Shield of the Immaculata

"Let people pray the Rosary every day. Our Lady stated that repeatedly in all her apparitions, as if to fortify us against these times of diabolical disorientation, so that we would not allow ourselves to be deceived by false doctrines…"  - Sr. Lucia, 1957

With this statement, Our Lady's Messenger clearly informs the faithful that the recitation of the daily Rosary is the means given by the Blessed Virgin to combat today's widespread confusion. In no uncertain terms, the Rosary is THE weapon of choice to help souls persevere in the Holy Catholic Faith.

The Jesuit, Fr. Malachi Martin, a prolific Catholic author and Vatican insider, who read the Third Secret of Fatima, also made a series of important interviews about the Third Secret and its relation to the Church’s Crisis of Faith. In many of these conversations, Fr. Martin stressed his belief that, due to the illicit imposition of the new-rite of Sacraments in the Church, there has been a gradual, universal suppression of Sanctifying Grace, resulting in a great apostasy from the Faith. In closer analysis, Father’s emphatic assertion underlines the dire consequences which Sr. Lucia gravely warned about in her last interview, just before all the sacramental changes took place. Perhaps with Sister’s announcement of a “new efficacy" that Our Lady is giving to the Rosary, she was informing souls how Our Lady will use the Rosary as a source for the Sanctifying Graces lost from the imposed new-rite of Sacraments? With God, all things are possible. This could explain how most of those fortunate Catholics who make their way out of the murky waters of Conciliarism to the safe harbor of Tradition, almost always attribute this special grace to their great love for, and devotion to the Rosary. It is absolutely certain that Our Lady enlightens souls who are truly faithful to her Rosary, and guides them to the Church’s immemorial source of Sanctifying Grace - the traditional Sacraments.

Still, some object that there are souls who do not know how, or are simply unable, to gather their thoughts and meditate upon the mysteries. Ah, well! ...the simple gesture of taking their Rosary to pray shows that they are mindful of God, and when they recall, in each decade, an aspect in Christ’s life, they go over the mystery again in their mind, and this act will preserve in their souls the gentle light of the faith, and will keep the wick burning which would otherwise eventually go out.

However, those who abandon the prayer of the Rosary, and who do not have the blessing of a daily traditional Mass or even frequent access to the traditional Sacraments, have nothing to feed their souls on. How could they not eventually lose their way, due to human frailty and the allurements of the world, the flesh and the devil? This is why it is so crucial for souls to remain faithful to praying their Rosary every day. Because it is especially through the Rosary that our Blessed Lady enlightens, guides and protects souls, so to ensure they keep the Faith in these days of great confusion. For within the Rosary is contained the entire wealth of God’s truths, as lived through the Immaculate Heart of His Mother.

Such spiritual direction could also be found among the many saints who foresaw the great apostasy and confusing crisis of our times. Cardinal Sarto, the future Pope St. Pius X, taught nothing different to his diocesan faithful:

“The characteristic of our times is that indocility of mind which aims at the destruction of dogmas, and that corruption of the heart which leads to the subversion of Christian morals. There is only one way to defend faith and morals, and that is to meditate on the mysteries proposed by the Holy Rosary. For, if the world has forgotten even the vestiges of virtue, by contemplating the admirable examples put forward in the Rosary, we are better able to fight disordered passions within ourselves, we can rouse in our souls, along with a sincere regret for sin, a lively faith and a consoling hope, and we can help all the other virtues to blossom."

And, once again, the prophetic conviction of St. Louis de Montfort:

“Believe me, my dear brother in the Rosary, if you want to arrive at a high degree of prayer without any affectation and without falling into the illusions of the devil so common to people of prayer, say your entire Rosary every day, if you can, or at least a chaplet. You have already reached this point by the grace of God, if you want to be faithful to it and to grow in it with humility. Keep saying the Holy Rosary, for a soul that prays its Rosary every day will never be formally heretical nor deceived by the demon; this is a proposition that I would sign with my blood.”


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Comment by Judy Muller on February 23, 2024 at 10:58pm


Comment by Gloria on October 30, 2023 at 4:56pm

Say your rosary and then say another and another. 

Comment by Joseph on October 9, 2023 at 5:54am

I can't remember the last time I didn't say my daily Rosary, to me that is like committing a sin, like missing mass on Sunday.

Comment by Dawn Marie on October 8, 2023 at 6:45am

@ Margie you're so welcome.

Comment by Doreen on October 7, 2023 at 11:12pm

Many thanks. Amen

Comment by Margie on October 7, 2023 at 5:08pm

Dear Dawn Marie,

Thanks for the great reminder of how important the Rosary is for our Souls, and in overcoming the evils of the world today.  I thank God every day for leading us to our SSPX Traditional Catholic Church.   It is such a privilege to be a member and know that we are participating in the offer of the True Mass.  Every morning, I look forward to beginning my day with the Rosary.  Father Malachi Martin was a brilliant writer and provided many insights into the Vatican.  God Bless you, and all members of the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart.

Margie Tiritilli

Comment by Michael on October 7, 2023 at 4:42pm


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