Please Stop Here to Offer 3 Aves for Our Bishops,Priests and Holy Father

When you visit the Crusader site please stop and say 3 Aves for the bishops and priests listed below and for the Holy Father.

†His Grace Archbishop Maria Carlo Vigano, His Eminence Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke, † Bishop  Alphonse de Galarreta †Bishop Fellay †Bishop Pivarunas †Bishop Faure †Bishop Zendejas

Father Marc Vernoy, Father Timothy Pfieffer,Father Couture, Father Onoda, Father Leith, Father Alain Lorans, Father Morgan, Father Javier Cardozo, Father Alejandre Rivero, Father Pere Maret, Father Gerard Beck, Father Fullerton, Father Rutledge, Father Gonzales, Father Johannes Gruen, Father Yves Le Roux, Father Ramon Angles, Father Trevor Burfitt, Father Daniels, Father Tague, Father Peter Scott, Father Kenneth Novak, Father Arnaud Rostand, Father Nichols, Father Allessio, Father Pierre Duverger, Father De le Tour, Father Emily, Father Stephen Stanich, Father Gregory Post, Father Christopher Curtis, Father Robert Jackson, Father Leo Boyle, Father Michael Goshie, Father Dennis McDonald, Father Cyprian, Father Lester, Father Alphonse Marie, Father Stephen DeLallo, Father John Young, Father Abraham,  Father Lindstrom, Father Herkel, Father Mery, Father Ockerse, Father Touk, Fr. Domenic Bourmaud, Father JordanFahnestock, Father Christopher Hunter, Father Joseph Dreher, Father Patrick Boyle, Father Loic Duverger, Father Patrick Mackin, Fr Patrick Crane, Father Jonathan Loop, Fr Xavier Therasian, Father Laurent Desautard, Father Pierre Roy, Father Augustine Melnick, Father Joseph Horvath, Father Adam Purdy, Father Jaime Pazat, Fr Gregory Obih, Father Kevin Robinson, Father Giacomo Ballini, Father Matthieu de Beaunay, Father Louis-Marie Carlhian, Father Gregoire Chauvet, Father Raphael du Chazaud,Father Francois Delmotte, Father Arnaud d'Humieres, Father Benoit Espinasse, Father Amaury Graff, Father Louis-Etienne Heon, Father Pierre Mouroux, Father Luc Rantoandro, Father Brian Hawker, Father Edward Black, Father Matthias De Clercq, Father Andreas Jeindl, Fr Markus Ignatius Pfluger, Father Dawid Wierzycki, Abbé Régis de Cacqueray, Father Christopher Brandler, Bp. Gerardo Zendejas, Father Dominique Boulet, Father Roger Gueguen, Father Steven Webber, Father Jürgen Wegner, Father DominicMay, Father Scott Gardner, Father Charles Ward, Father Regis Babinet, Father Edgardo Suelo, Father Valan, Father Dolotina, Father Albert Ghela, Father Robert Mcphearson, Fr Wolfgang Goettler, Fr Thomas Scott, Fr Frank Riccomini, Fr Edoward Fasque, Fr Clinton, Fr Loren Gerspercer, Fr Granges Pastor, Fr Haynos, Fr Morel,  Fr Sulzen, Fr Boudeau, Fr Hunter, Fr Lawrence Novak, Fr Asher, Fr Nely, Father Robert Brucciani, Father Damien Fox, Father Romain Pons, Fr Vassal, Fr. Christopher Fr. Pieroni, Fr. Brancish, Fr. Wood,Fr. Matthew Clifton, Fr. Paul Kimball, Fr. Anthony Wingerden, Fr. John McLaughlin, Fr. Mauro Tranquillo, Fr. Brendan King, Fr. Gary Holden, Fr. Patrick Summers Fr. John Brucciani, Fr. Johannes von Walderdorff., Fr. Haynos,Father Jesus Mestre,Father Francois Berthod, Fr. Samuel Waters, Fr. Patrick Girouard, Fr. Bie Biebang, Fr. Vincent d'Andre, Fr. Gerard Rusak, Fr. Raymond Lillis, Fr. Emanuel Herkel, Fr Michael Fortin, Fr. Michael Lavin, Fr. Andrew Cranshaw, Fr. Arnaud Trauner,Fr. James Peek, Fr. Hugues Bergez, Fr. Louis Bochkoltz, Fr. Damian Carlile, Fr. Todd Anderson, Fr. Christopher Darby,Fr. Adam Porpugal, Fr Christophe Pfluger, Father Huffords Fr.Jean de l' Estourbeillon, Fr. Michael Johnson, Fr. Daniel Muscha, and Fr.Scott Graves,Fr. Vandendaele, Fr. Sherry, Fr. Rolph, Fr. Kenneth Dean, Fr. Juan-Carlos Iscara,Fr. Horst Bialek,Fr. Frank Sauer, Fr. Fernando Altamira,Fr. Jorge Amozurrutia,Fr. rodrigo Fernandez,Fr. Gerald Fallarcuna, Fr. Jose Mota, Fr. Charles Deister, Fr. Thomas