Now, don't say you didn't see here first!  This was leaked from the Vatican (I'm assuming....) through

I'Espresso, an Italian web magazine. 

Read if you dare.... 

(spoiler alert.....have your "downer" of choice ready--2 liter bottle of wine would be nice, or if you live in a state which allows legal  marijuana, you might want to smoke some, or if you don't smoke,  consider starting....just a thought!)   We are in really deep.....

the title is mine.....

"Mother Earth Encyclical" 

I'Espresso (source)

use Google translator, or Firefox translator

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Thank you, Susan.  It is an attempt to meld new age garbage and Catholicism.  It is a reduction the importance of the Church and its sacraments.  Parts of it reminded me of the Disney tune from Pocahantas, Color of the Wind.  It is just as sappy in parts.  I can almost here him singing it.

Although, I am being sarcastic, this encyclical works to play on peoples emotions that if you do not follow it, you are  attacking God's creation.

I totally agree with you!  The picture you captured above just cracks me up.

Here is another:

I remember Benedict's caritas (sp?) encyclical, but I didn't know about JP II's call for a one world order, although I can't say I'm surprised.

David Kaftal said:

Thank you for the analysis Susan.  You did some homework on that one.






Chapter One: What is Happening to Our Common Home
I. Pollution and climate change
II. The issue of water
III. Loss of biodiversity
IV. Decline in the quality of human life and the breakdown of society
V. Global inequality
VI. Weak responses
VII. A variety of opinions

Chapter Two: The Gospel of Creation
I. The light offered by faith
II. The wisdom of the biblical accounts
III. The mystery of the universe
IV. The message of each creature in the harmony of creation
V. A universal communion
VI. The common destination of goods
VII. The gaze of Jesus

Chapter Three: The Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis
I. Technology: Creativity and power
II. The globalization of the technocratic paradigm
III. The crisis and effects of modern anthropocentrism

Chapter Four: Integral Ecology
I. Environmental, economic and social ecology
II. Cultural ecology
III. Ecology of daily life
IV. The principle of the common good
V. Justice between the generations

Chapter Five: Lines of Approach and Action
I. Dialogue on the environment in the international community
II. Dialogue for new national and local policies
III. Dialogue and transparency in decision-making
IV. Politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfillment
V. Religions in dialogue with science

Chapter Six: Ecological Education and Spirituality
I. Towards a new lifestyle
II. Educating for the covenant between humanity and the environment
III. Ecological conversion
IV. Joy and peace
V. Civic and political love
VI. Sacramental signs and the celebration of rest
VII. The Trinity and the relationship between creatures
VIII. Queen of all creation
IX. Beyond the sun

If you prefer to read the document as a .pdf, you can do so here.

From John Vennari:

I would say this is 'unbelievable'- but  things just keep getting crazier. I'm waiting for the encyclical about how we all  need to be kind to extraterrestrials

For myself, I wonder why no Conciliar pope has apologized yet for all those insensitive martyrs  over the ages who chose to hurt the feelings of pagans by not worshipping their pagan "gods" in a spirit of tolerance and ecumenicism. I mean, sure, it was before the "Second Pentecost" of Vatican II and they didn't know any better, but still....

I've pinched myself several times now.
Dawn Marie said:

Paul the VI abdicated his responsibility to the UN!?!?

I did not know that.

Does anyone else ever pinch themselves and ask "Am I really living through this?"

The hits keep right on coming! Found this today on Drudge: 

"The Scientific Pantheist Who Advises Pope Francis

The scientist who influenced Laudato Si, and who serves at the Vatican's science office, seems to believe in Gaia, but not in God."


And there's more yet....

Francis kisses a heretical Bible

.....and more

Francis apologizes for us horrible Catholics...

Here we go again... Recall back to a year ago. (July 19)

Pope Francis asks for Pentecostals Forgiveness: "Catholics Who Were Possessed by the Devil" I am the shepherd of the Catholics and I ask you for forgiveness for those Catholic brothers and sisters who were possessed by the devil and did not understand anything!"

Pope asks for forgiveness from Waldensian Protestants for past persecution!!!

The Pope went on to speak about the fruits of the ecumenical movement in recent years. The principle fruit, he said, “is the rediscovery of the fraternity that unites all those who believe in Jesus Christ and are baptized in His Name.” This, he said, “allows us to grasp the profound ties that already unite us, despite our differences. It concerns a communion that is still on a journey, which, with prayer, with continual personal and communal conversion, and with the help of the theologians, we hope, trusting in the action of the Holy Spirit, can become full and visible communion in truth and charity.”

The Catholic Church seeks forgiveness for past sins against Waldensians. “But the unity that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit,” the Pope said, “does not mean uniformity. Brothers have in common the same origin, but they are not identical among themselves.” *****Unfortunately, he continued, historically this diversity was not accepted and was a cause of violence and disputes “committed in the name of the faith itself.” This history, the Pope said, can only grieve us, who pray for the grace “to recognize that we are all sinners and to know to forgive one another.” He then asked for forgiveness for “the non-Christian attitudes and behavior” of the Catholic Church against Waldensians.

In 2017, Christians will mark the 500th anniversary of the launching of the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther, who nailed his 95 Theses to a church door in Germany to denounce corruption in the Catholic Church.

Various Christian churches have still not agreed on how they will jointly mark the divorce that split western Christianity and led to many bloody religious wars.

The head of the Protestant Church in Germany, Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, has said he would be in favor of inviting the pope to a "joint Christian festival" to mark the anniversary.…/pope_visits_waldensian…/1153219

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