The Holy Infant Jesus of Prague 57144eae13a1f7088c1ef

O Divine Infant Jesus, 
I have recourse to Thee. 
Please, through Thy Blessed Mother,
assist me in this necessity ... mention intention...,
because I firmly believe
that Thy Divinity can help me. 
I hope with confidence
to obtain Thy holy grace.  
I love Thee with all my heart
and with all the strength of my soul. 
I repent sincerely of my sins
and I beg Thee, O Good Jesus, 
to grant me the strength to triumph over them. 
I resolve never more to offend Thee 
and I come to offer myself to Thee 
with the intention of enduring everything 
rather than to displease Thee.
Henceforth, I desire to serve Thee with fidelity and, 
for the love of Thee, O Divine Infant, 
I will love my neighbor as myself.
All-powerful Infant, O Jesus,
I implore Thee again, 
assist me in this need. 
Grant me the grace of possessing Thee eternally
with Mary and Joseph 
and of adoring Thee with the angels
in the Heavenly Court. 

Consecration to the Holy Child of Prague

O Divine Child Jesus, 
only-begotten Son of the Father, 
You are the true light that enlightens everyone
coming into this world. 
It is through You that I am, 
it is through You that all things have been made,
and without You
nothing would be.  
It is therefore just
that I devote myself to You without reserve. 
In gratitude for all the love
with which You love me, 
I devote to you all the love
my heart is capable of.
I ardently desire to love You still more, 
to offer You a heart less unworthy of You. 
Accept this ardent desire, O amiable Child-God, 
and kindly bless it. 
You have suffered for us and have borne our infirmities, 
in order that we might one day deserve 
to be associated with Your eternal happiness. 
I want to unite my sufferings to Yours, 
so that You may give them merit 
and they may be sanctified.
As You have been weeping for me because of my sins, 
help me by Your grace
to weep for them myself. 
I also devote to You all my joys. 
I only have the ambition and the will 
to seek those pleasing to Your service, 
by the practise of the virtues
taught in the mysteries of Your Divine Childhood. 
I beg You to help me by Your grace 
to acquire the gentleness, 
the humility, the childlike simplicity, 
the filial confidence and the perfect obedience, 
of which You give me such a splendid example.
May I progress in holiness 
and one day possess the rewards promised in heaven 
to those who practise the lessons of Your Holy Childhood. 
St. Stanislaus,  pray for us. Amen. 


O Holy Infant Jesus of Prague,
have mercy on us!

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Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on January 24, 2023 at 7:44pm


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Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on January 13, 2023 at 7:43pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on January 11, 2023 at 9:32pm


Comment by Flavia Talladen Schott on January 9, 2023 at 8:14pm


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