Rosary to the Glory of God the Eternal Father

This Rosary was taught to Eugénie Nyirimbabazi in Kibeho, Rwanda, Africa, on November 28, 1986, by God, the Eternal Father.

She was told that this message must be known and understood by everyone on earth so that they may know the love of God who created them.

This same message was also part of the seven messages given to Ernest Rutaganda, while he was in prison because of his faith, in Kigali, Rwanda, in 1990, when Jesus told him to fight the temptations of the antichrist.

Jesus said: "It should be recited at 3:00 a.m. in the prayer corner or chapel in your home, but at 3:00 p.m. it should be recited in a church." If however, you cannot go to church at 3:00 p.m. because of your work, go after work to any church and while meditating, ask God to accept your "time" as being 3:00 p.m. His time.

He added that this Rosary must be recited every day without interruption, while meditating on His sorrowful mysteries.

Jesus said: "I was scourged 1584 times. A great number of the blows inflicted excruciating pain as they tore and stripped away my flesh, but blows that didn't tear the flesh were so numerous that they could not be counted."

Anyone who recites this Rosary, must meditate on the fifteen (15) sorrowful mysteries which Jesus endured on Holy Thursday.


On Thursday of every week instead of saying this Rosary, The Eternal Father asks us to join Jesus in His passion between the hours of 6:00 p.m. evening till morning, meditating on the sorrowful mysteries of Jesus.

To accompany Jesus in the unspeakable pain inflicted on Him Holy Thursday evening through to the early hours of Good Friday, do as follows: Your Vigil will start at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings till morning. Choose a peaceful room, preferably your prayer room. Remain seated and undisturbed in one place while you meditate on the fifteen sorrowful mysteries of our Lord Jesus. You must remain in the darkness, no light should be turned on until morning. There was no light in the cell in which Jesus was kept on Holy Thursday after His betrayal by Judas. Begin with a song to the Holy Trinity.


Why should we recite this rosary at 3:00 p.m. and at 3:00 a.m.?

This rosary should be recited in order to console both the Eternal Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ because of the numerous sins that are being committed at 3:00 pm, the very hour when Our Lord Jesus Christ expired. Because of all these sins, God the Father feels that He could destroy the world, for 3:00 p.m. is the hour that His Son Jesus has obtained for us our salvation, the hour in which Jesus has shed his blood to the very last drop. But because of His deep love for us, He accepts the suffering and will not destroy the world.

We recite it also at 3:00 a.m. because it is the hour in which Peter denied Jesus three times. Those who sin at that hour cause both the Eternal Father and Jesus Christ such deep suffering. Due to the numerous sins being committed at this hour, the Eternal Father feels that He could destroy the world but because of His great love for us, He will not do so.
Reciting the Rosary to the Eternal Father does not exclude devotion to the Divine Mercy but rather compliments it for while the Chaplet of Mercy is intended to appease the wrath of God, the Rosary to the Eternal Father is meant to console Him and fight the Antichrist. One should follow the other.

Anyone who recites the Rosary to the Glory of God, the Eternal Father during his or her entire life and meditates every Thursday of every week, the 15 sorrowful mysteries that Jesus suffered on Holy Thursday, he will then have given glory to the Eternal Father, and he will be elected for the following promises:

1.) The Eternal Father will protect him against the temptations of the Antichrist which is soon to come to sway and deceive humanity.

2.) Whoever prays this Rosary will be exempt from the fire of Purgatory because he will have completed his purification on earth.

3.) Whatever good is asked for concerning the soul will be granted.

4.) Whoever prays this Rosary, is in fact praying for the whole world, and for the souls of Purgatory and therefore will receive many graces for himself and these souls.

5.) If half of humanity practices this devotion, the Eternal Father promises to save the rest of the world, then all souls in Purgatory will have completed their purification and be taken to heaven.

1.) My legs were tied together with a rope, then I was dragged down the stairs into an unspeakably foul and smelly cave.

2.) They tore off my clothes and proceeded to pierce my body with sharp pieces of metal.

3.) They tied a rope around my body and dragged me back and forth across the floor of a cave.

4.) They hanged me from a beam and left me there until I slipped from it and fell to the ground. This caused a searing pain that brought tears of blood to run down my face from my eyes.

5.) They fastened me to a large tree trunk then subdued and tortured me with all sorts of armaments, piercing my body. Afterwards they stoned me and burned me with a blazing torch from a glowing fire.

