Today, we offer Part II of today’s post on Our Lady of the Rosary’s Sixth Appearance at Fatima, 106 years ago.
In October, 1917, Heaven came to earth.
Here is the Message and the Promise for us today.
Today we mark the 106th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun during Our Lady’s Sixth Visit to Fatima. In this brief review we’ll recap the historical event considering three aspects, the words of Our Lady, the Visions seen by the children and then the Miracle of the Sun witnessed by the spectators.
On this sixth and last visit, Our Lady’s words to Jacinta, Francisco and Lúcia were, “I want a chapel to be built here in my honor. I am Our Lady of the Rosary. Continue to say the Rosary every day. …. People must amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins.” Then, growing sadder, “They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.”
“I want a chapel to be built in my honor”
This refers back to the visit of June 13 when Our Lady told Lúcia, “Jesus wishes to make use of you to make me known and loved. He wants to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart. I promise salvation to those who embrace it …” In this, she states clearly that it is Jesus Christ Our Lord who wants to establish devotion to her Immaculate Heart.
Note the word, “establish”: For it is only by the authority of the Vicar of Christ that devotions are “established”. Thus, Our Lady and Our Lord ask for the obedience of the Pope. She is asking the Holy Father to lead his flock to devotion to her Immaculate Heart as a sure remedy in the coming trials.
We might ask, “Why was this not done?”
“I am Our Lady of the Rosary. Continue to say the Rosary every day.”
By identifying herself as Our Lady of the Rosary, the Blessed Virgin affirms that she is truly “our” Mother as indicated by Our Lord Himself in His crucifixion, and, she indicates her intention to do as she has done before, conquer heresy and drive it out by means of her Rosary. As with the Albigenses, who disdained her and predictably disdained life as well, so it will be with the modernists who infest the Holy Church now. As it was at Lepanto, so it will be soon, those who seek to destroy Christian civilization will be vanquished. We have her word on this!
At every visit, from May 13 onwards, Our Lady stressed the necessity of the daily Rosary. She did not spend time on pleasantries, did not thank the children for being there (as in these many false apparitions), did not even get into the finer details of how we are to pray the Rosary. Simply, Pray the Rosary every day! Therefore, we conclude that it is impossible to comply with Our Lady’s Message if we fail this small but essential step. When people tell me, “I am not interested in the Rosary”, I try to help them see that this is the reason they absolutely must pray the Rosary! Our Lady told Blessed Alan de la Roche, “Know, my son, that a probable and proximate sign of eternal damnation is aversion for, lukewarmness and carelessness in saying the Angelic Salutation…” Distaste for her Rosary is an indication of danger, a warning that a soul is drifting from the true path.
The Message of Fatima is clear on this point: God’s justice is deeply offended by our sins. While He is infinitely merciful to those who sincerely repent, His Justice demands that His children confess their sins and repent them. It is a great tragedy that those deepest in sin lose their awareness of their plight. They become so inured in their sins that they are unable to repent them, or to even perceive them as sins, and thus, the most Merciful Virgin calls to us, her children, to pray the Rosary and offer reparation, beseeching her Divine Son, Who will come to be ourJudge, to grant us the graces to repent our sins. We must do this!
Our Lady’s request for the First Saturdays of Reparation and for the Consecration of Russia are logically included in this repentance and reparation. For when we have strayed, the remedy is always by way of humble and contrite obedience. I tell you, we will not get the humble, contrite and obedient Pope and Bishops we need until we ourselves become humble, contrite and obedient by adhering to the Message of Fatima!
In this visit, Our Lady’s parting words were, “They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.”
In her Memoirs, Sister Lúcia recounted, “The words most deeply engraved upon my heart are those of the request made by our Heavenly Mother: ‘Do not offend Our Lord and God any more, for He is already so much offended’. How loving a complaint, how tender a request! Who will grant me to make it echo through the whole world, so that all the children of Our Mother in Heaven may hear the sound of Her voice! “(Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, “The Whole Truth about Fatima – Vol I”).
