regimes; consequently, accepting shameful nominations of (unworthy) bishops, as well as appointing ignominious leaders to the various local churches. It suffices to recall the words of Father Ulysse Floridi, SJ. In his book Moscow and the Vatican: "After many attempts and negotiations, Archbishop Casaroli finally succeeded in 1973, in personally consecrating four Czechoslovakian bishops; one of them, Bishop Joseph Vrana de Olomouc, was the president of the movement known as ‘Pacem in terris,’ formerly called 'Priests for Peace’ backed and supported by the [communist] government. "

In exchange, Casaroli only asked him for the bare minimum: to resign from "Pacem in terris," but many had doubts as to the sincerity or value of his gesture. In fact, Ernest Milcent says in his book, East of the Vatican (1980): "Mgsr. Vrana failed to keep his promise...and continues to direct the pro-governmental movement Pacem in terris.'"

Furthermore, in order to be highly regarded by the communist regime, Casaroli and Silvestrini shamefully agreed not only to dialogue, but even went so far as to give their favour to powerful Orthodox bishops affiliated with the K.G.B.

Now that the regime has crumbled, these same prelates still pretend and intend to remain the privileged representatives of Rome. Yet they do not wish to see the Catholic Church on an equal footing with the Orthodox Church, even less do they want to see Roman authorities grant the Catholic Church any privileges in relation to the Orthodox. Thus the behaviour of the leaders of the Orthodox Church, on the occasion of the European Synod, is nothing but the consequence of that old and evil Ostpolitik.


At the present time, the congregation for Eastern Churches finds itself at the centre of major ecclesiastical problems, such as that of the Uniates - i.e., Eastern Rite Catholics who have heroically resisted all attempts to incorporate them, as a matter of course, into the schismatic Orthodox Church.

Those poor souls! What can they hope for when, for all these past years, the politics of the Holy See - or rather Casaroli's and Silvestrini's Ostpolitik - has considered them the major obstacle to ecumenical dialogue with the schismatic Muscovite Church and dialogue with the "politics" of Bolshevik Russia?

They have suffered much at the hands of the Communists, yet today's persecution is much more painful, since it comes from the very men of Rome to which they had remained so heroically faithful; yet who, for ecumenical reasons, no longer treat the Orthodox Muscovite Church as schismatic, nor do they accuse it of unjustly dispossessing the Uniates of what was rightfully theirs.

The Secretary of State's clear intervention on behalf of Catholics in Russia, during this latest Synod, has been quickly forgotten - whereas it should have been a starting point for settling relations between the Vatican and Russia, Catholics and Orthodox. Nothing lasting or serious will ever be achieved without justice or historical truth.

In reality, a new and even more dreadful Calvary is dawning for Catholics in Russia. Following the collapse of both the Iron Curtain and the Communist Regime, they might have at least hoped to obtain that long-awaited freedom of worship, religious education, freedom of apostolate, etc. Yet now, on the contrary, with Silvestrini's appointment to the Congregation for Eastern Churches, they find themselves in the hands of the accomplices of their former persecutors.

In fact, we must not forget that both Silvestrini and Casaroli did everything they possibly could to silence, or even chase out of their own countries, all the great cardinals of the East: Wyszinski, Slypji, Mindszenty, Beran. These great princes of the Church were both heroes and martyrs - not only at the hands of their Communist persecutors, but even more so through the persecution and betrayal of those responsible for that Ostpolitik.


Today, by the shameful silence of the Church and the complicity of Vatican officials, we are witnessing the sell out of Lebanon to Syria. In this particular instance, Silvestrini shoulders a grave responsibility. He is the one who personally negotiated [with Syria] the appointment of the present Maronite Patriarch-Sfeir, after having rejected the more worthy Archbishop of Tyr, Mgsr. Khaury. At that time, Silvestrini rarely used to leave the Vatican - yet on this occasion he left the Vatican with this very object in mind (cf. Courrier de Rome, April 1990).

