Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart

Michael's Blog – January 2022 Archive (9)

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 9: Sacrifice of Praise


Lord, who before Your praise was heard

Were praised in silence by the Word,

And whom, from all eternity

Your Son has praised sufficiently:

Please deign to be our hallowing,

And we in Christ Your Son will sing,

Then Your poor creatures’ prayers will rise

Sufficient praise before Your…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 4:00pm — 11 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 8: Trust in Prayer


O God, as You by Your pure gift

By grace our nature do uplift,

And make it possible to be

What You, God, are essentially.

We pray You then to hear our prayer,

For it is Christ’s, whose life we share;

And since we share Christ’s nature, we

Can pray, like Christ, almightily.

Through Jesus…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 4:00pm — 11 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 2: Family Life in Christ


Lord, who to share creative life

Created mankind man and wife,

To be with You creators of

The objects of Your endless love;

As Jesus loves the Church His bride,

Let our love be intensified,

Let love of one another be

Our pledge of love eternally.

Through Jesus Christ let this be done,



Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 12 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 6: Stewardship of the Soil


O Lord, as You by Your command

For all men’s use have made the land,

Yet have allowed man’s wise decree

Rule it be cared for privately;

Let us know that what we control

Is made for mankind as a whole,

And we must an accounting give

Of what God lends us while we live.

Through Jesus Christ…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 12 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 3: Love of Neighbor


O God, who made man from the slime

According to Your form sublime,

And made Christ share our lowliness

To let us share His holiness:

Be in each brother’s hand a light

To show the path through this dark night,

Be in us each the burning fire

That kindles love and kills desire.

Through Jesus Christ…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 7: Rural Works of Mercy


O God, as Jesus by His birth

Became our fellow man on earth,

And raised man, by His brotherhood,

To His divine similitude:

We beg that we in men may see

The form of Your divinity,

What good for fellow men we do

Accept as being done for You.

Through Jesus Christ let this be done



Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 5: Walking in the Presence of God


As we, if we should ride upon

The golden wings (O God) of dawn,

And seek the ends of earth and sky,

Could not escape Your loving eye:

We beg that we by faith may see

Your sweet and fierce ubiquity,

And may deserve at last by grace

To see You always face to face.

Through Jesus Christ let…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 1: Partnership with God


O Lord, as You have made the earth,

To man and beast have given birth,

Have given sun and rain that thence

The soil might give them sustenance:

We beg You make us willing to

Perform the law we get from You

That work of ours and grace of Yours

May bring…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 17 Comments

Novena to St. Isidore – Day 4: Dignity of Work


Lord, our God, whose mighty hand

Carved out the seas and built the land;

Who, by the labors of our Lord,

The honor Adam lost, restored:

Let us be joined to Christ, Your Son,

That in His work we may be one;

So we shall in our work partake

Of God, whom we by sloth forsake.

Through Jesus…


Added by Michael on January 1, 2022 at 3:30pm — 11 Comments

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