Prayers to One's Guardian Angel

O Holy Angel, whom God, by the effect of His goodness and His tender regard for my spiritual welfare, has charged with the care of my conduct, and who assists me in all my wants and comforts me in all my afflictions, who supports me when I am discouraged and continually obtains for me new favours, I return thee profound thanks, and I earnestly beseech thee, O most amiable Protector, to continue thy charitable care and defence of me against the malignant attacks of all my enemies. Keep me away from all occasions of sin.

Obtain for me the grace of listening attentively to thy holy inspirations and of faithfully putting them into practice. In particular, I implore thee to obtain for me the favour which I ask for by this novena.

[Here mention your need(s).]

Protect me in all the temptations and trials of this life, but more especially at the hour of my death, and do not leave me until thou hast conducted me into the Divine Presence of my Creator in the Mansions of everlasting happiness. Amen.

O most faithful companion, appointed by God to be my Guardian, and who never leaves my side, how shall I thank you for your faithfulness and love and for the benefits which you have obtained for me!

You watch over me when I sleep; you comfort me when I am sad; you avert the dangers that threaten me and warn me of those to come; you withdraw me from sin and inspire me to good; you exhort me to penance when I fall and reconcile me to God.

I beg you not to leave me. Comfort me in adversity, restrain me in prosperity, defend me in danger, and assist me in temptations, lest at any time I fall beneath them. Offer up in the sight of the Divine Majesty my prayers and petitions, and all my works of piety, and help me to persevere in grace until I come to everlasting life.


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Comment by Kim Michaud on January 20, 2024 at 10:29pm


Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on January 20, 2024 at 11:50am

† Amen †

Comment by John Edward Czarnomski on January 20, 2024 at 3:57am

+ Amen +

Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on January 19, 2024 at 4:28pm

† Amen †

Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on January 16, 2024 at 11:10pm

† Amen †

Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on December 3, 2023 at 2:04pm

† Amen †

Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on November 2, 2023 at 3:12am

† Amen †

Comment by Gloria on October 30, 2023 at 8:04pm

Each Hail Mary I say, my guardian angel place a beautiful rose at the feet of the Blessed Holy Mother Mary bearing my love, my gratitude, and my prayers. My Guardian Angel, Sing Praises To Our Lord, and be present at the Holy Mass each day of the week and weekends when I cannot be there and kneel in my place at the Holy Mass where I desire to be.  Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat ! Hail Mary. Amen. † 

Comment by Everett Thomas Kettler on September 27, 2023 at 1:03pm

† Amen †

Comment by Serena Joseph-Harris on September 22, 2023 at 6:29am


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