The bold proclamation in the headline of this article was personally witnessed by St. Maximilian Kolbe, who watched Freemasons celebrate their bicentennial in St. Peter’s Square in 1917. St. Maximilian Kolbe saw banners bearing these words amidst the revelry. It’s a jarring and shocking statement, but it is totally in keeping with the aims of Freemasonry and it bears a great deal of significance for us today.
Before we go any further, it must be made perfectly clear that the Lepanto Institute is in NO WAY accusing Pope Francis of being a Freemason or suggesting that he is a willing advocate for Masonic principles. However, in light of certain recent events, what has become manifestly obvious is that there is a grave moral threat within the walls of the Church being orchestrated by unscrupulous men. The intent of this article is to attempt to shed some light on these events and perhaps make sense of these troubling times.
The banners observed by St. Maximilian Kolbe call to mind the battle plan against the Catholic Church as established by Freemasons. In 1859, the French Cardinal Jacques Crétineau-Joly published Masonic documents obtained by the Vatican in his book, “The Roman Church facing the Revolution.” The documents came from a lodge of Freemasonry called the Alta Vendita. Twenty-six years later, in 1885, Msgr. George Dillon published an English translation of these documents in his book, “Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism.”
According to these documents, the Alta Vendita lodge of Freemasonry openly declared that its “ultimate end is that of Voltaire and of the French Revolution – the final destruction forever of Catholicism, and even of the Christian idea.” But the declaration of this intent isn’t the focus of this article. What is particularly noteworthy in these documents is how they intend to bring about this destruction. The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita says:
“We do not intend to win the Popes to our cause, to make them neophytes of our principles, propagators of our ideas. That would be a ridiculous dream; and if events turn out in some way, if Cardinals or prelates, for example, of their own free will or by surprise, should enter into a part of our secrets, this is not at all an incentive for desiring their elevation to the See of Peter. That elevation would ruin us. Ambition alone would have led them to apostasy, the requirements of power would force them to sacrifice us. What we must ask for, what we should look for and wait for, as the Jews wait for the Messiah, is a Pope according to our needs.
“With that we shall march more securely towards the assault on the Church than with the pamphlets of our brethren in France and even the gold of England. Do you want to know the reason for this? It is that with this, in order to shatter the high rock on which God built His Church, we no longer need Hannibalian vinegar, or need gunpowder, or even need our arms. We have the little finger of the Successor of Peter engaged in the ploy, and this little finger is as good, for this crusade, as all the Urban IIs and all the St. Bernards in Christendom.
“Now then, to assure ourselves of a Pope of the required dimensions, it is a question first of shaping for this pope a generation worthy of the reign we are dreaming of. Leave old people and those of mature age aside; go to the youth, and if it is possible, even to the children.”
Bear in mind that this was written over 100 years ago … this isn’t the musing of some aluminum-foil wearing conspiracy blog. A little later on, the Alta Vendita says:
“You will contrive for yourselves, at little cost, a reputation as good Catholics and pure patriots. This reputation will put access to our doctrines into the midst of the young clergy, as well as deeply into the monasteries. In a few years by the force of things, this young clergy will have overrun all functions; they will form the sovereign’s council, they will be called to choose a pontiff who should reign. And this pontiff, like most of his contemporaries, will be necessarily more or less imbued with the Italian and humanitarian principles that we are going to begin to put into circulation.”
In short, the Alta Vendita is saying that it doesn’t intend to place a Freemason in the papacy, but to gain control of everything around the pope and elect one sympathetic to them.
St. Maximilian Kolbe expounded on this plan at the founding of the Militia of the Immaculata. On October 16, just three days after the miracle of Fatima, the saint wrote:
“These men without God find themselves in a tragic situation. Such implacable hatred for the Church and the ambassadors of Christ on Earth is not in the power of individual persons, but of a systematic activity stemming in the final analysis from Freemasonry. In particular, it aims to destroy the Catholic religion. Their decrees have been spread throughout the world, in different disguises. But with the same goal – religious indifference and weakening of moral forces, according to their basic principle – ‘We will conquer the Catholic Church not by argumentation, but rather with moral corruption.‘”
And so today, the objective Catholic must admit that there is an orchestrated effort to corrupt the moral teaching of the Catholic Church. Even if one wishes to dismiss the historical secret plan to destroy the Church from within, current events are a lot harder to deny. For instance, Marco Tosatti, an Italian journalist, reported on 1 October that a secret “task force” was working on a possible post-synodal document allowing Holy Communion for divorced and remarried, cohabiting and same-sex couples.
This news came on the heels of an explosive claim by Cardinal Danneels, one of the appointed papal delegates to the Synod this month, that he participated in a “mafia” to actively oppose Pope Benedict, push for his resignation, and elect Pope Francis. In 2013, Cardinal Danneels applauded same-sex civil unions. Cdl. Danneels’ biography also names Cardinals Carlo Maria Martini and Achille Silvestrini from Italy, Walter Kasper and Karl Lehmann from Germany, and Dutch Cardinal Adriaan van Luyn as well as Basil Hume from England members of this “mafia.” Cardinal Kasper, of course, is the Synod participant best known for his proposal to allow divorced and “remarried” Catholics to receive Holy Communion.
Keep in mind that the aim of Freemasonry is to “conquer the Church … with moral corruption.” It is worth recalling that in 2013, the newly elected Pope Francis addressed both homosexuality and Freemasonry in the same breath:
“The problem is not having this [homosexual] orientation. No, we must be brothers and sisters. The problem is lobbying for this orientation, or lobbies of greed, political lobbies, Masonic lobbies, so many lobbies.”