From now on, what can the Christian Lebanese hope to get from Silvestrini, seeing that he was mainly responsible for the defeat of their country? Little or nothing at all! In the wake of Silvestrini's disastrous policies, the situation over there is just about irreparable. That is why today, we see an ever-increasing number of Lebanese Christians leaving their homeland. Nowhere in the East is Christianity as powerful as in Lebanon, and should the Catholic Church be driven out of that country, then Christianity will disappear completely from the Near East. We already see this happening in Israel, where the number of Christians continues to drop day by day.


One of the latest initiatives of Silvestrini is the setting up of a per­manent bilateral work commission between Israel and the Holy See (L'Osservatore Romano July 31, 1992). Who do we find in this commission, but all the friends of Silvestrini: Claudio Celli, Andrea Cordero de Montezemolo, Marco Broggi, Luigi Gatti. It is easy to foresee that this will all end, as it did in the case of the Concordat with Italy, by treachery and disaster.


Silvestrini's influence goes beyond the powers he officially received as Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches. He is also the pivot of the power group that we described earlier. Therefore to fully understand the significance of his "return," we must also take into consideration the far-reaching extension of Silvestrini's hidden, but nevertheless real power (cf. previously quoted press sources).


If Silvestrini was able to celebrate his return, Casaroli did not even consider himself to be retired. At this point, let us digress for a moment.

For years, without the slightest concern or consideration for others Casaroli and Silvestrini appointed, replaced and dismissed numerous prelates - all in the name of holy obedience to the Church. Yet today, both of them stand guilty of an inordinate attachment to their former posts!

Despite being promoted to the Prefecture of the Apostolic Signature, Silvestrini became so downcast at having to leave the post of Secretary of State, that John Paul II had to dine at Silvestrini's place in order to try to console him through this "painful passage" of his ecclesiastical career! Moreover, against all former practice, Silvestrini managed to hold on to the apartment he used as Secretary of State Relations, in order to dull the "pain" of this "trauma"!

As regards Casaroli, two years have passed since his retirement, yet he still "hangs on" to the Secretary of State's apartment while awaiting the availability of a worthy apartment within Vatican City. After having tried, in vain, to expel the Abyssinians from the seminary given to them by Pius XI - Casaroli has had an apartment built for himself on the terrace of Palazzo San Carlo.

Even though he bemoans the fact that he is no longer consulted or invited out, practically being forgotten - he still continues to play a far from edifying role.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Fatima, Casaroli sought to take over the presidency of both the festivities and the International Congress, having the theme of "Fatima and Peace." This made the pope, at the last minute; send Cardinal Sordano as Cardinal Legate - in order to minimize the self-appointed role of the ex-Secretary of State.

On this occasion, Casaroli was surrounded by his friends, such as the notorious "red" Bishop Don Helder Camara and the famous Belgian Marxist "liberationist" Joseph Comblin, who now lives in Chile and Brazil.

His unedifying role continued on July 6,1991 with the consecration of Mgsr. Felix del Blanco Prieto, his personal secretary, as bishop - in spite of well-motivated opposition from the Spanish Episcopate. Then flying with his new bishop to Guatemala, a country wherein he evidently enjoys special privileges, to inaugurate a home for retired priests - a home dedicated to none other than His Most Eminent Cardinal Agostino Casaroli!

"Striving to understand the reasons for which his name was chosen" (writes L'Osservatore Romano July 11, 1991) “for this commendable work on behalf of aged priests, Cardinal Casaroli gave this explanation: ‘I do not know to what I owe this honour. . . unless it be to pay tribute to the pope, with whom my name, although unworthy, has been linked for many years as a collaborator. Yet utterly faithful and willing to serve him to the best of my abilities, for the good of the Church and for the good of humanity, particularly in the cause of peace amongst peoples; as well as international cooperation for the progress of every man and of all mankind'" A speech more worthy of a Trilateral member or a Freemason, than of a cardinal of the Holy Roman Church!

Finally Casaroli is known to travel without cease, as he goes about giving his conferences. March 17th of last year found him in Lavarone and Sienna - the theme of his conference: his personal experience as creator of Ostpolitik.


