Russia sees America’s error, may ban public homosexuality

Russia sees America’s error, may ban public homosexuality


An evangelist who visits Russia frequently believes the move afoot there to ban the public display of homosexuality is because the nation's leaders -- both political and religious -- have seen the damage American culture has suffered from the homosexual movement.

Russia is preparing to debate and act on legislation barring homosexuality from the public arena, including homosexual "pride" parades. The country is moving to ban same-sex "marriage" and even public acts of affection between homosexuals.

The Associated Press reports that the bill, which comes up for a vote later this month in the Russian parliament, is "part of an effort to promote traditional Russian values as opposed to Western liberalism, which the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church see as corrupting Russian youth ...."

As an evangelist who works in Russia,Tim Todd tells OneNewsNow that is quite a contrast to America, which has the most pro-homosexual president in the country's history. Todd, who heads Revival Fires International and has worked in Russia, understands that country's stand against the homosexual agenda.

"America is opening the floodgate -- and if you want to know what God thinks about the sin of homosexuality, you can look at his urban renewal development plan in Sodom and Gomorrah," he points out. "It gives you a pretty good idea."

"[In America] there is open, blatant homosexuality on television and on the Internet where the homosexuals have come out of their hideouts in publicly proclaiming their sinful activity," he observes.

Todd adds that he believes Russia has known all along the detriment homosexuality has on society -- and now they have proof in the United States. There is also a surge of interest in Christianity in Russia.



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Small signs of hope, maybe? 

At least they are moving in the right direction?

We can only hope and pray, esp to Our Lady of Fatima.

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