Bishop Babble...

The Gay Press Conference...

The Gay Press Conference Continued....

*N. B.~We are publishing this link as there is a need to stay informed as to what is going on at the s-i-n-o-d (synod) and Mr. Voris in this and other clips is doing a decent job of saying what is going on in Rome right now. We must once again state that this is not an endorsement of Church Militant nor of Mr. Voris.  There are very few outlets to choose from who are telling it like it is concerning what is happening so we must resort to posting this link as it is the most informative.  We obviously do not agree with Mr. Voris in his distorted opinion of the SSPX or of their Masses.   

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Punch Him Out! (A St. Nicholas Moment at the Synod on the Family)


Written by  Magister Athanasius

Thank You, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. Next Time Feel Free to Punch Out Cardinal Maestrojuan
Thank You, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki. Next Time Feel Free to Punch Out Cardinal Maestrojuan

(CORRECTED: God bless Archbishop Gadecki)

As the Benny Hill show (aka the Synod on the Family) continues, it is being reported by Arcbhishop Gadecki that Jose Luiz Cardinal Lacunza Maestrojuan, president of the Panamanian Bishops' Conference and appointed by Pope Francis as a synod rapporteur, proposed that the church should throw out the teachings of Jesus on divorce and remarriage, by, get this…returning to the Law of Moses on the matter. The quote, provided by Rorate Caeli, is as follows:

"Moses drew near to the people and gave way. Likewise today, the 'hardness of hearts' opposes God's plan. Could Peter not be merciful like Moses?"

Let it be known, this is nothing less than a call to apostasy. In fact, to cast aside the teachings of Christ and return to the Law of Moses is the very first example of apostasy in the New Testament and it wasn't looked at too kindly either (see Hebrews 6:4-8). For this reason, it would appear Maestrojuan would have the church be the kind of apostate of whom it is written:

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them [Jesus]--bringing swift destruction on themselves.” (2 Peter 2:1, Emphasis mine)

And of whom it is also written in the Epistle to the Galatians:

But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!” (Galatians 1:8)

In the same epistle, Paul warns the Galatians about the danger of returning to the Law of Moses, after having received Christ, saying:

You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.” (Galatians 5:4)

To dare imply the church should abandon the teachings of Christ and return to the Law of Moses on the matter of marriage is pure apostasy. Men who say such things are depraved enemies who are under God’s curse.

Here is the $64,000 question: Why didn’t Pope Francis, or any other bishop present at this intervention, walk up to Cardinal Maestrojuan and punch him right in the face like St. Nicholas did to the heresiarch Arius at the Council of Nicaea? This should have been a “St. Nicholas” moment!

Whatever happened to righteous indignation? How anyone could sit there and listen to such vomit from Satan, without sparking an uproar, shows how weak the current men in the hierarchy are. In days of old, this man wouldn’t have walked out of such an intervention unscathed. These days, I suspect the Holy Father will give him a promotion.

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New mess, new sacraments, new church......I cannot even stomach to read 

any of this. pope francis is an ANTI Pope controlled be satan. 

(agree) It's clear...he has made the mess of the Church he set out to do.  He has made Her poor and disheveled as he set out to do, but even so out of this evil God is seeming to bring good already.  Many of the decent Churchmen who have been silent for the last 50 years are starting to awaken AND speak up for Christ.

Alley said:

New mess, new sacraments, new church......I cannot even stomach to read 

any of this. pope francis is an ANTI Pope controlled be satan. 

Doctrinal "devolution" to the bishops' conferences? Francis already endorsed it in 2013.

Amidst all the talk from some Synod delegates and spokesmen about the "devolution" or "delegation" of important moral questions to the bishops' conferences, and the criticisms of a very few Synod fathers and Catholic commentators against this idea, there is the proverbial "elephant in the room" that no one wants to mention. We are referring to the fact that Pope Francis already endorsed the idea of "devolution" or "delegation" of doctrinal authority in nos. 32-33 of his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, the true blueprint for his entire pontificate (our emphases):
32. Since I am called to put into practice what I ask of others, I too must think about a conversion of the papacy. It is my duty, as the Bishop of Rome, to be open to suggestions which can help make the exercise of my ministry more faithful to the meaning which Jesus Christ wished to give it and to the present needs of evangelization. Pope John Paul II asked for help in finding “a way of exercising the primacy which, while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission, is nonetheless open to a new situation”. We have made little progress in this regard. The papacy and the central structures of the universal Church also need to hear the call to pastoral conversion. The Second Vatican Council stated that, like the ancient patriarchal Churches, episcopal conferences are in a position “to contribute in many and fruitful ways to the concrete realization of the collegial spirit”.Yet this desire has not been fully realized, since a juridical status of episcopal conferences which would see them as subjects of specific attributions, including genuine doctrinal authority, has not yet been sufficiently elaborated. Excessive centralization, rather than proving helpful, complicates the Church’s life and her missionary outreach. 

33. Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says: “We have always done it this way”. I invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities. A proposal of goals without an adequate communal search for the means of achieving them will inevitably prove illusory. I encourage everyone to apply the guidelines found in this document generously and courageously, without inhibitions or fear. The important thing is to not walk alone, but to rely on each other as brothers and sisters, and especially under the leadership of the bishops, in a wise and realistic pastoral discernment.
When Evangelii Gaudium was published in November 2013, we at Rorate immediately grasped the central importance of this passage, which is why we chose to highlight it. The reality is that for all the talk of "conspiracies" and "muddling through" in this pontificate, Francis and his closest advisers (Cardinals Maradiaga and Abp. Tucho Fernandez in particular) have been nothing if not clear about their intentions for "deep, total and irreversible" change in the Church. This passage in EG could not be any clearer about the direction where Francis wants the Church to go. 

If ever a measure of doctrinal authority were to be devolved to the bishops' conferences, then Rome would be faced with a never-ending battle to regulate, limit or claim back that authority. The damage to the papacy's authority and the chaos that would spread throughout the universal Church are too terrible to contemplate. If we were talking here of local Churches deeply rooted in Tradition and jealous in guarding their ancient theological, liturgical and canonical heritage then there would be much less disquiet (even though the idea of doctrinal "devolution" would still be thoroughly unacceptable from a traditional Catholic point of view). Unfortunately, a genuine sense of Tradition has largely disappeared in our Church, and any "devolution" of "doctrinal authority" will most certainly result in numerous hierarchies hastening all the more to be guided by the spirit of the world. 
It is the height of irony for Catholic apologists and commentators to continue to be silent in the face of this obvious attack on the authority of the Apostolic See and the unity of the universal Church, due precisely to their misguided sense of "loyalty" to the papacy and the desire to foster "unity" (often understood to mean that criticism should be stifled and that everyone should pretend that everything's just fine).

Socci: "At the End of the Synod, Francis may impose his will, Diktak-style -- but Bergoglism is foundering everywhere"

[The Argentinian War Machine with the German Engine is Stuck in the Mud]

Antonio Socci
October 11, 2015

“Is the audacious war-machine beginning to wane?” a Swiss Vatican reporter asks. Actually, the Argentinian war-machine with the German engine has gotten stuck in the mud at the Synod. Lately we have heard that German “engines” are being put on the scrap-heap plus the Argentinean bodywork is an old wreck of Peronism and rusty Liberation Theology.
Well, the Synod opened with Cardinal Erdo’s report reaffirming Catholic Doctrine, demolishing Kasper’s heresies (and irritating Bergoglio). In addition, after the first week, one of the spokesmen from the committees, the Australian Mark Coleridge, summed up the situation like this: “If the Synod finished today, 65% of the Fathers would vote against the idea of admitting the divorced and remarried to Communion.”