Under Paul VI, word went round in the Curia to the effect that wherever the Pope was, altar, office or private quarters, he was always surrounded by the so-called three "brothers of the same parish" - Villot, Macchi and Noe.

We know that Cardinal Villot's father and grandfather were both Freemasons and that Villot had personal friends belonging to Freemasonry.

The name of Mgsr. Macchi showed up on the famous list of Church officials accused of affiliation to Masonry. Also, people within the Vatican were stunned by the speed with which Macchi, on the very night of Pope Paul VI's death, made off with the personal effects of the deceased Pope.

As regards Mgsr. Noe, who regards himself as the true heir to Paul VI, on August 3,1975 the Italian newspaper L'Espresso called Noe: "The most deceitful of Bugnini's former collaborators...for many years, that ‘dolled-up’ master of ceremonies has been following Paul VI like a shadow at each of his public ceremonies" (quoted by 30 Giorni May 1992) - and everyone knows the reason why Bugnini was banished from Rome: "the accusation of belonging to Freema­sonry" (cf. 30 Giorno May and June 1992).

Be that as it may, we are justified in wondering about the true causes behind Noe’s rapid rise to power. A few years ago, the Holy See sought to remove him from Rome by appointing him bishop in Northern Italy - but determined to remain at the Vatican, he refused to go. It is hard to imagine what could have merited his promotion as cardinal, since he was often obnoxious to both bishops and cardinals who would come to the Congregation of Divine Liturgy.

Over the years, many wondered how it was that so much power had been given this man - to the point where John Paul II, in reply to those questioning him on liturgical matters, used to say: "See Virgilio Noe about that" as if to say - I am not the one who has the power to settle questions in this domain.

Besides being Cardinal Archpriest of St. Peter's and Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City, Noe has laid his hands on all other Offices within his grasp: Presidency for the Fabric of St. Peter and its administrative committee; and Presidency of the Permanent Commission for the Supervision and Protection of Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See (whose secretary is Mgsr. Marchisano – well known for his role in the destruction of seminaries, when he was Under Secretary for Catholic Education).

How can someone with such an unworthy record be given so much power and responsibility in the liturgical domain? At least in his case his "promoveatur" (promotion), was not an "amoveatur" (removal) from the Vatican.


Pio Laghi, another pre-eminent member of the Brisighella (Faenza) group, was born on May 21,1922 and was ordained in 1946. His intense diplomatic career began in Nicara­gua, led to Washington and finally India. Consecrated bishop in 1969, he was sent to Jerusalem as Apostolic Delegate. He has successively been appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Cyprus, Greece and Argentina.

While in Buenos Aires, he was already longing for the Nunciature in the U.S.A., and that is why he mostly left to Cardinal Primatesta the role of appointing bishops. However he did take it upon himself to promote to the episcopacy some friends of Raoul Alfonsin, the liberal, anti-clerical leader of the Argentine Radical Party.

Amongst these new bishops we note the name of his well-known friend Mgsr. Justo Oscar Laguno, Bishop of Moron; also, Mgsr. Alcides Jorge Pedro Casaretto, Bishop of San Isidro; and Mgsr. Emilio Bianchi di Cascano, Bishop of Azul. Helped by his Brisighella backers and Mgsr.  Giovanni Coppa, Pio Laghi finally won the very much-coveted Washington Nunciature following a titanic struggle - after which he became the "prudent" yet efficacious protector of bishops wishing to destroy the Church in America. Each time Rome asked Pio Laghi to resolve some thorny problems, the inquiry inevitably ended up "dead and buried."

This is exactly what happened in the case of Mgsr. R. George Weakland, former Abbot-General of the Benedictine Order, who was named Archbishop of Milwaukee in 1977 - thanks to Virgilio Noe and the support of his friends, Baggio, Marchisano and Macchi. It is to be noted that Noe and Weakland had both taught at Sant' Anselmo. Their continued good relations are proved by the fact that Noe spent his holidays with Weakland in Milwaukee.

Mgsr. Weakland officially sup­ports movements favouring abortion and is convinced that "today, sexuality is a meeting ground for the Church, just as science used to be in past centuries."

