O Excellentissima
O Most Excellent Virgin Mary
From the Raccolta #?338 (S.C. Ind., Jan. 30, 1828; S. P. Ap., March 10, 1936).
O EXCELLENTISSIMA, gloriosissima atque sanctissima semper intemerata Virgo Maria, Mater Domini nostri Iesu Christi, Regina mundi et totius creaturae Domina, quae nullum, qui ad te puro et humili corde recurrit, desolatum dimittis, noli me despicere propter innumerabilia et gravissima peccata mea, noli me derelinquere propter nimias iniquitates meas, nec etiam propter duritiam et immunditiam cordis mei: ne abiicias me famulum tuum a gratia tua et amore tuo. | O MOST EXCELLENT, most glorious, most holy and ever inviolate Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Queen of the whole world and Mistress of every creature; thou forsakest no one, thou despisest no one, thou sendest away disconsolate no one who comes to thee with a pure and lowly heart; despise me not for my countless grievous sins, neither forsake me for my exceeding iniquities, nor for the hardness and uncleanness of my heart; cast me not away, who am thy servant, from thy grace and love. |
Exaudi me miserum peccatorem in tua misericordia et pietate confidentem; succurre mihi, piissima Virgo Maria, in omnibus tribulationibus, angustiis et necessitatibus meis; et impetra mihi a dilecto Filio tuo omnipotente Deo et Domino nostro Iesu Christo indulgentiam et remissionem omnium peccatorum meorum et gratiam timoris et amoris tui, sanitatem quoque et castitatem corporis, et liberationem ab omnibus malis et periculis animae et corporis. | Graciously hear me, a miserable sinner, trusting in thy tender mercy; come to my assistance, O most loving Virgin Mary, in all my tribulations, trial and necessities; obtain for me of thy dear Son, Almighty God and our Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness and remission of all my sins, and the grace of fear and the love of thee; health likewise and chastity of body, and deliverance from all evils and dangers which beset both soul and body. |
In extremis meis esto mihi pia auxiliatrix, et animam meam ac animas omnium parentum meorum, fratrum, sororum et amicorum consanguineorum et benefactorum meorum omniumque fidelium vivorum et defunctorum ab aeterna caligine et ab omni malo libera, Illo auxiliante quem in tuo sanctissimo utero novem mensibus portasti et in praesepe tuis sanctis manibus reclinasti, Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum Filium tuum, qui est benedictus in saecula saeculorum. Amen. | In my last moments do thou graciously assist me, and deliver my soul and the souls of my parents, brothers, and sisters and friends, kinsmen and benefactors, and of all the faithful Christians, both living and departed, from eternal darkness and from all evil, by the grace of Him whom thou didst bear in thy sacred womb for nine long months, and didst lay in the manger with thine own pure hands, our Lord Jesus Christ thy Son who is blessed for ever. Amen. |
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