Starbucks: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Core to Who We Are and What We Value’

Starbucks: Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage ‘Is Core to Who We Are and What We Value’ – Starbucks, the world’s largest coffee shop chain, added its name to the list of major corporations that have endorsed a gay marriage bill in Washington State, saying the legislation shares the company’s values at its core.

The decision was criticized by many conservative, pro-family organizations.

Leading traditional marriage organizations, for instance, are accusing the Seattle-based company of “meddling” in the debate, after Starbucks joined Google, Microsoft, and Nike in support of the legalization of same-sex marriage that is currently gathering momentum in the state legislature.

Kalen Holmes, executive vice president for Partner Resources, released a statement on Jan. 24 entitled, “Starbucks Supports Marriage Equality,” to all of the company’s U.S. employees. Starbucks employs 149,000 people internationally.

...“This is just a sad development,” said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH), a group dedicated to countering the homosexual activist agenda. “We’re seeing the corporate world gravitate more and more towards the pro-gay position and, of course, it ends up with ultimately supporting same-sex marriage.”

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I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but my friend and I would occasionally go there to enjoy tea or cocoa (and  good conversation) as a treat.  No more.  We'll go elsewhere.

Goodbye starbucks! I will even toss away my gift card that still has $20! 

This is the age of sin.

"You will consent to perversion, and sin!"- Big Brother

I wish we had these in Denver! :(

But there is a Christian coffee shop about 4 miles from my house. So I guess they will be the only place I go now. 

Hmmmm... maybe I should open a Catholic based coffee shop.

This is a little peculiar of a video but it at least makes clear which companies are still using aborted stem cells in their products for a "flavor enhancer".

Lord help us all+

I haven't bought Pepsi since I found this out last year, but I wasn't aware that Nestle and Kraft were also doing this horrific deed.

This is a sick, sick world sometimes.  :-(  Dear Lord, have mercy.

My friend John was going on about this. I didn't know if it was true. I hated to believe it! Lord Have Mercy!!! I'm glad I prefer spring water. This is terrible! I wish I could jump on a horse and carry out St. Bernard of Clairvauxs' rule for Templars on these purveyors of iniquity of the most unholy sort! x(

SB 1418   Phone  -   Email   your State Senators today  to also introduce this bill for your state!
This senate bill was first introduced by Ok Republican State Senator Ralph Shortey. 
read on...

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