Priestly ordination for women; entry into the Church for homosexu­als, divorcees or people living to­gether; women fighting in favour of abortion and contraception: this is the "Via Crucis" (Way of the Cross) that this Benedictine monk, now Archbishop, says he encounters every time he steps out of his office. This leads him to lament: "The pope should listen to us. Yet whenever we get a rare chance to see him, he just gives us His blessing and back home we go!" (cf. Il Corriere della Sera March 30, 1992).

In the New Yorker magazine, he [Weakland] openly confessed: "I have been in love many times!" and in the Corriere della Sera he explains: "It is true: I said I had been in love. Celibacy does not transform us into sexless beings [what a discovery!]. True celibacy — and so many young priests would be saved if they could only understand this - is one way of affirming our human nature, not repressing it. True chastity means falling in love, being careful while in love and renewing one's oath of celibacy." (Sic.) Yet Laghi and Noe are his [Weakland's] friends and know how to protect this scandalous pastor (cf si si no no September 30, 1987).

Letters were repeatedly sent to the Nuncio, Pio Laghi, informing him of the scandalous conduct of Joseph Ferrario, Bishop of Honolulu. What action did he take? Absolutely none!  

Eugene Marino is the former Archbishop of Atlanta, who aban­doned everything for the sake of a woman. The newspaper La Repubblica wrote: "Mgsr Laghi knows the former Archbishop of Atlanta very well. It was he [Laghi), in the capacity of diplomat and personal representative of the pope in the U.S.A., who informed the head of the Diocese of Atlanta [Marino] of his recall. 'I do not know' explains Laghi, ‘if this adventure was born of love, but when one is vulnerable and in the face of certain situations which can also open up the road to eroticism, it is difficult to turn back. This is one of the dangers confronting pastors, when in the exercise of their mission helping those in need; they must make contact, listen to and establish relations with many people. But when the heart enters the sphere of vulnerability, everything becomes more difficult - even, for bishops. It is only human. (cf. La Repubblica August 28, 1990)'"

Thus do we see everything and everyone shamefully and publicly excused by Pio Laghi, who heaps up scandal upon scandal.

Another famous case is that of His Exc. Mgsr. Raymond Gearhardt Hunthausen, Archbishop of Seattle until August 21, 1991. In his official capacity as Archbishop, he advocated the "Mass for homosexuals." The Holy See, in dealing with his case, sent him an auxiliary in the person of Mgsr. Donald William Wuerl - but Hunthausen dug in his heels and Laghi, the Nuncio, dismissed and sent . . . the new auxiliary back to his own diocese (cf si si no no, September 30, 1987).

Another one of Laghi's protégés is His Exc. Mgsr. Kenneth Edward Untener, Rector of Detroit Seminary, where he entertained his seminarians with pornographic films. He holds that the pope is not the Vicar of Christ, but simply St. Peter's successor - a primus inter pares. For all these "merits," Mgsr. Untener is now Bishop of Saginaw.

After 10 years as Nuncio in the United States, Laghi began to conduct an electoral campaign in Rome. He practically announced that he was now ready to take on important responsibilities in the Roman Curia - and was supported in this by "Casarolian"and "Bellerian" followers in the Vatican.

All this, however, turned out badly for him: Casaroli's long awaited and yearned-for post went up in smoke and today, Laghi is reluctantly Prefect of Seminaries.


To the names of Silvestrini, Casaroli, Noe and Laghi, other important names have to be added - names to which we have alluded to here and there, as well as names forming a network of friends. These names and the extension of the network will now be briefly examined.


The current Secretary of State, Cardinal Sodano, has as his personal secretary, Silvestrini's ex-secretary - Mgsr. Ricardo Fontana. This means that there is no audience, no telephone call, no important file, even of the most confidential nature, which does not pass through the hands of Silvestrini's former secretary.


His Exc. Mgsr. Jean-Louis Tauran, Secretary for State Relations (a known collaborator of Silvestrini) has two other intimate friends of Silvestrini as his colleagues - Claudio Maria Celli, Under-Secretary for State Relations and Alain Lebeaupin.

