MI Consecration Prayer
(Composed by St. Maximilian Kolbe)
Maximilian Kolbe’s two crowns: purity and martyrdom
O Immaculata, Queen of Heaven and Earth, refuge of sinners and our most loving Mother,
God has willed to entrust the entire order of mercy to you.
I, (name), a repentant sinner, cast myself at your feet, humbly imploring you to take me with all that I am and have, wholly to yourself as your possession and property.
Please make of me, of all my powers of soul and body, of my whole life, death and eternity, whatever most pleases you. If it pleases you, use all that I am and have without reserve, wholly to accomplish what was said of you: “She will crush your head,” and “You alone have destroyed all heresies in the whole world.”
Let me be a fit instrument in your immaculate and merciful hands for introducing and increasing your glory to the maximum in all the many strayed and indifferent souls, and thus help extend as far as possible the blessed kingdom of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For wherever you enter, you obtain the grace of conversion and growth in holiness, since it is through your hands that all graces come to us from the most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
V. Allow me to praise you, O Sacred Virgin
R. Give me strength against your enemies.
“O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, and for all who do not have recourse to you, especially the freemasons (and all enemies of the Church) and all those recommended to you.”
For the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart; for the intentions of all Crusaders and Militants of the Immaculata. Amen.
One Day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world” (Words of our Lady to St. Dominic.)
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Most holy Virgin and Queen of Martyrs, Mary,
would that I could be in Heaven, there to contemplate the honors
rendered to Thee by the Most Holy Trinity and by the whole Heavenly Court!
But since I am still a pilgrim in this vale of tears,
receive from me, Thy unworthy servant and a poor sinner,
the most sincere homage and the most perfect act of vassalage
a human creature can offer Thee.
In Thy Immaculate Heart, pierced with so many swords of sorrow,
I place today my poor soul forever; receive me as a partaker in Thy dolors,
and never suffer that I should depart from that Cross
on which Thy only begotten Son expired for me. With Thee, O Mary,
I will endure all the sufferings, contradictions, infirmities,
with which it will please Thy Divine Son to visit me in this life.
All of them I offer to Thee, in memory of the Dolors
which Thou didst suffer during thy life,
that every thought of my mind, every beating of my heart may henceforward
be an act of compassion to Thy Sorrows, and of complacency
for the glory Thou now enjoyest in Heaven.
Since then, O Dear Mother, I now compassionate Thy Dolors,
and rejoice in seeing Thee glorified, do Thou also have compassion on me,
and reconcile me to Thy Son Jesus,
that I may become Thy true and loyal son (daughter);
come on my last day and assist me in my last agony,
even as Thou wert present at the Agony of thy Divine Son Jesus,
that from this painful exile I may go to Heaven,
there to be made partaker of Thy glory. Amen.
Give peace to the warring nations and to the souls of men,
that in the tranquility of order, the Kingdom of God may prevail.
Extend thy protection to the infidels,
and to all those still in the shadow of death,
give them peace and grant that on them, too,
may shine the Sun of truth
that they may unite with us in proclaiming before the one and only Savior of the World:
"Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will."
Give peace to the peoples separated by error or by discord
and especially to those
who profess such singular devotion to thee,
and in whose homes an honored place
was ever accorded thy venerated image today,
perhaps often kept hidden to await better days.
Bring them back to the one Fold of Christ,
under the one true Shepherd.
Obtain peace and complete freedom for the Holy Church of God, stem the spreading flood of modern paganism;
enkindle in the faithful the love of purity,
the practice of the Christian life and an apostolic zeal
so that the servants of God may increase in merit and in number.
Lastly, as the Church and the entire human race
were consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
so that in reposing all hope in Him,
He might become for them
the sign and pledge of Victory and salvation;
so we, in like manner, consecrate ourselves forever also to thee and to thine Immaculate Heart, our Mother and Queen,
that thy love and patronage
may hasten the triumph of the Kingdom of God
and that all nations, at peace with one another and with God
may proclaim thee blessed and with thee may raise their voices to resound from pole to pole
the chant of the everlasting Magnificat of glory,
love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus,
where alone they can find truth and peace.
QUEEN of the Most Holy Rosary,
Refuge of the Human Race, Victress in all God's battles,
we humbly prostrate ourselves before thy throne,
confident that we shall receive mercy, grace
and bountiful assistance and protection in the present calamity, not through our own inadequate merits, but solely through the great goodness of thy Maternal Heart.
To thee, to thy Immaculate Heart
in this humanity's tragic hour,
we consign and consecrate ourselves in union not only
with the Mystical Body of thy Son, Holy Mother Church,
now in such suffering and agony in so many places
and sorely tried in so many ways,
but also with the entire world, torn by fierce strife,
consumed in a fire of hate, victim of its own wickedness.
May the sight of the widespread material and moral destruction of the sorrows and anguish of countless fathers and mothers, husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, and innocent children of the great number of lives cut off in the flower of youth,
of the bodies mangled in horrible slaughter,
and of the tortured and agonized souls
in danger of being lost eternally
move thee to compassion.
O Mother of Mercy, obtain peace for us from God,
and, above all, procure for us those graces which prepare, establish and assure the peace.
Queen of Peace, pray for us
and give to the world now at war,
the peace for which all peoples are longing,
peace in the truth, justice and charity of Christ.
Give peace to the warring nations and to the souls of men,
that in the tranquility of order, the Kingdom of God may prevail.
Extend thy protection to the infidels,
and to all those still in the shadow of death,
give them peace and grant that on them, too,
may shine the Sun of truth
that they may unite with us in proclaiming before the one and only Savior of the World:
"Glory to God in the highest and peace to men of good will."
Give peace to
who profe
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