As I have stated in this space so many times, one of the things that actual satanists have to eventually do is publicly manifest their satanism. This is done to “prove” the power and protection of the Luciferian milieu. Also, as I have written on extensively, Diabolical Narcissists ultimately derive a deeper and more lasting satisfaction from not the commission of their crimes and abuse in real-time as they’re doing it, but rather the slow-burn, deep satisfaction of the GETTING AWAY WITH IT. They study their victims in their helplessness, or, even better, luxuriate in their victims enabling, justifying, and even defending their own abuser and abuse. That’s the satanic power-trip that keeps on giving.
So, over the transom, we have the following example of the Luciferian Bergoglian Antichurch openly rubbing their Satanism in everyone’s face, and then luxuriating in their feckless victims allowing them to get away with it. Ah, satan’s favorite words bleated out by the mindless sheep: “But there’s nothing we can doooooooo…”
Hi Ann,
Today’s USCCB daily Mass reading 10/17/2023 was from Romans 1:16-25 which included this passage:
22 While claiming to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for the likeness of an image of mortal man or of birds or of four-legged animals or of snakes.
Sound familiar? From last year’s spirituality of synodality document page 29 (PDF page 31):
What is a merciful heart? It is a heart on fire for the whole of creation, for humanity, for the birds, for the animals, for demons, and for all that exists.
But wait, there’s more!
By the recollection of them, the eyes of a merciful person pour forth tears in abundance. By the strong and vehement mercy that grips such a person’s heart, and by such great compassion, the heart is humbled, and one cannot bear to hear or to see any injury or slight sorrow in any in creation. For this reason, such a person offers up tearful prayer continually even for irrational beasts, for the enemies of the truth, and for those who harm her or him, that they be protected and receive mercy. And in like manner, such a person prays for the family of reptiles because of the great compassion that burns without measure in a heart that is in the likeness of God.
Pray for demons?
Pray for irrational beasts?
Pray for the enemies of the truth?
Pray for the family of reptiles??? (Snakes? Serpents??)
See for yourself: