O Holy Angel at my side go to the Church for me.
Kneel in my place at Holy Mass where I desire to be.
At the offertory in my stead, take all I am and own,
And place it as a sacrifice upon the altar throne.
At Holy Consecration’s bell, adore with Seraph’s love,
My Jesus hidden in the Host, come down from Heav’n above.
Then pray for those I dearly love, and those who cause me grief,
That Jesus’ Blood may cleanse all hearts, and suffering souls relieve.
And when the priest Communion takes, oh bring my Lord to me,
That His sweet Heart may rest on mine, and I His temple be.
Pray that this Sacrifice Divine may mankind’s sins efface;
Then bring me Jesus’ blessing home, the pledge of every grace.
Views: 16327
Watch this : how the migrants behave in Calais in the north of France
and this
It shows catholic people wanting to help those migrants : they give them tin cans containing hallal raviolis (italian food). It was written "best before" a date, but it was edible three more years.
They refused the food and some threw it on the ground...
Very often migrants complain roughly because they do not like the places where they must stay, or the food, even because there are mosquitos... They consider that "koufar" (= unbelievers of allah) must welcome them as masters.
And in Italy it is much worse. Each day they arrive by thousands.
None of the islamic states comes to rescue them in the sea, European Union obliges european states to do it with economic sanctions and penalties .
Sainte Rita, patronne des causes désespérées, priez pour nous.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu, priez pour nous.
Well Nadia I have to say that after reading what you explained which is going on in France it really depressed me:( but then hope is rekindled again after I prayed the Novena to Our Lady Help of Christians HERE
Our Lady is our hope!
Prayers for France, prayers for us all+
Dawn Marie, since the law allowing abortion was voted in january 1975, on proposition of Mrs Simone Veil, about 200 000 abortions were made per year. That is 8 million in 40 years. Many of these children would have been parents themselves today.
Mrs Veil was deported to Auschwitz, it is incredible that she accepted such a mission of death.
Il the same time, different laws organised massive immigration from Africa, North and Subsaharian, and prohibited the opposition., making many trials, on request of so called "antiracist" organisations, all founded and directed by jews.
Other laws (initiated by R Badinter, a j also) declare that the offenders are victims, and that it is necessary to help them. Very often, the true victims are supected, and are not helped at all. Many are killed by multirecidivists who are freed very quickly.
Many judges are marxists, anticapitalists, "anti'bourgeois", leftists. Some of them mocked the father of a young girl killed by a Turk in a train. (Mur des cons Syndicat de la magistrature).
Today it is prohibited to make ethnic statistics, because it is supposed to be racist. Actually, it is to prevent people to know how many people coming from Africa live presently in France. They are supposed to be 5 million, but when you look at the people in the towns, when you take the subway in Paris, frequently there are almost no white people.
French people flee away from the places where they lived all ther life, ant their family for centuries, because of insults and vexations. The police does'nt help, because they are afraid of riots.
Many churches (conficated in 1905) are not repaired : when the damages are very heavy (and some times even not) the massons and other anticatholic decide to destroy them. (ex Ste Rita in Paris; Gesté... etc).
Every day there are attaks against the catholic. When the "femen" disturbed the ceremony for the consecration of the new clocks of Notre Dame de Paris and damaged the golden plating, it is the guards who were punished...
But people who put a piece of pork in front of a mosque went to jail.
I could speak for hours.
Pray for us.
Who would have thought we would live to see days like these? I'm so sorry to hear that Nadia. It is very unsettling.
Saint Joan of Arc, please pray for us+
Last week-end i went to Orléans where the Johannic feasts took place, to commemorate the liberation of Orleans on may 8 1429 by St Joan of Arc.
I saw the future France : 50 % grey haired French people; 50 % african women with many children.
I spoke with a catholic man met in a café : he doesn't like Joan of Arc, because the Front National honors her.
He is satisfied that 75 % of the catholic left the Church; he says that only the best remain. He is not afraid of being overproud about himself and contemptuous about those who went away ; he is not upset by the loss of the talents and the herd of the ewes of the Lord.
I had heard the Cardinal Barbarin, Primat des Gaules, speaking in the same way.
Saint Joan, Saint Joseph, protector of children, help !!!
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