Duncan, Fr. Peter Fortin, Fr. Isaac Delmanowski, Fr. Andrew Ferrelli, and Fr. Joseph Haynos, Fr. Kaiser and Fr. Jacques Emily, Fr. Jamey Rigi, Fr. Nicholas Gardner, Fr. Thomas Brooks, Fr. Michael Brown, Fr. Dylan Flannery, Fr. Stephen Reid, Fr. Picot,  Fr, Pancras,  Fr. Valan,  Fr. Suelo,   Fr. Suneel, Fr. Matthew Stafki Fr. M Delsorte,  Fr. R. Vachon,  Fr, S.Johnson, Fr. V. Griego, Fr. P. Robinson,  Fr. C.Curtis, Fr. S. Elias, Fr. C.Polley, Fr. T. Stephens, Fr. J.Belisle, Fr. Taouk, Fr. R Du Chazaud, Fr. J.Stephens.. Fr. E. Black, Fr. K.Pepping, Fr. B.Campbell,Father Stephen Soos, Father Gangon,Fr. Andrew Dwyer, Fr. Crane,Fr. Richard Brueggemann,  Fr. Christopher Hone,  Fr. Peter Kallal, Fr. Tyler Nelson ,  Fr. John Carlisle, Fr. Joshua Jacobs,  Fr. Jonathan Kopec, Fr, Ian Palko, Fr. James Torzala Father Libietis, Father Carly, Father Denis Bonsignore, Father Paul Schnackey, Ret., Father Herman Scherger, Father Joseph O'Shea Ret., Father Ephrem Andom, Father Dennis Mancuso, Father John Brancich, Father Terrance Gordon, Father Michael Rodriguez, Father Denzil Pierre Meuli, Father McNeely, Fr. Christy D'Cruz, Father Benjamin Konsac, Father Crews, Father David Jaspers, Father  Howard Remski, Father Gerad McCambridge, Father Carlitos Casavantes, Father Emilio Fattore, Father Hernán García Pardo, Father Jeffrey Robideau, Father Frank Phillips, Father Pierre Gaschy, Rev. Father Seweryn J. Koszyk, Father Desmond, Father Jean-Luc Laffitte, Father Sretenovic, Father Pierre Gaschy, Rev.  Father Frank Pavone, Fr Ronald Bebou, Fr Lester, Father Mark Kristy, Father Michael Mary, Fr Amicel, Fr. Adam Kasela, Fr. Ricardo Gonzales,  Fr. Sam Waters, Fr. Horacio Chavarria, Fr. Clement Procopio, Fr. Euteneuer, Fr Casarotto,Fr. Bialkowski, Fr. Hearty, Father Chris Gustafson,Bishop Vasa, Fr. Buckley, Fr. Fahnstock, Fr. William Young, Fr. Peter Talcott, Fr Colhoun, Fr. Marcel Guarnizo,Fr. Norman Weslin, Fr. Nicholas Mary, C.SS.R., Fr. Peter Lessiter,  Father Peter Brooks Otto, Fr. Ringrose,Father Joseph Anthony Colletti Father Chazal, Father Joseph Pfeiffer, Father David Hewko, Father Ernesto Cardozo,Fr. Arsenius Anachoreta,Father Doran, Father Arizaga, Fr. Barrett, Fr. Jeffery Jambon, Fr. Jimmy Nyangadi, Fr. Desmond Bvirakare, Fr. Lloyd Dhima, Fr. Andrew Thokosani, Fr. Stan, Fr. Jeffrey Jambon, Fr. Luke Winkle, Fr. Oliver Schnitzer, Father Paul Kramer,Fr B. Murphy SDB,   Fr G. Riolo SDB,   Fr S. Reade SDB,   Fr J. Walenciej SDB. and Fr P. Colbourne,  Fr Ashton, Fr. Patrick J. Perez,  Cardinal Pell,  Fr. Jerry Breen SDB,  Fr. Terence Hogan, Cardinal Burke, Fr. Linus Covis,Fr. Marie Dominique OP.,  Fr. Robert Barron.,  Fr. Patrick Vaughan.,  and  Fr. David Vaughan.,  Fr. Leonard Testa OFM.,   Fr. David Catterall, Fr. James D'Souza,Arch Bishop Gadecki, Msgr Bernini, Fr. Fortin, Fr. Enrico Doria, Msgr, Ghizzoni, Cardinal Mahony, Arch Bishop Pozzo, Bishop Semeraro,   Cardinal Sodano, Cardinal Parolin, Fr. John Corapi. Fr. Michael Muller, Bishop Thomas Wenski, Fr. Richard Voight, Fr. Terrence Hogan, Fr. Potter Fr. Thomas Buschmann, Fr. Samuel Fabula, Fr. John Graziano, Fr. Michael Sheahan, Fr. Thomas Tamm, Fr. Nicolas McManus, and Fr. Thomas O’HartFr. Christoph Maas, Fr. Victor Pasichnik, Fr. Hannes Regele, Fr. Lukas Lipp, Fr. Jakub Wawrzyn, and Fr. Tobias Zahner, Fr. Miichael Weigl, Fr. Udressy, Fr. Bücker, Fr. Vogt, Fr. Becker, and Fr. Andreas Steiner, Fr. Trumer, Fr. AntonyFr. Trummer, Fr. Albert Bumb, Fr. Johah Garno, Fr. John Corr, Fr. William MacGillivray, Fr. Jonas Gaydosh, Fr. Rami Madanat, Fr. Patrick Sheahan, Fr. Nicholas Kracht, Fr. Franks, Fr. Leith, Fr. Musemeche, Fr. Reid, Fr. Trevor Burffit,Father Michael Sheahan, Fr. S.McDonald, Fr. S. Gardner, Fr. Arabadjis.Fr. Bibeau, Fr. T. Scott, Fr. Dailey, Fr. Angele, Fr. Webber, Fr. Gillilan, Fr. W. Kimball, Fr. Danel, Fr. Haenny, Fr. Kurtz , Fr. Darty,

