I will praise thee, O Lady, because by thee the Lord has been rendered favorable unto me: and has consoled me.  Behold, Lady, thou art my savior: I will deal confidently in thee, and will not be confounded.  For thou art my strength and my praise in the Lord: and thou hast become salvation unto me.  I will draw waters in joy from the rivulet: and I will always invoke thy name.  Make known among the peoples the virtues of Our Lady: for her name is exceedingly sublime.  Exalt her and praise her, all the human race: because the Lord my God has given to thee such a mediatrix.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


I have said in the midst of my days: I will go to Mary, that she may reconcile me to Christ.  I have sought the residue of my years: in the bitterness of my soul.  My generation is taken away: because my father and mother and all have forsaken me: but Mary hath taken me up.  I hoped in her in the morning, in the evening, and at midday: as a lion she hath broken all the bones of my sins.  And thou, O Lady, hast delivered my soul, that it should not be lost: and my only one from the hand of the dog.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


My heart has rejoiced in the Lord: and my heart has exalted in my Lady.
For He who is mighty has done great things to me: by Mary His Mother.
There is no one holy as is Our Lady: who alone hath surpassed all.
Let the old things depart from our mouth: and let us speak with new tongues.
Exalt and praise Mary, O Sion and Jerusalem: for she is great amongst the ladies of Israel.  She makes poor and she enriches: she humbles and she exalts.
She is higher than the heavens: she is wider than the earth: is this Lady of ours.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


Let us sing to Our Lady, the glorious Virgin Mary: let us bless her in hymns and praises.  The name of Our Lady is omnipotent after that of God: she hath cast the chariot of Pharaoh and his army into the sea.  Thy right hand, O Lady, is magnified in strength: because in the multitude of thy mercies thou hast prostrated mine adversaries.  Thou hast delivered me, O Lady, from the mouth of the lion: and as the mother her new- born infant hast thou received me.  O my most dear Lady: like the hen, cover me with thy wonderful protection.  I am all thine: and all my things are thine, Virgin blessed above all.  I will place thee as a seal upon my heart: because thy love is strong as death.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


O Lady, I have heard thy hearing: and I was astonished: I have considered thy works, and I have feared. Lady, thy work: in the midst of the years thou hast quickened it.  I will praise thee, O Lady: for thou hast hidden these things from the wise, and hast revealed them to little ones.  Thy glory hath covered the heavens: and the earth is full of thy mercy.  Thou hast gone forth, O Virgin, in the salvation of thy people: to their salvation with Christ.  O blessed one, in thy hands is laid up our salvation: be mindful, O loving one, of our poverty.  He whom thou wilt save, will be saved: and he from whom thou shalt turn away thy face, will go down to destruction.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


Hear, ye heavens, what I shall speak of Mary: let the earth hear the words of my mouth.  Magnify her together with me: and let us exalt her name forever and ever.  O wicked and perverse generation: acknowledge our Lady for thy salvatrix.  Is she not thy mother, who hath possessed thee: and generated thee in faith?  If thou leavest her, thou art not the friend of the supreme Caesar: for without her He will not save thee.  Would that thou couldst understand, and be wise: and provide for thy last end!
As an infant without a nurse cannot live: so thou canst not have salvation without Our Lady.  Let thy soul thirst for her, hold her, and do not let her go: until she has blessed thee.  Let thy mouth be filled with her praises: sing her magnificence the whole day long.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


Blessed be thou, O Lady and Mother of my God of Israel: who by thee hath quickened and hath wrought the redemption of His people.  And hath raised up a horn of salvation of thy chastity: in the house of David, His servant.  As he spoke by the mouth of Isaias: and others of his holy prophets.  Give us salvation from our enemies, O Virgin of virgins: from the hand of those who hate us, give us peace.  And do thy mercy for us and our relations: that thou mayest be mindful of the testament of the Almighty God,  Which he hath sworn to our fathers: to Abraham and his seed forever;  That thus, being delivered from the hand of our enemies: we may serve Him in peace.  In sanctity and justice before thee: all our days.  And thou, O Mary, shalt be called the Prophet of God: for thou hast known that He hath regarded the humility of His handmaid.  By whom He hath given the knowledge of salvation to His people: in the remission of their sins.  By the bowels of the multitude of thy mercies: visit us, O Morning Star, the Orient from on high.  Enlighten the darknesses of those who sit in the shadow of death, and deign to instill into them the light of thy most Beloved Son.  Have mercy, O Mother of Mercies, on us miserable sinners, who neglect to do penance for our past sins: and daily commit so much that deserves penance.

