Litany of Faith
(by Pope Pius VI, 1775 - 1799)
Lord, have mercy upon me.
Christ, have mercy upon me.
Lord, have mercy upon me.
O God the Father of heaven,
Have mercy on me. *
O God the Son, Redeemer of the world, *
O God the Holy Ghost, *
O Holy Trinity, one God, *
Thou, who being eternal truth, canst not deceive, *
Thou, who being infallible wisdom canst not be deceived, *
Thou, who hast built thy church on an immovable rock, *
Thou, who hast promised continual succor to thy church, *
That thou art the one true God, who rewardeth the good and punishest evil,
I believe firmly, O my God. **
That thou art one in essence and three in person, **
That thy divine Son became man and died for the salvation of the world, **
All that thou hast revealed in Holy Scripture; all that Jesus Christ has taught us in his Holy Gospel; all that the holy Apostles have preached; all that the General Councils have declared truths of faith; all that the Catholic Church orders me to believe, **
All articles of faith, written and unwritten, **
Without any hesitation or doubt; with an entire submission of my mind; with a perfect consent of my will; with an interior and exterior confession, **
On account of Thy supreme majesty; on account of Thy infallible word; on account of thy veracity, and infallibility, **
Even if it becomes for me a cause of persecution; even if I must lose all I possess; even if it costs me my life, **
In union with the lively faith of all the just; in union with the constant faith of all the martyrs; in union with the most perfect faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary, **
Our Father.
Let us pray:
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+++ Amen +++
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