Canticle of Simeon * Luke 2:29-32
2:29 Now thou dost dismiss thy servant, O Lord, ☩ * according to thy word in peace;
2:30 Because my eyes have seen * thy salvation,
2:31 Which thou hast prepared * before the face of all peoples:
2:32 A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, * and the glory of thy people Israel.
V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, * and ever shall be, world without end.
Let us pray.
Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this dwelling,
and drive far from it all snares of the enemy;
let Thy holy Angels dwell herein, to preserve us in peace;
and let Thy blessing be always upon us.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Compline/Raccolta.
Recited in the evening: 5 years, (or plenary if said daily for a month).
For protection from all evil and harm, for the intentions of all Crusaders.
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Amen .
Confiteor, ...
Amen .
Amen .
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