Glory be to the Father, etc.


We praise thee, O Mother of God: we confess thee, Mary, ever Virgin.
Thou art the Spouse of the Eternal Father: the whole earth venerates thee.
Thee all angels and archangels, thrones and principalities serve.
Thee all powers and all virtues of Heaven: and all dominations obey.
Before thee all the angelic choirs: the Cherubim and Seraphim exulting stand. With unceasing voice every angelic creature proclaims thee:
Holy, holy, holy: Mary, Mother of God and Virgin !
Full are the heavens and the earth: of the majesty and glory of the fruit of thy womb.
Thee the glorious choir of Apostles: praise as the Mother of their Creator.
Thee the white-robed multitude of blessed martyrs: glorify as the Mother of Christ.
Thee the glorious army of Confessors: style the Temple of the Trinity.
Thee the amiable choir of holy virgins: preaches as the example of virginity and humility.
Thee the whole heavenly court: honoureth as Queen.
The Church, invoking thee, calls thee throughout the whole world: Mother of the Divine Majesty.
Venerating thee as the true Mother of the heavenly King: holy, sweet, and loving.
Thou art the Lady of Angels: thou art the gate of Paradise.
Thou art the ladder of glory: and of the heavenly kingdom.
Thou art the bridal chamber: thou art the ark of piety and grace.
Thou art the vein of mercy: thou art the Spouse and the Mother of the Eternal King.
Thou art the temple of the treasury of the Holy Ghost: thou art the noble throne of the whole blessed Trinity.
Thou art the Mediatrix of God, and the lover of men: the heavenly Illuminatrix of mortal men.
Thou art the inspirer of the warriors, the advocate of the poor: the compassionate refuge of sinners.
Thou art the distributrix of gifts: the barrier against demons and the proud, and their fear.
Thou art the Lady of the world, the Queen of Heaven: after God our only hope.
Thou art the salvation of them that call upon thee: the harbor of the shipwrecked, the solace of the wretched, the refuge of those who perish.
Thou art the Mother of all the blessed, full of joy after God: the comfort of all the dwellers in Heaven.
Thou art the promotrix of the just, the one who gathers together those who stray: the promise of the patriarchs.
Thou art the truth of the prophets, the herald and teacher of the Apostles: the Mistress of the Evangelists.
Thou art the strength of martyrs, the example of confessors: the honor and the festivity of virgins.
Thou hast received into thy womb the Son of God: to deliver exiled man.
By thee is driven out the ancient enemy: and the kingdoms of Heaven are opened to believers.
Thou sittest together with thy Son: at the right hand of the Father.
Do thou intercede for us, O Virgin Mary: with Him who we believe will come to judge us.
We beseech thee, therefore, help us, thy servants: who have been redeemed with the Precious Blood of Thy Son.
Save thy people, O Lady: that we may be partakers of the inheritance of Thy Son.
And rule us: and keep us forever.
Day by day, O loving one: we salute thee.
And we desire to praise thee forever: with both mind and voice.
Deign, O sweet Mary, now and forever: to keep us without sin.
Have mercy on us, O loving one: have mercy on us.
Let thy great mercy be upon us: because we trust in thee, O Virgin Mary.
In thee, O sweet Mary, we hope: do thou defend us forever.
Praise becometh thee; empire is thine: to thee be power and glory forever.  Amen.


