Saint Louis Orione tragically predicted it on June 26, 1913:

«Modernism and semimodernism have no remedy; sooner or later Protestantism or a schism will be reached in the Church that will be the most terrible that the world has ever known »

(Writings, vol 43, p.53).

By   Roberto de Mattei (seen in Adelante la Fe , extract)

On February 4 in Abu Dhabi, Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Ahamad Al-Tayyeb, signed a document on human fraternity for world peace and common coexistence. The declaration begins in the name of a god that, to be common, must not be other than the Allah of the Muslims.

In reality, the Christian God is one in his nature but trine in his people, equal and distinct, who are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Since the time of Arius, the Church has fought against the antitrinitarians and the deists who denied this mystery - the greatest of Christianity - or dispensed with it. Islam, on the contrary, rejects it horrified, as the surah proclaims Pure Faith: "He is Allah, one! God, the Eternal He has not begotten, nor has he been begotten. It has no par! "(Quran 112, 2, 4).

The truth is that the Abu Dhabi Declaration does not worship the God of Christians or of Islam, but rather a secular deity, human fraternity, "that embraces all men, unites and makes them equal" . We are not faced with the spirit of Assisi, which in its syncretism does not fail to recognize the primacy of the religious dimension over the secularist, but rather before an indifferent affirmation.

In fact, at no time is there an allusion to a metaphysical foundation of the values ​​of peace and fraternity to which we constantly refer. When the document states that "the pluralism and diversity of religion, color, sex, race and language are expressions of a wise divine will, with which God created human beings," he does not profess the ecumenism condemned by Pius X in Mortalium Animos (1928), but the religious indifferentism condemned by Leo XIII in his encyclical Libertas (June 20, 1888), which qualifies it as a doctrinal system "founded on the thesis that everyone can profess the religion they prefer or not profess any ».

In the Declaration of Abu Dhabi, Christians and Muslims submit to the cardinal principle of Freemasonry, according to which the values ​​of freedom and equality of the French Revolution have to be synthesized and fulfilled in universal brotherhood. Ahamad Al-Tayyeb, who wrote the text jointly with Pope Francis, is a hereditary sheikh of the Sufis Brotherhood of Upper Egypt. On the other hand, Al Azhar, the university of which he is rector, is characterized by his proposal of Sufi esoterism as the initiatory bridge between Freemasonry of the East and the West (see Gabriel Mandel, Frederick II, Sufism and Masonry, Tipheret, Arcireale 2013).

The document exhorts with great insistence "the leaders of the world, the architects of international politics and the world economy", "the intellectuals, the philosophers, the men of religion, the artists, the workers of the media and men of culture »to commit themselves to disseminating« the culture of tolerance, coexistence and peace », and expresses« the strong conviction that the true teachings of religions invite to remain anchored in the values ​​of peace; to uphold the values ​​of reciprocal knowledge, human fraternity and common coexistence ».

On April 11 in Santa Marta the Abu Dhabi document was sealed with a symbolic gesture: Francisco prostrated himself before three Sudanese political leaders, to whom he kissed his feet imploring peace. This gesture expresses the submission to political authority and the rejection of the Royalty of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He who represents Christ, before whose Name every knee is bowed in Heaven and on Earth (Philippians 2:20), must receive the homage of men and nations and not pay homage to anyone.

The words of Pius XI echo in the encyclical Quas cousins: "Oh, what happiness we could enjoy if individuals, families and societies let themselves be governed by Christ! Then truly-we will say with the same words of our predecessor Leo XIII addressed all the bishops of the Catholic world twenty-five years ago-, then so many wounds can be cured, every right will recover its old vigor, the goods of peace will return, they will fall from the hands the swords and the weapons, when all accept of good will the rule of Christ, when they obey him, when every tongue proclaims that Our Lord Jesus Christ is in the glory of God the Father ».

On the other hand, the gesture made by Pope Francis in Santa Marta denies a sublime Christian mystery: the Incarnation, Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Savior and Redeemer of humanity. By denying this mystery, the salvific mission of the Church, which is called to evangelize and civilize the world, is denied. The Synod of the Amazon that will be held next October will constitute a new stage in this rejection of the mission of the Church, which also means rejecting the mission of the Vicar of Christ? Will Pope Francisco kneel before the representatives of the indigenous peoples? Will you ask them to transmit to the Church the tribal wisdom of which they are bearers?

The truth is that three days later, on April 15, the cathedral of Notre Dame, a plastic image of the Church, came out burning and the flames consumed the needle, leaving the base intact. Does not this mean that, despite the collapse of the summit of the Church, its divine structure resists, and nothing can overthrow it? A week later, another event shook Catholic public opinion: a series of attacks, provoked by followers of the same religion to which the pope Bergoglio submits, transformed the Passover of Resurrection into a day of Passion for the universal Church, with 310 dead and more than 500 injured.

There is no true fraternity if the supernatural is dispensed with, which is not born of ties with men, but with God (1 Thessalonians 1,4). In the same way, peace is not possible without Christian peace, because the source of true peace is Christ, embodied Wisdom, who "coming, he evangelized peace to you who were far away, and peace to those who were near" (Ephesians 2.17). Peace is a gift from God, brought to humanity by Jesus Christ, Son of God and sovereign of Heaven and Earth.

The Catholic Church that He founded is the supreme repository of peace, because it is custody of the truth, and peace is founded on truth and justice. Neomodernism, implanted in the dome of the Catholic Church, preaches a false peace and a false fraternity. But false peace brings war to the world, just as false fraternity leads to schism, which is a civil war in the Church.

Saint Louis Orione tragically predicted on June 26, 1913: "Modernism and semi-modernism have no remedy; sooner or later Protestantism or a schism will be reached in the Church which will be the most terrible that the world has ever known » (Writings, vol 43, p.53).


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Every time I see that photo of Frank the fake it makes my blood boil.

Me too Dawn...he is willing to grovel before men but not even bend a knee to Our Blessed Lord. How despiccable his actions are!! Lord have mercy.


In October 2019, Pope Francis will convoke what is being called the Amazon Synod to discuss ecological issues and the pastoral care of indigenous peoples.

Very few Americans know about the Synod or what it entails. That is why I invite you to take at the new site Pan-Amazon Synod Watch.

This synod poses a great danger to Catholics everywhere. It is not only about dealing with Indians in Amazon region of Brazil. The promoters of the Synod are talking about changes for the whole Church with decidedly eco-socialist flavor.

For the Church, that would mean making profound changes in clear opposition to twenty centuries of Christian tradition. To get the full picture of just how important this is, click on the article below.

You need to be informed. The Synod in Rome promises to be used as a platform to push ecology, liberation theology, eco-feminism, UN "sustainability," deindustrialization and many other bad ideas.
Don't delay in taking a look at this important site, Pan-Amazon Synod Watch.

Dawn Marie, thank you for posting the link on the Amazon Synod.  It looks like the foundations of the new one world religion are being sown.

Gods in control and knows all what man is doing.   Gods Will Be Done!   Pray, pray, pray the rosary  more and more   for the conversion of Russia  as our beloved Mother Mary requsted at Fatima

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