For the Bergoglio and Kasper party the defeat will be even more stinging on the subject of homosexuality, given that from the reports of the various groups, there emerges an appeal to oppose vigorously the gender theory, considered the latest dangerous ideology substituting Marxism, with devastating effects on the mentality and formation of the young.
In effect, the Catholic part of the Synod, (the one following perennial teaching along the lines of John Paul II and Benedict XVI) in the majority numerically, has made energetic protests against the Bergoglian minority in power, which is imposing its procedures, its methods and its men in key posts. But nothing is heard of these protests outside [the Synod Hall] or they are misrepresented by the propaganda machine in caricature form (the bad conservatives against the illuminated progressives).
Although the Synod is discussing the family, those millions of families who are on the outside – according to Bergoglio - needn’t know anything (unlike other Synods) or they need to have the information filtered or “packaged” for them.
The members of the Bergoglian party are like a football team which is losing 5 -0 on the soccer field but can deliver kicks with impunity, try to score hand-goals (another Argentinean way) or display arrogance because they know that the referee is their leader and in the end will award them the match by even going against all the rules (indeed, Bergoglio reserves the right to change the rules during the match itself – based on his team’s convenience – take for example, the final report).
Great comfort from the Catholic part is represented by the meek and wise Benedict XVI, whose magisterium and presence like a light- house in a stormy night, indicates the way. Last week the American Vatican reporter Edward Pentin revealed the response that Pope Benedict gave (at the last Synod) to a German prelate who asked him what should be done faced with the storm raging in the Church: “Halten Sie sich unbedingt an die Lehre!” (Remain absolutely firm on doctrine!)
Ratzinger today is heeded more and more, since defenseless Truth is the only treasure of the Church, Christ Himself, and if the Church sells out on the truth of Catholic Doctrine, She would be like Judas and would take away from humanity the true mercy and salvation of God .
Illuminated by Benedict’s light, the Catholic part arrived at this Synod stronger and better-prepared with respect to the last one and to the Consistory of February 2014, when it was taken in surprise by Kasper’s unspeakable theses that Bergoglio allowed him to proclaim.
Furthermore, it is significant that among the most determined to oppose the subversion of Catholic Doctrine, we have the young African Church, which was especially taken care of for 40 years by John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Besides having great cardinals like Sarah, a light for all of Christendom, the African Church is by far the most dynamic one, the most missionary one and the one with most growth, having now exceeded the 200 million faithful, with a striking 238% more in respect to 1980.
Whilst the South American Church of Bergoglio, the German one of Kasper and the Belgian one of Danneels are about to collapse.
FAILED MODERNISM [Under the Bergoglio Effect, Italy is fast becoming a non-Catholic country]
Yet this is today’s paradox: in the leadership of the Church we have those whose ‘recipes’ have been shown to be disastrous in their countries. And yet they still want to apply the same disastrous recipes to the entire Church, resulting in devastating effects on a planetary scale.
True, many indicate the Pope’s popularity as a sign of rebirth. However this is a bluff and is now understood as such inside the Church. It is the drugged popularity from the circus of the secular mass-media, where there is not even one conversion, but on the contrary, delight, about the Pope’s conversion to the agenda of Obama and the United Nations.
The data in Italy about Catholic practice, which under John Paul II and Benedict XVI had grown, continues to weaken under Bergoglio. “La Repubblica” itself, last Saturday, referring to the studies of the “Foundation for Liberal Criticism” (“Fondazione Critica liberale”) and of the CGIL (a leftist union) had to acknowledge that for the Church “there is no Francis effect” , actually, “Italy continues to distance itself from the Church” , so indeed, there is the Bergoglio effect - the other way around though – he drives the faithful away.
Catholics have the sensation that with Bergoglio everything is collapsing. For instance, Monsignor Charamsa ‘s embarrassing ‘coming out’ (along with his companion), who expects the Church to change the law on homosexuality based on the word of God, would not have been possible without the hundreds of disconcerting apertures and who-am-I-to-judges from Bergoglio, whom Charamsa defines as “fantastic”. Whoever sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind, as the Bible says.
And how do we avoid the confusion and disorientation from Bergoglio’s Motu Proprio on marriage annulments, which was even demolished by Professor Danilo Castellano, a Catholic lawyer?
It is impossible not to see that it introduces de facto divorce, subverts the Gospel and the two thousand year teaching of the Church. So then – instead of sustaining the family under attack by modern ideologies – this Motu Proprio gives it the death-blow.
Then, there is the long list of Bergoglian errors. The one on immigration is enormous. Like the one concerning the persecuted Christians, who certainly didn’t benefit from his position of surrender to Islam and the Communist regimes.
Then, we have the Christians massacred by ISIS whom he has effectively abandoned by delegitimizing every concrete intervention in their defense: in fact today the bishops of the Middle East (and their communities) see in Putin’s intervention, the hope of liberation from terror.
Then, there are Bergoglio’s no-global meetings against “an economy that kills” (the capitalist one).
According to data from FAO diffused recently, the percentage of the under-nourished in under-developed countries has passed from 23.3% in the year 2000 to 12.9% today. In 50 years the global ratio of extreme poverty has passed from 80% to 10%, while world population has doubled (the opposite from what the Malthusian theories predicted). Even the figures on the environment, the air and health have very much improved over the past 50 years, disproving Bergoglio’s eco-catastrophic-Marxist encyclical.
Even what is celebrated as Bergoglio’s International success – the end of the embargo in Cuba – on closer inspection – results in being the rescue of an old, detestable and bloody dictatorship which the Pope went to pay homage to, ignoring its victims and dissidents.
Bergoglio is leaving behind a panorama of destruction along with incredible slips like the extraordinarily comical quarrel with Ignazio Marino* something unimaginable for giants like Ratzinger and Wojtyla (notwithstanding Scalfari who praises Bergoglio because he took the Church out of politics).
Marino needs to leave and deserves all the criticism in the world, but Bergoglio deserved the quip from comrade, Ferilli: “That the Pope felt the need to make an announcement “to tell him where to go” is – may I say it? – absolutely unheard of.”
[*Ignazio Marino, the former Mayor of Rome flew to the USA in September to join the Pope’s entourage uninvited, and Pope Francis made this clear when he made a statement to TV journalists “I did not invite him, is that clear?”(Io non ho invitato il sindaco Marino- chiaro?”) 
Marino was afterwards forced to resign from office under charges of financial corruption.]

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