Whoever wishes to be saved, before all must hold a firm faith as to Mary.  Which unless anyone shall keep whole and inviolate: without doubt he shall perish forever.
For she alone, remaining a virgin, hath brought forth: she alone hath destroyed all heresies.  Let the Jew be confounded and ashamed: who says that Christ was born from the seed of Joseph.  Let the Manichean be confounded who says: that Christ has an unreal body.  Let all be ashamed who say: that He derives His Body from any other source than Mary.  For the very same Son, who is the only-begotten of the Father in the Godhead: is the true and only begotten Son of the Virgin Mary.  In Heaven without a mother: on earth without a father.  For as the rational soul and the flesh because of the union in man is truly born from man: so Christ, both God and Man, is truly begotten by Mary, the Virgin.  Clothing Himself with flesh from the flesh of the Virgin: because so it behooved the human race to be redeemed.  Who according to the Divinity is equal to the Father: but according to His Humanity is less than the Father.  Conceived of the Holy Ghost in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and announced by the Angel: but nevertheless the Holy Spirit is not His Father.  Begotten in the world of the Virgin Mary without pain of the flesh: because He was conceived without carnal delight.  Whom the Mother hath fed with her milk: her breast full of heaven.  Whom the Angels surrounded as attendants at birth: announcing great joy to the shepherds.  He it is who was adored by the Magi with gifts, who fled from Herod into Egypt, who was baptized by John in the Jordan: was betrayed, seized, scourged, crucified, dead, and buried.  Who rose again with glory: and ascended into Heaven. Who sent the Holy Spirit upon His disciples: and upon His Mother.  Whom He in the end took up into Heaven: where she sitteth at the right hand of her Son, never ceasing to make intercession for us.  This is the faith of the Virgin Mary: which, unless anyone faithfully and firmly believes, he cannot be saved.

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Comment by Ana De Valle on December 18, 2019 at 5:01pm

Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever. Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady. Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed. Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies. Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem. Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds. Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever. He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed. Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants. In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell. Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee. Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.
Comment by Ana De Valle on December 18, 2019 at 5:00pm
Amen +
Comment by Dawn Marie on December 18, 2019 at 7:25am


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Comment by Ana De Valle on December 17, 2019 at 10:53pm


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Comment by Dawn Marie on December 17, 2019 at 7:37am


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Comment by Ana De Valle on December 16, 2019 at 7:14pm

Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever. Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady. Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed. Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies. Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem. Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds. Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever. He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed. Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants. In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell. Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee. Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Comment by Dawn Marie on December 16, 2019 at 8:35am


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Comment by Ana De Valle on December 15, 2019 at 10:06am

Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever. Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady. Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed. Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies. Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem. Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds. Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever. He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed. Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants. In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell. Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee. Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.
Glory be to the Father, etc.
Comment by Dawn Marie on December 15, 2019 at 7:25am


Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever.  Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady.  Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed.  Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies.  Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem.  Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds.  Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever.  He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed.  Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants.  In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell.  Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee.  Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.

Glory be to the Father, etc.

Comment by Ana De Valle on December 14, 2019 at 10:27pm

Bless, all works, our glorious Lady: praise and superexalt her forever. Bless our Lady, ye Angels: ye heavens, bless our Lady. Let every creature bless our Lady: whom the King wishes thus to be blessed. Blessed be thou, O daughter of the most High King: who by thy fragrance surpassest all lilies. Blessed be thou, crown of all ladies: blessed be thou, glory of Jerusalem. Thy odor is like a full field which the Lord hath blessed: which overflows on those who bless thee, watering their whole souls and minds. Whosoever shall bless thee, O Blessed Virgin: let him be blessed forever. He who shall curse thee, O most white rose: let him be accursed. Let not the abundance of wine and oil: depart from the house of thy servants. In thy name let every knee bow: in Heaven, on earth, and in hell. Let us bless God, who hath created thee: blessed be both thy parents who have begotten thee. Blessed be thou, O Lady, in Heaven and on earth: worthy of praise, and glorious and superexalted forever.
Glory be to the Father, etc.

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