Novena in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady

Novena in honor of the Assumption of Our Lady

Please say a "Hail Mary" after each of the salutations to Our Lady.


Direct, we beseech Thee, O Lord, our actions by Thy grace and assistance, that our every prayer and work may begin from Thee and end with Thee.

1. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when the angels took thee up into heaven. Hail Mary . . .  

2. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thy Son called thee to heaven.

3. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when the whole heavenly court met thee in heaven.

4. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were received with such great honor into heaven.

5. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were placed at the right hand of thy Son in heaven.

6. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were crowned with such great honor in heaven.

7. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were proclaimed the Daughter, Mother, and Spouse of God in heaven.

8. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were proclaimed Queen of the whole heavenly court.

9. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when all the angels and saints rendered homage to thee in heaven.

10. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou were chosen to be our protectress in heaven.

11. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou began to intercede for us in heaven.

12. Blessed be that moment, O Mary, when thou will mercifully receive us into heaven. Amen

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