O Holy Angel at my side go to the Church for me. 

Kneel  in my place at Holy Mass where I desire to be.

At the offertory in my stead, take all I am and own,

And place it as a sacrifice upon the altar throne.

At Holy Consecration’s bell, adore with Seraph’s love,

My Jesus hidden in the Host, come down from Heav’n above.

Then pray for those I dearly love, and those who cause me grief,

That Jesus’ Blood may cleanse all hearts, and suffering souls relieve.

And when the priest Communion takes, oh bring my Lord to me,

That His sweet Heart may rest on mine, and I His temple be.

Pray that this Sacrifice Divine may mankind’s sins efface;

Then bring me Jesus’ blessing home, the pledge of every grace.


Views: 16551


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Comment by bernadette szczepkowski on April 9, 2016 at 10:05pm

Thank you dear Guardian Angel!

Comment by Margie on April 9, 2016 at 4:39pm

May God bring about the Consecration of Russia to Her Immaculate Heart by Pope Francis and all Catholic Bishops soon so the world will know peace and welcome God, the Son and the Holy Ghost back again in our midst.  May God bless the Fathers of Holy Cross Monastery and Bishop Dom Tomas Aquinas of Brazil.

Comment by Lisa Patrick on April 9, 2016 at 3:00pm


Comment by Alley on April 8, 2016 at 2:54pm

With love +

Comment by Dawn Marie on April 7, 2016 at 3:57pm

† With all my love †

Comment by Gloria on April 7, 2016 at 12:35pm

My Guardian Angel, Sing Praises To Our Lord, and be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and kneel in my place at the Holy Mass where I desire to be. Amen.

Padre Pio's Daily Prayer to His Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian, to whom the goodness of the Heavenly Father entrusts me.
Enlighten, protect and guide me Now and for ever. Amen.

Dear Angel ever at my side:  http://romaaeterna.jp/basil/basil163.gif

Comment by Judy Muller on April 7, 2016 at 11:12am

My dear Angel, be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and offer the Holy Sacrifice for all my needs and intentions............Thank you dear Angel......thank you......... Amen.

Comment by Gloria on April 6, 2016 at 9:37pm

My Guardian Angel, Sing Praises To Our Lord, and be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and kneel in my place at the Holy Mass where I desire to be. Amen.

Padre Pio's Daily Prayer to His Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian, to whom the goodness of the Heavenly Father entrusts me.
Enlighten, protect and guide me Now and for ever. Amen.

Dear Angel ever at my side:  http://romaaeterna.jp/basil/basil163.gif

Comment by Judy Muller on April 6, 2016 at 9:46am

My dear Angel, be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and offer the Holy Sacrifice for all my needs and intentions............Thank you dear Angel......thank you......... Amen.

Comment by Gloria on April 5, 2016 at 11:59am

My Guardian Angel, Sing Praises To Our Lord, and be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and kneel in my place at the Holy Mass where I desire to be. Amen.

Padre Pio's Daily Prayer to His Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my guardian, to whom the goodness of the Heavenly Father entrusts me.
Enlighten, protect and guide me Now and for ever. Amen.

Dear Angel ever at my side:  http://romaaeterna.jp/basil/basil163.gif

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