O MY CRUCIFIED GOD, behold me at Thy feet; deign to cast me not out now that I appear before Thee as a sinner. I have offended Thee exceedingly in the past, my Jesus, but it shall be so no longer.
Before Thee my God, I put all my sins; I have now considered them and behold, they do not deserve Thy pardon; But do Thou cast one glance upon Thy sufferings and see how great is the worth of that Precious Blood that flows from Thy veins.
O my God at this hour close Thine eyes to my want of merit, and since Thou hast been pleased to die for my sins, grant me forgiveness for them all, that I may no longer feel the burden of my sins, for this burden, dear Jesus, oppresses me beyond measure. Assist me, my Jesus, for I desire to become good whatsoever it may cost; take away, destroy, utterly root out all that Thou findest in me contrary to Thy holy will. At the same time I pray Thee, O Jesus, to enlighten me that I may be able to walk in Thy holy light.
An indulgence of 500 days. A plenary indulgence under the usual conditions, if this prayer is recited with devotion every day for a month ( S. P. Ap., Feb. 16th 1934 and Nov. 26th 1934)
Views: 8048
+ Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy upon me. + Amen +
+ Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy upon me. + Amen +
+ Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy upon me. + Amen +
+ Most Precious Blood of Jesus, have mercy upon me. + Amen +
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