Very interesting regards to current presidential election

I know this really isn't the place for such news, but many of you might not be reading

"alternative" news reports about the election.   But there is a link off of Drudge Report to this

site, which just blew the lid off this election in more ways than one.  Like most news, take

it with a grain a salt, but do your research on the speaker and judge accordingly.

Steve Pieczenik

I don't know if this is true, but we better hold on to our Rosaries.  It is going to be

getting rough....rougher.  But maybe something "good" is coming, I don't know.


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I don't know about anyone else but I have been a HUGE supporter of Donald Trump and have followed all of this stuff from day 1.

This is without question the biggest revolution against the NWO the world has ever seen.

Maybe BPW was right when he said this was/is a dress rehearsal for the end times.  Frankly it's been so black in our world I was beginning to wonder if it was the real deal.

When Benedict was tying to fix the Vatican bank, and was planning to consecrate Russia, and had accepted the resignation of over 800 bishops and tried to replace them with more, shall we say, conservative ones etc...the wolves who stood against him were these very people, the Killary Clintons et al.

They shut down the Vatican bank, froze all the ATM's and Killary shot a warning across the bow to Benedict that if he proceeded to continue doing what he was doing this was only the beginning.

It is all intertwined.

If she and all of her corrupt world powerhouse are out of commission and behind bars it may be a loosening on the neck of the Church (maybe Benedict, if he is indeed still the pope?) to do what is right.

Remember we are dealing with a very powerful witch who is used to getting her own way.

There is going to be trouble on the western front like we have never seen before.

I have done my research on killery she is possessed to say the least and really is a

certified witch. Gives me the creeps.

But we have a chance with Trump, the Holy Rosary can conquer all!

Maybe we should start a 54 day Rosary Novena for all involved.

I too have been following all the alt news for these past few months....she is frightening and souless...satan rules within her. She has no conscience only insatiable greed and lust for power even at the expense of her own health!!! When all this breaks

out with FBI and NYPD there will be chaos! Who even knows if election will be held or postponed

Mike Pence: 'If We Humble Ourselves And Pray, God Will Heal Our Land'

Indiana Governor and Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence has urged fellow Americans to stop and pray for the nation at this pivotal time. Speaking at a campaign rally in Newton, Iowa Tuesday, Oct. 11, he informed Iowans, “It’d be a good time to pray for this country, in the next four weeks," reports CNS.

“I would encourage you, if you are inclined to do as the Pence family does from time to time, to bow the head and bend the knee,” said Pence. “Pray that America will once again stand tall, stand strong,” said Governor Pence.

“‘The last best hope of earth,’ that’s what Abraham Lincoln called it. It’s still true.”

Pence concluded "So, I encourage you. Remember, what’s been true for thousands of years is still true today. That if His people who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray, He will hear from heaven, and He – as He’s always done before – He will heal our land. One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

Found this link at Drudge Report.  It is disturbing to say the least, but shows just how far gone she and her followers are. Warning for some harsh language.

Another Video on this subject.

Love it!  Precisely put :)

Adrienne said:

She must be possessed. And enjoys it.

Bubba, too.

Look at "The Two Popes" in white. 

And the descriptions of our times by Sister Marianna given to he by Our Lady of Good Success.

Our Lady at Fatima warned us.
Jesus told Sr Lucia The consecration will be done, but it will be late. He referenced King Louie and he lost his head over it.

100 years. I think that it will come to full fruition in 2029; just my humble opinion.

It began with the loss of our Pastors at Vatican II, but all was brewing well before then. Seminaries were infiltrated even back in the 30's; maybe even further back.

So, it begins. 

If our elections are actually on the level or even count at all, we still have to try. we have to keep pushing for The Consecration, because nothing good will come out of our elections in the evil USA or any other country for that matter without Our Lady's Command of it. 

I am only voting for Trump because he may be a step away from these dung headed demons. Trump is no boy scout; but he may be the break-away-kid for us to move in a better direction.

Bergoglio? He's not stupid, even though he looks like Stan Laurel; he's no laughing matter. Satan has him wrapped around his little horns.

But, we have The Faith and The Rosary, and we must continue to use these means no matter how bad it gets.

Onward Catholic Soldiers!

Message to Catholics @ 3min 45 secs

However the whole thing is worth watching

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