Prayer to St. Camillus de Lellis for the Sick Poor

O glorious Saint Camillus, special patron of the sick poor, thou who for forty years, with truly heroic charity, didst devote thyself to the relief of their temporal and spiritual necessities, be pleased to assist them now even more generously, since thou art blessed in heaven and they have been committed by Holy Church to thy powerful protection. Obtain for them from Almighty God the healing of all their maladies, or, at least, the spirit of Christian patience and resignation that they may sanctify them and comfort them in the hour of their passing to eternity; at the same time obtain for us the precious grace of living and dying after thine example in the practice of divine love. Amen

Saint Camillus became known as the “Saint of Rome” when, during the Bubonic plague, his efforts were credited with ridding the city of the plague and subsequent famine.
In 1586 Pope Sixtus V gave the group formal recognition as a Congregation which five years later was raised to the status of an Order - the equivalent of the mendicant orders.
Despite his own ailments, Camillus never allowed it to prevent him caring for the sick and he is said he had gifts of healing and prophecy.   The Order expanded and by his death in 1614 it had spread throughout Italy and as far as Hungary. De Lellis was beatified by Pope Benedict XIV in 1742 and canonised four years later.
So, aside from the date of their birth and their views on the care of the sick, what else do San Camillo de Lellis and San Pio of Pietrelcina have in common?
Both occupied Cell No 5 in the Capuchin friary in San Giovanni Rotondo!

It was in this same cell that on the 9th of January 1940, the seed of the “Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza” was planted - the idea of Padre Pio to establish a temple where prayer and science would unite in order to relieve the suffering of the sick.  Both men
understand well what suffering was and the importance of attending to the sick both on a medical and spiritual level.
Up to his death, Padre Pio would joke - “San Camillo lived there (Cell No 5) for one night and became a saint, and I, who lived there for thirty years, am still a poor friar”!

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Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†

Saint Camillus de Lellis, Pray for those ill  on this list and for all caregivers and for us all.    †Blessed and exalted be the Precious Blood of Jesus and  the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, with love and reparation. Fiat!  Hail Mary. Amen.†


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