Our Lady’s final words on this visit bear repeating: “They must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.” Almost immediately after this Sixth Visit, just as Our Lady predicted, Russia did fall to satanic control by way of the marxist revolution. Because the Popes had become worldly, they did not fight this danger with the spiritual means they had been given, but chose to respond with worldly measures, thus fighting fire with gasoline. And so, from the time of Pope Pius XI on, the spiritual darkness of the Vatican increased, by small measures at first but accelerating more and more, until the avalanche set off by Pope John XXIII’s shocking disobedience.
Although we say “shocking” now, at the time, Pope John’s refusal to obey the Blessed Mother was little noted and did not bring about any criticism. The only effect it had was to accelerate the suppression of the message. I was a young adult at the time and can verify that most people, myself included began to take less interest in Fatima. For if the “Holy Father” does not think it appropriate for our needs, then it must not be good to pursue it, or so the general impression went.
And so, the spoken Message of this Sixth Visit was to re-emphasise the absolute necessity of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, the requirement for at a minimum, five decades of the Rosary a day, combined with heartfelt desire to amend our lives, to make reparation for sins, and to seek the conversion of sinners.
If this portion of Our Lady’s request had been heeded, especially by the Pope who was informed of Our Lady’s words at this visit, that is, if the Pope (at this time the elderly Benedict XV and then Pius XI) had taken this up and begun the institution of Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as Our Lady asked for, the rest of Our Lady’s Message, that is, the three-part Secret, would have easily been accepted. As we look back at the very beginnings of the Church’s response to Our Lady at Fatima, we see that the seeds of dissent were there almost from the start.
In her Fourth memoir, Sister Lúcia recounted, “We beheld St. Joseph with the Child Jesus and Our Lady robed in white with a blue mantle, beside the sun. St. Joseph and the Child Jesus appeared to bless the world, for they traced the Sign of the Cross with their hands.” … “When, a little later, this apparition disappeared, I saw Our Lord and Our Lady; it seemed to me that it was Our Lady of Sorrows. Our Lord appeared to bless the world in the same manner as St. Joseph had done.” “This apparition also vanished, and I saw Our Lady once more, this time resembling Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.” (Sister Maria Lúcia of the Immaculate Heart. Fatima in Lúcia’s Own Words: The Memoirs of Sister Lúcia, the Last Fatima Visionary, KIC. Kindle Edition).
In this quick series of visions, we see again the emphasis on the Rosary. The first stage of the vision shows the Holy Family and represents the Joyful Mysteries. In the second stage, we see Our Lord and Our Lady portrayed as Our Lady of Sorrows. This vision represents the Sorrowful Mysteries and emphasises Our Lady’s role in these mysteries. This is essential and we will discuss this more thoroughly soon. The last stage of the children’s vision represents the Glorious Mysteries, with Our Lady robed in the habit of Carmel and extending a brown scapular to them. To any faithful child of Mary, it is clearly a request for us to take up the scapular, her “little habit” in order to save our souls.
After this Sixth Visit, the children began to take up the requests of Our Lady of the Rosary: Francisco specialised in the consoling, contemplative path, Jacinta took the Apostolate of self-sacrifice, applying her sufferings joyfully to save sinners from hell, as had the Little Flower of Carmel, St. Therese, before her. While Lúcia herself took both parts, entering Carmel, consoling Our Lord and Our Lady, and offering adoration while suffering greatly for love of the Sacred Hearts and the salvation of souls. We have been prevented from knowing the richness of her beautiful life by the ancient enemy which for the moment controls the narrative, but if you are attentive in your rosary, it is possible to learn much. We do well to invite St. Lúcia into our devotions, for she loves to teach.
As Our Lady took leave of the children and rose, she spread her hands, which emitted brilliant rays of light. As she pointed towards the sun, the light from her hands brightened the very sun itself. At this precise moment, the crowds gathered there were astonished to see the dark clouds dispersed and the sky clear. And then the sun, which appeared as a brightly polished mother of pearl disc, began to spin, zig-zag and throw off brilliant flashes of light, blue and violet and golden yellow. Then it suddenly began hurtling towards the earth, while the crowds screamed and fell to their knees in terror. Just as suddenly as it started, it was over and the sun resumed its place. As people sighed with relief and thanked God, all were amazed that the muddy field was dry and their own shoes and clothes were dry and clean.
