Reformation Saints revisited. April 2015







Today we went to visit St Nicholas's Church in a beautiful village

called Grosmont (now Anglican). There is a stone relief which they have made part of an educational awareness for the local children. What they did not include was that the Mayor Charles William C.1636 and his wife Joan Baker were relatives of St. David Lewis. Fr David Lewis used Charles Baker as one of his cover names. If my memory serves me correctly Fr. Thomas Regan was related to the Baker family.  Fr. Thomas Regan kindly showed a group of us the vestments worn by St. David Lewis.

We plan to go to venerate, the severed hand of St. John Kemble on the weekend I hereby offer up all the intentions of all the Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart.

Please pray for Fr. Anthony Tumeulty who is in remission from cancer and bi-ritual through "holy obedience." St. David Lewis pray for us.

"St. John Kemble's Severed Hand  :  St. John Kemble was a priest that was executed in 1679 and left behind his severed hand to become a sacred relic.  He was subsequently canonized in 1970.  As recently as 15th July 1995, a priest at St. Francis Xavier's church in Hereford called Father Christopher Jenkins found himself close to death.  He had unfortunately slipped into a deep coma as the result of a massive stroke.  Luckily for him a sacred relic thought to possess great powers of healing lay in an oak casket on the church altar.  Father Tumelty an assistant to Father Jenkin placed the severed hand of St. John Kemble on the sick man's brow and very shortly Father Jenkin regained the ability to eat talk and walk.  So far no scientific explanation has been put forward to explain this event."  (www. ????)

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Comment by Dawn Marie on April 12, 2015 at 3:51pm

Thank you for sharing!

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