Most dear Lord Jesus Christ, who, being made a child for us, didst will to be born in a cave to free us from the darkness of sin, to draw us unto Thee, and to set us on fire with Thy holy love; we adore Thee as our Creator and Redeemer, we acknowledge Thee and choose Thee for our King and Lord, and for tribute we offer Thee all the affections of our poor hearts.


Dear Jesus, our Lord and God, graciously accept this offering, and that it may be worthy of Thine acceptance, forgive us our sins, enlighten us, and inflame us with that sacred fire which Thou camest to bring upon earth and to enkindle in our hearts.


May our souls thus become an altar, on which we may offer Thee the sacrifice of our mortifications; grant that we may ever seek Thy greater glory here on earth, so that one day we may come to enjoy Thine infinite loveliness in heaven.





Indulgence of 3 years.  Plenary once a month under the usual conditions for daily recitation. (S.C. Ind., January 18th, 1894;  S.P.  Ap., February 21st 1933)

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Comment by Gloria on January 7, 2015 at 11:32am

Most dear Lord Jesus Christ, who, being made a child for us, didst will to be born in a cave to free us from the darkness of sin, to draw us unto Thee, and to set us on fire with Thy holy love; we adore Thee as our Creator and Redeemer, we acknowledge Thee and choose Thee for our King and Lord, and for tribute we offer Thee all the affections of our poor hearts.


Dear Jesus, our Lord and God, graciously accept this offering, and that it may be worthy of Thine acceptance, forgive us our sins, enlighten us, and inflame us with that sacred fire which Thou camest to bring upon earth and to enkindle in our hearts.


May our souls thus become an altar, on which we may offer Thee the sacrifice of our mortifications; grant that we may ever seek Thy greater glory here on earth, so that one day we may come to enjoy Thine infinite loveliness in heaven.


Comment by Alley on December 17, 2012 at 6:32pm


Comment by Cathleen on December 14, 2012 at 8:22am


Comment by Cathleen on December 13, 2012 at 8:20am

What a lovely prayer!  Thank you for posting this.

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