6.) They pierced me with picks and needles, ripped away the skin and flesh off my body and cut open a number of veins.

7.) They restrained me to a pillar and placed my feet on a white hot metal plate.

8.) They placed an iron crown on my head, and covered my eyes with foul smelly rags.

9.) They sat me on a chair of very sharp nails which entered deeply into my flesh.

10.) They sprayed my gaping wounds with hot pine-pitch and liquid lead, and with brutality, they knocked me off the chair, causing me to fall helplessly to the ground.

11.) To add to my torture and humiliation, they tore off my beard, then they pierced my face with needles and nails in the same areas from which the beard had just been torn away.

12.) They threw me down on a cross to which they tied me so tightly and with such ruthlessness that I could barely breathe.

13.) They trampled on my head. Then one of them placing his foot on my chest, caused one of the sharp points of a thorn from the crown to pierce my tongue.

14.) They unashamedly and with impunity poured into my mouth the most horrible of all refuse...feces.

15.) They continued to hurl a flood of vile insults at me; they tied my hands behind my back. As they led me out of the prison, they continued to beat and whip me.

How to Pray the Rosary to the Glory of God, the Eternal Father
1.) Meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries of Jesus.
2.) Make the Sign of the Cross 3 times, and say the Introductory Prayer:
Almighty Father, we are yours, receive all that we have, and all our deeds, words, thoughts and desires. Let them be according to Your Most Holy Will. Amen.
3.) Say the "Act of Contrition":
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, who art all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.
4.) Say the "Our Father."
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
5.) Say the "Apostles Creed":
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
6.) Recite 7 "Glory Be's":
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
7.) Say the "Come Holy Ghost" prayer:
Come Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Let us pray. O God, who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost, grant that by the gift of the same Holy Ghost, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
8.) Announce the First Mystery and say the associated prayer:


My God, by the power and love you displayed when You created heaven and earth, give us an increase in faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

9.) Say the "Merciful God," followed by 12 "Glory Be's," and the "Come Holy Ghost" while meditating upon the Mystery.
Merciful God, Eternal Father:
Merciful God, Eternal Father, give fullness of victory to your Church! Have mercy on the people of the world: our own, our benefactors, even on our enemies, and grant them salvation. Bless those who are kind to us and forgive those who harm us. Protect our leaders and all those who do not as yet know You; open their eyes and change their hearts so that they may turn to You in faith. Come to the assistance of the poor, the orphans, prisoners and the unfortunate. Protect the pure of heart. Lead travelers in peace to their destination. Heal the sick, comfort the dying and bring into your kingdom the souls in purgatory. Keep and protect us now and at the hour of our death, and grant that we may die believing in You. Amen.
10.) Announce the Second Mystery, then repeat step 9 for all the Mysteries.


My God, by the power and love you displayed when You sent out the prophets increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when You sent the Holy Ghost and the angel to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to inform her that she would give birth to a Savior, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when Your Son was born in poverty, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when You gave glory to Your Son and His Mother in the Temple, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan and the Holy Ghost came down upon Him in the form of a dove, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when Your Son began preaching, healing the sick and performing miracles, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when Your Son was tempted in the desert and resisted Satan for forty days, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when through Jesus You suffered great anguish in the Garden of Olives in Gethsemane, the painful crowning of thorns, the incessant blows He endured because of our sins, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when Jesus carried the Cross, when He was crucified and died on the Cross, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed at the Resurrection of Jesus, His ascension into Heaven, and the descent of the Holy Ghost to the Apostles, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)


My God, by the power and love you displayed when the Mother of Your Son was taken into Heaven and glorified, and by the hope and trust we have in You, increase in us faith and love, and enlighten the whole world.

Merciful God...(1x)
Glory Be...(12x)
Come Holy Ghost...(1x)

11.) Say the "Closing Prayer" after the 12 Mysteries are completed:
Almighty God, who makes all things good and useful to those who love You, fill our hearts with lasting love for You, so that the thoughts You give us will endure. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.

To contact Ernest direct or to order materials from him, write to him at the address below. Ernest's ministry also needs financial assistance. He travels extensively to speak to groups. Contact him to find out his schedule. He may be coming to your area soon.

Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus, for people who may want to order the video, audio, Rosaries and book., you may use the following address:
> 31 GILDER DRIVE # 507

Thank you very much for your help.

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