By her stunning Miracle of the Sun, Our Lady of the Rosary graciously provided our weak and doubtful natures a clear and vivid proof of her power over the forces of nature. In this astounding feat, she proved that she is more brilliant than the sun and that the sun obeys her will.
The lesson for our day is even more astounding, but was not much noted at the time. The field of the Cova had been ploughed and then had gotten utterly drenched in a steady downpour. Thousands of people and their horses and donkeys had packed into it, sinking into the ankle-deep mud. Everyone was literally soaked to the bone and their shoes and clothes caked with the mire. it was not possible to be in that place, at that time and not become befouled by the mud of the pasture mixed with the filth of animal waste.
Yet immediately after Our Lady’s Miracle, the multitudes found themselves and the muddy Cova now dry, with no mud on them.
In prophecy, the sun is a figure of the Church. The sun, like the Church is something we were accustomed to as a certainty, unfailingly dependable. In the Fatima miracle, the sun began exhibiting all the colors of the rainbow. Now, the rainbow is a Divine sign, given to us by a loving Father. Yet today this beautiful sign – the rainbow – has been co-opted by the forces of satan to corrupt the Church, thus offending God even more. When Our Lady performed this stunning miracle, she was affirming her control over these pernicious forces. She knew that the significance of the rainbow colors would be overlooked by Catholics at that time, but it is obviously a sign to us as we watch the ilk of Danneels prance about in their rainbow vestments while they seek to entrench their perversions in the practice of the faith.
The sun, always so dependable, like the stalwart, trustworthy Church, suddenly broke free of its moorings and hurtled towards the crowd. Even faithless unbelievers who had come to scoff, were heard praying devoutly at that terrifying moment. That was a very clear warning that the Church, once secure in the faith, would become unmoored if it disobeyed the Queen of Heaven.
Prophecies and visions are rarely understood at the time they occur, but become clearer at the appropriate time. As we see, the time for this prophecy is upon us.
The Immaculata, Mother of Mercy, spared the crowd and in the flash of an instant, restored the sun and eradicated all of the mud and filth. And she stands ready now to remedy all the errors that plague the Church. She alone can restore the Church to its rightful place and cast the filth from the Church, restoring all things in Christ, the King.
Update: 13 October, 2023: Now we see that from the earlier update of two years ago, Pope Francis has gone from seeking to eliminate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to seeking to eliminate the dogmas and practices of the faith itself in his latest Synod on Synodality, which began on the 120th anniversary of Saint Pope Pius X’s encyclical “E Supremi” It was his first encyclical and in it Saint Pope Pius X announced his intention “To Restore All Things in Christ”. And so you see the Destroyer Pope, 120 years later, announcing his Synodal plan to destroy Christ’s Bride, the Holy Catholic Church.
† . † . †
Previous Update: October 13, 2021: Satan, the Ancient Enemy continues his war against Jesus Christ, His Holy Church and the Virgin Mother of Christ, the Immaculata. Most recently, Pope Francis issued his brutal abrogation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, thus assaulting the Holy Mother of God, and a portion of her Message at Fatima, wherein she recommends devotion to her Brown Scapular including Total Consecration. And then, on the Feast Day of 7th of October, 2021, he celebrated not Our Lady of the Rosary/Our Lady of Victory, but John Paul II’s false ecumenism gathering at Assisi. And he did this in Rome’s Coliseum, thus desecrating the thousands of Catholic martyrs on that site.
Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey: First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.
Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)
Please note that in the above quote from I Kings, the term “strange gods” refers to, in particular, the false apparitions and false prophets which are promoted in almost all leading Catholic media. As long as this continues, we offend Our Lord God most grievously. All I can do is offer my own rosaries and reparations and urge my few readers to do the same. But as long as God grants me the strength to carry on, I hope and trust in my Dear and Blessed Lady to prosper our work, that, in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph.
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
† Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
† St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
† St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Please pray for the Pope and Bishops who will Consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!
The Sixth Visit, the Message and the Promise ~ Return to Fatima