Third Lightning Strike of St. Peter’s Basilica: What Does It Mean?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Third Lightning Strike of St. Peter’s Basilica: What Does It Mean?

Yes, it happened again. This morning in Rome, on the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a lightning bolt hit the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.
“The bolt hit the dome of St. Peter’s at approximately 9:20 am., as a strong rainstorm passed through Rome. Vatican police confirmed the strike. No damage was reported. 
“Those close to the Vatican, from Swiss guards to local shop owners, felt the shock. 
“I was in the shower and heard what sounded like a loud thunder clap which lasted a few seconds and seemed to shake everything. I knew it was storming but it sounded more like an earthquake than a thunderstorm,” said one resident.
Most of us will remember that lightning twice struck St. Peter’s dome when Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation of the papal throne. The date of his announcement? February 11—the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

If there is a message from God in the lightening that struck St. Peter’s (for the third time, on yet another feast day of Our Lady’s), it is this: Shirking the true duties of the Church and of the papal office will save no one. “Ecumenism” will save no one. Adapting the ways of the world will save no one. Making grand concessions to those who are—objectively speaking—in heresy, or schism, or mortal sin will not save souls. For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord (Isa. 55:88). What, then, shall save the Church and the world from the terrifying descent in which both are caught? 
The answer is clear and wonderfully easy: Heed all of the “requests” of Our Lady of Fatima. (N.B. I’ve said it elsewhere, but it bears repeating: In the original Portuguese, the Virgin used the word “pedido,” meaning “order” or “command,” as in a “request” made by a superior to a subordinate. As we can see, Our Lady gave her commands with both a motherly and queenly grace.)
Simply stated, Our Lady of Fatima has waited almost 100 years for the Vicar of Christ to heed her requests for the following: 
• Worldwide devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
• Papal promulgation of the Five First Saturdays of Reparation for the five major blasphemies committed against the Virgin’s Immaculate Heart.
• The public dissemination of the Third Secret Text.
• The solemn and public collegial consecration of Russia (and Russia alone) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

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Thanks for posting. Copied for friends, hope you don't mind.

Please feel free to copy and share anything on the Crusaders, links, articles images etc.  All for the Faith :) 

Flavia Talladen Schott said:

Thanks for posting. Copied for friends, hope you don't mind.

It means......"one......two.......three  strikes you're out at the ole ecumenical, heretical, evil infested, lavender hued, Islamic loving, e feminized, Protestized, Communist fearing, etc. etc. etc.....

Ball Game!!!!! (Modern Catholic Church)

Oh my gosh Susan, that is HYSTERICAL!

The "men" in the Vatican have been more concerned with this:

But have ignored this:

And so we are on the verge of this: 


Adrienne said:

What is it going to take for Pope Benedict to understand?? He must take back the reigns and expose this Fr. Bergoglio for what he is: a charlatan and a destroyer. Pope Benedict has failed Our Lady, when he should rather use this time to repent himself for his "contributions" to Vatican II and steer Rome and all following this VII New "Religion" back into The True Catholic Church and True Faith of Tradition.

He knows what's going on:  he's been a proponent of the usurping of The Council Schema at Vatican II and a big supporter of ecumenism as well as other errors of his Predecessors! Our Lady is clearly disapproving of him and "Pope" Francis! God be merciful. We are in the prophecy of The Two Popes as recalled by Anne Catherine Emmerich.
We all know the old saying, as shown in an above image: "Three strikes and you're OUT!".

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us and may your Holy Triumph come in time to restore Our Church.

Thanks again, Dawn Marie! God bless.
Dawn Marie said:

Please feel free to copy and share anything on the Crusaders, links, articles images etc.  All for the Faith :) 

Flavia Talladen Schott said:

Thanks for posting. Copied for friends, hope you don't mind.

Just realized that tomorrow is exactly 100 years since the miracle of the sun. Gulp! Maybe the third strike has something to do with that. I just read in the news that Russia is recalling all children living abroad, and US-Russia ties are at their worst since Soviet days.

David, I think it is next year that is the 100 year anniversary! Yes, the Russians are taking good care of their own!

Yes. Also, all day on Oct 11 I kept thinking it was Oct 12! Anyway, good thing that we have an extra year to pray and do penance before the 100th anniversary.

bernadette szczepkowski said:

David, I think it is next year that is the 100 year anniversary! Yes, the Russians are taking good care of their own!

O My Jesus, it is for the love of Thee, in reparation for the offences committed against

the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the Conversion of poor sinners. Amen

Keep praying for that Consecration The Most Blessed Trinity IS Listening! 

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