Celli obtained the consecration and nomination as Apostolic Nuncio to Angola of Casaroli's private secretary, Mgsr. Felix del Blanco Prieto - an appointment to which the episcopacy of Spain had been justly opposed.


Casaroli and Silvestrini had a very faithful friend in the Nuncio to the Italian State, His Exc. Mgsr. Luigi Poggi. He would help them in appointing bishops of their own ilk in Italy. We need only think of the current Bishop of Vincenza, Pietro Nonis, who periodically came to Rome to meet Silvestrini. Even though Silvestrini rarely left Rome for any reason whatsoever, he made an exception in order to assist at the episcopal consecration of Pietro Nonis.

The same thing occurred in the case of the Vicar-General of Ivrea, Arrigo Miglio - who is at least the third man, from the ranks of the "Red" Bishop Bettazi, to be raised to the episcopacy.

Poggi, with his appointment as Prefect of the Apostolic Library and Vatican Archives, is well on his way to becoming a cardinal - and therefore future elector at the next Conclave.

His successor at the Italian Nunciature is Carlo Furno, one of Silvestrini's ex-colleagues at the Apollinario, who after having brought ruin to Peru for many years, ruin to the Lebanon throughout 7 years and Brazil for 10 years - has now arrived in Rome and will proceed to do the same to Italy!


In the Vatican itself, we find all the old friends.

Dino Monduzzi de Brisighella, who set many tongues wagging (cf. si si no no; Nov.15, 1985; Dec. 31,1986; Feb. 15, 198'7), and is still Prefect of the Papal Residence and Prefect of Papal Audiences. Consequently he is always at John Paul II's side during audiences, and at his Private Secretary's side during ceremonies in St. Peter's Basilica.

However, the most significant fact is that all requests for a papal audience are passed through the Monduzzi "filter." Since he is responsible for the smooth running and orderliness of these audiences, it is up to him to "screen" candidates wishing to speak to the pope at special or private audiences. During public audiences he also monitors the pope's movements amongst the crowds - and also over those wishing to approach the pope.

Then there is Belleri (whose name appears in the University of Lateran yearbook). Mgsr. Gino Belleri is the proprietor and director of the Leonine Library, whilst also running the University of Lateran Library. He is implicated through his coordination of the clergy, the media and power group members.

The Leonine Library, which is in the very shadow of the Vatican, is situated in premises belonging to the Holy See. Apart from the fact that it sells the latest secular publications, the Library also doubles as a press conference room, a meeting place and a source of "reliable information" (cf. si si no no May 31, 1987).

Mgsr. Renato Dardozzi de Biella, described as an "engineer" in the Pontifical yearbook, continues his ascent to power. His present positions embrace that of Vice-Postulator for the cause of beatification of Pius IX; member of the Pontifical Council on Culture; member of the Administrative Council of the Vatican Library, the Vatican Television Centre and finally, Secretary of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Mgsr. Antonio Macculi, from Apulia, is a retired member of the Curia. Unfortunately, he busies himself with important Latin-American files. A long-standing colleague of Baggio's, he is extremely well-informed and is "specialized" in delaying or forgetting about questions or files requiring immediate attention!

Mgsr. Piero Marini, Master of Ceremonies; lifelong friend of Virgilio Noe; pupil of Balthasar Fischer at the disastrous Liturgical Institute of Trier in Germany, is now considered the power group's candidate to succeed Monduzzi as Prefect of the Papal Residence.

Mgsr. Vito Gemiti, friend of Piero Marini, in charge of ceremonies with the possibility of succession (even though this possibility wanes as he approaches retirement age).

Mgsr. Gianni Sonda, Secretary to Cardinal Baggio when he was Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops (and who still keeps him posted and up to date regarding this Congregation's affairs).


Above all - friends first!

