Francis Effect: the Vatican profaned

The sense that St. Peter’s Basilica has been profaned is strong. The symbolic significance of the event is a Church immersed in darkness, but illuminated by the world, by the new climatist-religion-ideology (all  financed by the World Bank Group which will now have to explain to us what politics compatible with the teaching of the Church it is promoting..)

The holy place par excellence, the heart of Christianity transformed on a maxi-screen for the show of the New World Power Ideology …and the Nativity Crib was left in darkness.
Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana
More photos of last nights profanation HERE

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What is there to say....................BUT........................GOD HAVE MERCY.

I can think of a few things I'd like to say, but then I'd have to go to Confession afterwards!

Judy Muller said:

What is there to say....................BUT........................GOD HAVE MERCY.

I think I am going to be sick.

That's another reason why I'd better not say it! (Or think it???? ... in the immortal words of Bill Paxton in Alien, "We're all Cheez Whiz!")

Adrienne said:


Yes, but where will you go, David???

N.O.?  neo-SSPX? FSSP? ICK?  

Resistance, but when?

David Kaftal said:

I can think of a few things I'd like to say, but then I'd have to go to Confession afterwards!

Judy Muller said:

What is there to say....................BUT........................GOD HAVE MERCY.

Definitely times to remember. Somebody get a bucket for Cathleen! :)

David Kaftal said:

That's another reason why I'd better not say it! (Or think it???? ... in the immortal words of Bill Paxton in Alien, "We're all Cheez Whiz!")

Adrienne said:


Yes, but where will you go, David???

N.O.?  neo-SSPX? FSSP? ICK?  

Resistance, but when?

David Kaftal said:

I can think of a few things I'd like to say, but then I'd have to go to Confession afterwards!

Judy Muller said:

What is there to say....................BUT........................GOD HAVE MERCY.

Well Just anger isnt a sin, right?


As far as I'm aware just anger is NOT a sin :))))

Emil Castillo said:

Well Just anger isnt a sin, right?

This situation forcibly reminds the famous quote of St.Athanasius. "Let them have their buildings and let us have our Faith!" - St.Athanasius . This great doctor of the Church spoke these  words when all the Church's higher authorities including the Pope (Pope Liberius-  If  my memory is correct) were siding with the heresy of  Arius, in 4th century.  Today it  looks like we are facing  the same situation as that of the period when  the Church was highly influenced by the Arius heresy. Of course,by then, so many holy defenders  and doctors of the Church such as St.Ambrose, St.Athanasius, St.Augustine, St.Jerome,St.Anselm togerher with good Christian kings such as Constantine,rose to the occasion, invoking the Heavenly support from our Holy Queen of Heaven and destroyer of Heresies, uprooted the heresy in the church. So also, now, let us invoke our HolyQueen of Mercy, to save us , our Holy Mother Church from all that is evil, by raising many holy priests and Bishops.

With prayerful wishes and regards



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