In addition to admitting participation in a cabal within the Church and promoting homosexuality, Cardinal Danneels actively participated in a Masonic meeting, dressed in Masonic regelia. In 2008, Danneels admitted to dressing in the ritualistic white garb of Free... in order to deliver a lecture at the Masonic Temple in Belgium. To the right is a picture of Cdl. Danneels shaking hands with the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Belgium, holding his copies of Masonic books “Become a Freemason at the Grand Orient of Belgium” and “The Treasures of the Temple.”
In 1738, Pope Clement XII expressly announced the automatic excommunication for any Catholic having association with Freemasons whatsoever. His Encyclical, In Eminenti, he stated:
“Wherefore We command most strictly and in virtue of holy obedience, all the faithful of whatever state, grade, condition, order, dignity or pre-eminence, whether clerical or lay, secular or regular, even those who are entitled to specific and individual mention, that none, under any pretext or for any reason, shall dare or presume to enter, propagate or support these aforesaid societies of Liberi Muratori or Francs Massons, or however else they are called, or to receive them in their houses or dwellings or to hide them, be enrolled among them, joined to them, be present with them, give power or permission for them to meet elsewhere, to help them in any way, to give them in any way advice, encouragement or support either openly or in secret, directly or indirectly, on their own or through others; nor are they to urge others or tell them, incite or persuade them to be enrolled in such societies or to be counted among their number, or to be present or to assist them in any way; but they must stay completely clear of such Societies, Companies, Assemblies, Meetings, Congregations or Conventicles, under pain of excommunication for all the above mentioned people, which is incurred by the very deed without any declaration being required, and from which no one can obtain the benefit of absolution, other than at the hour of death, except through Ourselves or the Roman Pontiff of the time.”
And Cardinal Danneels is not the only Masonically-associated cleric operating in the open. In 2013, when Archbishop Pontier was elected as the new president of the Conference of Bishops of France, he was also reported to be a Freemason who is member of the Grand Orient de France. Abp. Pontier is also a participant in this month’s Synod meetings who was involved in the confidential meetings intended to sway the Synod to accept same-sex unions.
Keeping with the theme that the aim of Freemasonry is to try to destroy the Church with corruption of morals, it can’t be mere happenstance that just days before the opening of the Synod this month, a Polish priest who had worked for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith announced that he is an active homosexual, and demanded revisions in Catholic teaching regarding homosexuality. In addition to this, let’s not forget the attempted hijacking of the pope’s visit to the United States by individuals pushing the homosexual agenda.
The black serpent of Freemasonry has clearly found willing allies among the Curia, and has worked for over 100 years to wrap its coils through the halls of the Vatican. Cardinal Danneels and Archbishop Pontier are just two that we know of. How many other secret Masons or fellow travelers have joined their plot to ruin the Church through the corruption of morals?
Let us continue to pray to Our Lady for guidance and protection against the heresy spreading throughout the Church. So many souls, loved intensely by Our Lord, are in extreme danger of being lost in the coming storm. Hold fast to the Church’s eternal Truths, and don’t lose hope. This chaos is nothing but the shivering of a dragon who knows well that its time is short.
“Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave.” - Le...
Views: 252
We are living in dangerous times...we must hold firm to our Faith............and PRAY..........PRAY............PRAY........ uniting ourselves with all those who pray the Rosary........for our salvation and that of our families and lineage and for the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I unite myself with all the Saints in heaven and all the just on earth, I unite myself with Thee my Jesus, in order to praise Thy Holy Mother worthily, to praise Thee in Her and by Her, renouncing all the distractions that may come to me while I am saying this Rosary.
Our Blessed Mother will defeat the dragon......but She also needs our Prayers...........Pray the Rosary.
O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my humble prayers on behalf of thy priests.
Give them a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of their priestly life.
In their loneliness, comfort them.
In their sorrows, strengthen them.
In their frustrations, point out to them, that it is purified. Show them that they are needed by the Church. They are needed by souls. They are needed for the work of redemption.
O Loving Mother Mary, Mother of Priests, take to thy heart thy sons who are so close to thee, because of their priestly ordination and because of the power, they have received to carry on the work of Christ in a world which needs them so much.
Be their comfort, Be their joy, Be their strength. Help them to live always so as to defend the ideals of their consecrated celibacy.............Amen.
Amen on both counts Judy+
"They must stay completely clear of such Societies, Assemblies, Meetings, Congregations, Conventicles
under pain of excommunication" this line causes great frustration in me. So what happens when a "POPE"
is a members of a Secret Society? Hypothetically of course.
Hey Adrienne, :) What I meant was ...What happens when "a" Pope is a member of
a secret society and we all know it because they are proud of it. I am not
trying to cause grief here, heehee but there have been more than one Pope in
recent years that have been suspect of being a member of such societies.
What Happens....Nothing. And if some one does call the Pope on any nefarious activities
or questionable conduct or any breach of Catholic etiquette such as what was once stated
in the Catechism they are labeled as crazy, trouble makers, schematics or worse.
So nothing changes. Popes can worship with non Catholics and it not be a mortal sin
but it would be for us. Be a Freemason and wear Jewish or free masonic garb in public
or use hand signs of the Freemasons and we are and will remain in denial.
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