His Exc. Mgsr. Martino of Salerno - Apostolic Nuncio; observer at the U.N.; envoy to the United Nations Food for Drug Abuse Control (U.N.F.D.A.C). He has links with Silvestrini and Laghi. A mysterious robbery that took place in his Salerno apartment raised alarm in Vatican circles; for it seems that the thieves made off with several top-secret documents. This is very puzzling - for why would an American group (as is supposed) come all the way to Salerno in search of particular documents? Moreover, how can Martino explain the existence of such highly important documents in his own apartment? (cf. Il Giornale April 8, 1990).

Mgsr. Arrigo Miglio studied at the Capranica, under the rectorship of Mgsr. Gualdrini who was also from Brisighella, and is presently Bishop of Terni. Miglio enjoyed the rector's fullest confidence and it is said that he participated in a crypto-­Communist group at this college, described by Il Borghese (July26, 1975) as "a factory for producing Red priests."

He was presented and accepted at the Pontifical Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics – from which he was later expelled. Following this misadventure, he sought refuge with the "Red Bishop" of Ivrea, Mgsr. Bettazzi, a friend of Mgsr. Gualdrini.

Bettazzi appointed Miglio as Vicar-General, in contempt of the local clergy who were hoping for Don Gigi Roy (also an alumnus of Capranica). Today, Miglio is the Bishop of Iglesias. During his stay in Rome, he was frequently seen around the parish of San Fulgenzio, where he had the opportunity of meeting Silvestrini.

Mgsr. Attilio Nicora, currently Bishop of Verona and formerly President of the C.E.I. (Italian Episcopal Conference) for problems concerning associations and ecclesiastical goods; also President of Charitable Services and the Caritas Italiana. He came to Verona thanks to the influence of Silvestrini, who was indebted to Nicora for his work on the revision of the Italian Concordat, with the handing over of all the various hospital aid and care services to the Regions.

Mgsr. Pietro Nonis, Bishop of Vincenza and friend of Silvestrini, is supported by Cardinal Baggio, who "has never denied his sympathy for the former pro-rector of Padua University. He [Baggio] declared: Nonis going to Rome? I've heard nothing of that; but it is very likely, because he has all the necessary credentials for that. This appointment would give me much pleasure. (Il Mattino December 15, 1991)"

Nonis is currently a member of the C.E.I. (Italian Episcopal Conference) and President of the Commission for Catholic Education, Culture, Schools and Universities. He is certainly wanted in Rome, and everything is being done to prepare a place for him. The above-mentioned article of Il Mattino is quite dear on this score. As for him, he never misses an opportunity to stand out - for example; his front-page article in Avvenire (May 17, 1992) showers much praise on John Paul II.

His Exc. Mgsr. Andrea Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo has a rather long and thick curriculum vitae. Together with Mgsr. Renato Martino, he headed a Commission under Paul VI, which would have approved priestly ordination of women - had it not been for the timely intervention of the Master of Sacred Palaces, Cardinal Ciappi.

In his capacity as Under-Secretary to Justitia et Pax (Justice and Peace), Cordero Lanza di Montezemolo organized and co-presided over Sodepax, a joint commission with the participation of the ecumenical council of the Churches of Geneva. This Commission favoured and supported radically revolutionary movements in Latin America, Africa, Indonesia and the Philippines. However, the resulting disasters for the Church suggested that the Commission be suppressed.

Next, thanks to his friends Casaroli and Silvestrini, Lanza di Montezemolo was appointed Nuncio to Nicaragua, where he established relations and agreements with the Sandinistas and Marxist priests against the local Catholic Church, going so far as to persecute the [local] bishop, Mgsr. Obando Bravo.

He is now Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem and head of the Holy See's delegation working in the Vatican-Israeli Bilateral Commission. What calamities is he now preparing that will bring incalculable harm to the Church?

So much so for the friends within the Vatican. However, Silvestrini strives to make his influence extend by making new friends outside its walls, even including cardinals holding views opposed to his own. Thus, for several years now, we see him seizing every opportunity of meeting Cardinal Biffi whether in Rome or at the latter's episcopal see in Bologna.

Adista (January 29, 1992) wrote: "On January 29, [1992] Cardinal Biffi Archbishop of Bologna, con-celebrated Mass with Cardinal Silvestrini... after this ceremony, a private dinner was held for Cardinal Biffi and a 'select' group in Cardinal Silvestrini’s apartment."


Finally, Cardinal Pio Laghi is able to count on a solid group of English-speaking "friends" in Rome, who are linked with Cardinal Hume (himself a friend of Noe's). Mgsr. Michael Sharkey of Birmingham, from the Congregation for Catholic Education. He is Cardinal Hume's trusted man in Rome. He serves as a link between Hume and Laghi, besides giving courses on Newman at the Gregorian university.

Philip Rosato, SJ., an American professor at the Gregorian University, giving courses on the Eucharist and the Priesthood. Clever and shrewd in his written publications, he does not believe in transubstantiation - preferring to teach "transcreation." He also holds that priestly celibacy, instituted by the Church, has now become a stumbling block for the Church. He favours the ordination of women priests. He has taken such extreme viewpoints that even his students stand and protest against them during the course of his lectures.

Mgsr. Kevin McDonald from Birmingham is a member of the Pontifical Council for the Unity of Christians.

Mgsr. Bryan Chestle from the diocese of Arundel and Brighton is an administrative clerk in the Secretariat of State and discreet protector of the English-speaking group.

Father Mark Butlin from England, is a professor at Sant' Anselmo. He has the support of Mgsr. Sharkey in Rome, and is a very close friend of Cardinal Hume. He wears the cassock and dreams of one day being the Spiritual Director of all the English-speaking colleges. Yet, he is greatly annoyed to discover that the English-speaking seminarians are still too conservative.

Mgsr. John Garin Dolan from Albany, auxiliary to the Military Ordinariate of the U.S.A. and member of the Catholic Near East Association

Mgsr. Giovanni Tonucci, Apostolic Nuncio to Bolivia and Silvestrini's ex-secretary in the Council for Public Affairs, as well as being Laghi's former secretary in Washington.


During the last Synod, a secret meeting was held on the Via Aurelia with regard to the next Conclave. After the Synod, the power group is in a state of hurried agitation - as if something was going to happen very soon!

This is probably why Silvestrini is acting without much discretion and is now busy making as many friends as possible, even with cardinals holding holding views contrary to his own!

So we see him trying to win Cardinal Biffi's friendship, while using the same strategy on other cardinals as well. Never missing an opportunity of improving his own image, he uses all means: congresses, meetings, Masses, etc., etc. Always guided by his old principle: use the right- wingers to carry out left-wing policies.

With the Conclave in his sights, Silvestrini is currently using a double-edged strategy: he seeks to weaken the pope's power and authority, while monopolizing all the key positions. One need only read what the "power group Vaticanists" are saying in the Italian Press about a possible resignation by John Paul II and the likely candidates to replace him as pope.

Another [power group] manoeuvre consists in monopolizing all the appointments to the post of cardinal - as was pointed out at the beginning of this article - with the aim of guaranteeing the necessary quorum (or number of votes) at the Conclave, in order to elect or reject any candidate as future pope.

The power group is, in reality, founded on an alliance of diverse groups, as well as on a nucleus of "distinguished" individuals holding key posts as regards episcopal nominations.

This is proved when we look at some of the members [holding these key positions] in the Congregation for Bishops: Silvestrini, Casaroli, Laghi, Poletti, Martino and Giordano. These are all experts who know how to use their influence in order to secure a desired nomination for the candidates of their choice.

Besides, they can count on various friends working in the very same Congregation for Bishops: Gemiti and Gianni Sonda, Baggio's former secretary - both of them department heads in the Congregation. They can also rely on Furno, the new Nuncio to Italy.

Worse still is the fact that two prestigious Cardinal Sees will be vacant within a few months - and that, the appointment of those future cardinals wiII be in the hands of the above-mentioned men. Under such conditions we may weII fear for the Church in Italy as it faces a very sombre future indeed! Worldwide the future for the Catholic Church looks equally grim - since the ultimate goal of all these manoeuvres is nothing else than St. Peter's Throne itself!

E. M.

Translated from Courrier de Rome December 1992.

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