The Scapular is a habit — Our Lady’s habit. The Scapular must be worn over the shoulders in such a manner that one part hangs in front of the body and the other in back. Worn in any other way, it carries no indulgence or promise. It is not necessary to wear the Scapular next to the skin. Many Catholics may not know it is the wish of the Holy Father, the Pope, that the Scapular Medal should not be worn in place of the Cloth Scapular without sufficient reason. Mary cannot be pleased with anyone who substitutes the medal out of vanity, or out of fear of making open profession of faith. Such persons run the risk of not receiving the Promise. The medal has never been noted for any of the miraculous preservations attributed to the Brown Cloth Scapular.
May a non-Catholic wear the BROWN SCAPULAR? Yes, and in so doing, a non- Catholic will receive many graces and blessings with this special sign of devotion to the Mother of God. Although baptized Catholics are the only ones who can be officially enrolled in the Confraternity and share in the special Scapular privileges, non-Catholics are warmly encouraged to avail themselves of this special way of honoring Jesus’ Mother. By wearing the Scapular, we are dedicated to Our Blessed Mother in a special way and have a strong claim upon Her protection and intercession.
Q. What is the Scapular?
A. The Scapular is a small replica of the religious habit consisting of two pieces of wool connected by ribbons and worn under one’s clothes so that one piece hangs in front and the other in back. Along with the Rosary and the Miraculous Medal, the Scapular is one of the chief Marian sacramentals.
Q. And what is a sacramental?
A. A sacramental is anything set apart or blessed by the Church to excite good thoughts and to increase devotion, and through these movements of the heart, to remit venial sin.
Q. Is it the sacramental itself that gives grace?
A. No, it is not the sacramental itself that gives grace, but the devotion, the love of God, or sorrow for sin that it inspires. In using the sacramentals, the more devotion we have, the more grace we receive.
Q. What is the difference between sacraments and sacramentals?
A. The difference between the sacraments and the sacramentals is: 1st, the sacraments were instituted by Jesus Christ and the sacramentals were instituted by the Church; 2nd, the sacraments give grace of themselves when we place no obstacle in the way; the sacramentals excite in us pious dispositions, by means of which we may obtain grace.
Q. What are some of the other sacramentals besides the Scapular?
A. The sign of the Cross is the chief sacramental used in the Church, besides which we have holy water, blessed candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, and images of the Blessed Virgin and of the saints, the Rosary, and Miraculous Medal.
Q. Why do we call it a Scapular?
A. The word “Scapular” comes from the Latin word “scapulae” meaning “shoulders”. The Scapular is actually a miniature form of a monk’s habit by the same name which is a sleeveless outer garment falling from the shoulders to the feet.
Q. Why do we wear the Scapular?
A. We wear the Scapular to indicate that we place ourselves under the special protection of the Blessed Virgin. We can tell to what army or nation a soldier belongs by the uniform he wears; so we can consider the Scapular as the particular uniform of those who desire to serve the Blessed Virgin in some special manner.
Q. May a non-Catholic wear the Scapular?
A. By all means — non-Catholics may wear the Scapular, and by so doing, will draw down upon their souls much actual grace from Heaven. Our Lady, as a good Mother will bring conversions to those who honor Her by wearing Her Scapular.
Q. Must the Scapular be blessed before wearing it?
A. The first Scapular to be worn must be blessed and imposed by a Priest using the formula contained in the Roman ritual for reception into the Confraternity of the Scapular.
Q. What are the words used by the priest when enrolling a person in the Brown Scapular?
A. The words used by the priest when enrolling a person in the Confraternity of the Scapular are as follows:
“Receive this blessed habit; praying the most holy Virgin, that by Her merits thou mayest wear it without stain; and that She may guard thee from all evil and bring thee to life everlasting. R. Amen.
By the power granted me, I admit thee to the participation of all the spiritual good works, which through the gracious help of Jesus Christ are performed by the religious of Mount Carmel. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. R. Amen.
May the Creator of Heaven and earth, Almighty God, bless thee; Who hath deigned to unite thee to the confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel. We beseech Her, in the hour of thy death, to crush the head of the old serpent; so that thou mayest in the end win the everlasting palm and crown of the heavenly inheritance. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.”
Q. Would there be a sin if one ceased to wear the Scapular after having received it?
A. No, it would not be a sin, but by so doing, one would lose all the benefits promised. If, having ceased to wear the Scapular, even for several years, one should decide to wear it once again, no new ceremony of imposition is necessary.
Q. After having received the initial Scapular from a priest do subsequent Scapulars need to be blessed?
A. No, subsequent Scapulars need not be blessed as the blessing and imposition are attached to the wearer for life.
Q. What should be done with the Scapular when it is worn out?
A. The Scapular, being a sacred object, when it becomes worn out must be either buried or burned. It should not be disposed of in the regular garbage.
Q. What is the Sabbatine Privilege?
A. The Sabbatine Privilege consists essentially in the early liberation from Purgatory through the special intercession of Mary, which She graciously exercises in favor of Her devoted servants.. . on the day consecrated to Her, Saturday.
Q. What are the requirements to make oneself eligible for the Sabbatine Privilege?
A. There are three conditions for the gaining of the Sabbatine Privilege. They are:
Our Lady Herself has said, “Take this Scapular. Whosoever dies wearing it shall not suffer eternal fire. It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace.”
Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of the Scapular, pray for us!
Views: 51
Thank you for this information of the Brown Scapular. So powerful! I pray that every Crusader is wearing this brown scapular and our families and loved ones.
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