Fr.Darrell Roman, Fr. Burns, Fr. Johannes Hagar, Fr. Gytis Karčiauskas, Fr. Jakub Eliáš, Fr. Markus Krautschneider, Fr. Emmerich JeindlFr. Mikail Del Rosario, Fr. Philip Mujic, Fr. James Hewko, Fr. Stephen Sheahan, Fr. Luke Washicko, Fr. Cormack McCall, Fr. Jeffery Tuttle, Fr. Joseph Skees, Fr. Jorge Cruz, Fr. Joseph Budds, Fr. Gregory Pfeiffer, Fr. Longinus Kim ,Fr. Dominic Rosario, Fr. Joseph Brauner ,Fr. Andrew Simones Fr. MacDonald, Fr Gregory Morgan, Fr Makaritis, Fr N Rynne, Fr John Rizzo 

Religious~ Seminarians

Brother Columba, Brother Marcel, Brother Henry, Brother Louis, Bro Alphonsus, Brother Gerard Marie (R.I.P.),Brother Ignatius, Brother Lawrence, Brother Gerard Mary, Brother Hermann Josef.Sister Mary Barbara, Sister Mary de Sept Dolores, Sister Mary Alice, Sister Mary Guadalupe, Br. Dominic, Brother Bartholomew, Brother Vincent, Brother Andre, Brother Gabriel-Marie, Brother Dominic Savio, Brother Stanislaus, Brother Mark, Brother Demitrius Marie,Brother Dismas, Brother Boniface, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Goldade, Brother Augustino, Mr. Steele, Brother Rene of Mary,Brother Henery, Br. Justin OSB,  Mr. Thiet Vincent Nguyen, All the Seminarians at Saint Joseph Minor Seminary, Brother Martin M. Sentman, Mr. Cole Decker, 

Prayer for our deceased priests


O God, Thou didst raise Thy servant, Father (name), to the sacred priesthood of Jesus Christ, according to the Order of Melchisedech, giving him the sublime power to offer the Eternal Sacrifice, to bring the Body and Blood of Thy Son Jesus Christ down upon the Altar, and to absolve the sins of men in Thine own Holy Name. We beseech Thee to reward his faithfulness and to forget his faults, admitting him speedily into Thy Holy Presence, there to enjoy forever the recompense of his labors. This we ask through Jesus Christ Thy Son, Our Lord. Amen.


Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre+ Fr. Roland Gierak , Father Julius Kubyini, Father Timothy Hopkins , Fr. Michael Crowdy, Fr. Bernard Enright , Fr. Ronald Silk, Fr. Oswald Baker, Fr. Marks, Father Jerome Dowling, Fr. Gordon Bancks, Fr. Arthur Coulson, Fr. Hans Milch, Fr. Gregor Hesse, Fr. Basil Wrighton , Fr. Clifford Beecroft, Fr. Anthony Chadwick, Fr. Hugh Thwaites, Fr. Alfred Gilbey, Fr. Eldred Leslie, Fr. John Flanagan, Fr. H. Rope, Mgr. Francois Ducaud-Bourget, Fr. Stephen Rigby, Fr. Michael Cresswell, Fr. Joly, Fr. Buldoc, Father Luigi Villa,  Fr Paul Egli, Father Joseph Marx,  Father Denis Marchal.  Father Stephen Abdoo, Fr. Eugene Heidt, Fr. Harry Marchosky,Father Dominique Laganua, Father Pablo Straub, Father Thomas Dubay, Fr. Peter Flanagan, Fr. Will Comellas, Fr. Clement John Zweber, Fr. Benedict Aloysius Zweber,Fr John Hugh Zweber, Msgr. Ray Hebert, Fr. Vladimir Kozina, Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP,  Fr.Richard Mandoli, Fr.Louis Golvan, Fr. Charles Baillif, Fr. Skinner, Fr Page,  Fr. Morreau, Fr. Grueter, Fr. Ralph Federico,Fr. Malachi Martin,Fr. Charles Fiore,Fr. Paul Marx, Fr. John O'Connor, Fr. Stephen Somerville,  Fr. Nicholas Gruener,  Fr. Suelo,  Fr. Charles Braschler, Fr. Leo Reinartz , Fr. Timothy Downey,  Fr. Henry Foran, Fr. John Fralick,  Fr. Bernard Sossong,  Msgr. Murphy, Dom Estevao Bettencourt, OSB,Dom Joao Evangelista Enout, OSB, Monsignor Thomas O'Callaghan, Monsignor Robert Silverman,Monsignor Jerry Hubertus, Fr.Eddie Bernal, Fr. Chris, Fr. Maneth, Fr.George Steuben, Fr.Broslyn, Archbishop Patrick Flores, Father Daniel Cooper, Father Alfred Kunz, Father John O' Connor, Fr. Joseph Moreno, Fr. Kuhlman, Fr. Dorley, Fr. Montusak, Monsignor Nolan, Fr. Markus Heggenberger, Fr. Christopher Darby, Fr. Brian Hawker, †Bishop Tissier de Mallerais †, †Bishop Richard Williamson †

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Comment by Susan L. Welch on December 4, 2011 at 12:12pm

Ave's x 3

Comment by Alan on December 4, 2011 at 8:58am

Hail Mary x 3

Comment by Alan on December 3, 2011 at 8:54pm

Hail Mary x 3

Comment by Renel B. Peña on December 2, 2011 at 11:02pm

Ave Maria X 3...

My Daily Prayer for Priests

O almighty eternal God, look upon the face of Thy Christ, and for love of Him who is the eternal High Priest, have pity on Thy priests.  Remember, O most compassionate God, that they are but week and frail human beings.  Stir up in them the grace of their vocation which is in them by the imposition of the Bishop’s hands.  Keep them close to Thee, lest the enemy prevail against them, so that they may never do anything in the slightest degree unworthy of their sublime vocation.  O Jesus, I pray Thee for Thy faithful and fervent priests; for Thy unfaithful and tepid priests; for Thy priests laboring at home or abroad in distant mission fields; for Thy tempted priests; for Thy lonely and desolate priests; for Thy young priests; for Thy aged priests; for Thy sick priests; for Thy dying priests; for the souls of Thy priests in purgatory.

But above all, I commend to Thee, the priest who baptized me; the priests who absolved me from my sins; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me The Body and Blood in the Holy Communion; the Priests who taught and instructed me or helped me and encouraged me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way, particularly (mentioned here) __________________. 

O Jesus, keep them all close to Thy heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity.  Amen.

O, Lord Grant us priests.

O Lord, grant us holy priests.

O Lord, grant us many holy priests.

O Lord, grant us many holy religious vocations.

Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us; obtain for us many and holy priests.

St. Pius X, pray for us.

Comment by Dawn Marie on December 2, 2011 at 5:29pm

Ave Maria x3

 Our Lady Queen of the Clergy

Pray for us

Comment by Renel B. Peña on December 1, 2011 at 7:54pm

Ave Maria X 3...

Comment by Alan on December 1, 2011 at 5:35pm

Hail Mary x 3

Comment by Alan on December 1, 2011 at 7:53am

Hail Mary x 3

Comment by Alan on November 30, 2011 at 9:20pm

Hail Mary x 3

Comment by Renel B. Peña on November 30, 2011 at 7:44pm

Ave Maria X 3...

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