Our Lady Child Mary 21317530_1843237215991431_8924109604737884534_n

September 7

Nine Hail Mary's on the Eve of the Nativity

I saw the Blessed Virgin on the Eve of Her Nativity, She said to me,:

'Who ever says this evening (7th Sept) 9 times the Hail Mary lovingly and devoutly to honor the 9 months I spent in my Mother’s womb, as also my birth and continues the same devotion for 9 consecutive days, daily gives to the angels 9 flowers for a bouquet. this bouquet they bear to Heaven and offer to the Most Holy Trinity, to obtain some favor for the one that prays.

I was transported to a high place between heaven and earth. I saw the earth below me grey and sombre, and above me heaven, where among the choirs of Angels and the orders of the Blessed, was the Blessed Virgin before the Throne of God. I saw prepared for Her, two thrones of honor, two buildings of honor, which finally became churches, yes whole cities and they were formed out of the prayers of the earth. They were built entirely of flowers, leaves, garlands, the various species typical of the different value and characteristics of the prayers of individuals and of whole congregations. Angels and Saints took them from the hands of those that offered them and bore them up to heaven.

~Anne Catherine Emmerich

To Our Lady Maria Bambina

Prayer by St. Anselm on the Solemnity of her Birth September 8

Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin;

give me strength against thine enemies,

and against the enemy of the whole human race.

Give me strength humbly to pray to thee.

Give me strength to praise thee in prayer with all my powers,

through the merits of thy most sacred nativity,

which for the entire Christian world was a birth of joy,

the hope and solace of its life.

When thou wast born, O most Holy Virgin,

then was the world made light.

Happy is thy stock, holy thy root, and blessed thy Fruit,

for thou alone as a virgin, filled with the Holy Spirit,

didst merit to conceive thy God,

as a virgin to bear Thy God,

as a virgin to bring Him forth,

and after His birth to remain a virgin.

Have mercy therefore upon me a sinner, and give me aid,

O Lady, so that just as thy nativity,

glorious from the seed of Abraham,

sprung from the tribe of Juda,

illustrious from the stock of David,

didst announce joy to the entire world,

so may it fill me with true joy and cleanse me from every sin.

Pray for me, O Virgin most prudent,

that the gladsome joys of thy most helpful nativity

may put a cloak over all my sins.

O holy Mother of God,

flowering as the lily,

pray to thy sweet Son for me, a wretched sinner.




O Blessed Lady of the Fields, 
who loved the land of your native Galilee, 
who watched the tiller of the earth and the shepherd of the flock 
go out and return from Nazareth, 
who lived with and loved the rural folk of the village, 
look down graciously upon the fields and pastures of this,
your adopted land. 
Make our homes sanctuaries of Christ as was your home. 
Make our fields fertile and abundant in the harvest. 
Help us to understand more fully the dignity of our toil 
and the merit it acquires when offered through you to your Divine Son, 
Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, 
lives and reigns for ever and ever. 


O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

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Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on September 7, 2024 at 5:50pm

9 Hail Marty's  Novena, Day 1.


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on September 15, 2023 at 7:12pm

September 7

Nine Hail Mary's on the Eve of the Nativity

I saw the Blessed Virgin on the Eve of Her Nativity, She said to me,:

'Who ever says this evening (7th Sept) 9 times the Hail Mary lovingly and devoutly to honor the 9 months I spent in my Mother’s womb, as also my birth and continues the same devotion for 9 consecutive days, daily gives to the angels 9 flowers for a bouquet. this bouquet they bear to Heaven and offer to the Most Holy Trinity, to obtain some favor for the one that prays.

I was transported to a high place between heaven and earth. I saw the earth below me grey and sombre, and above me heaven, where among the choirs of Angels and the orders of the Blessed, was the Blessed Virgin before the Throne of God. I saw prepared for Her, two thrones of honor, two buildings of honor, which finally became churches, yes whole cities and they were formed out of the prayers of the earth. They were built entirely of flowers, leaves, garlands, the various species typical of the different value and characteristics of the prayers of individuals and of whole congregations. Angels and Saints took them from the hands of those that offered them and bore them up to heaven.

~Anne Catherine Emmerich

Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on September 7, 2023 at 7:05pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on September 8, 2020 at 12:22pm

Amen .

Happy Birthday,dearest  Mother Mother!

Deo gratias!

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