Public Announcement about Fathers François Chazal and Joseph Pfeiffer

Public Announcement about
Fathers François Chazal and Joseph Pfeiffer
September 9, 2012



Dear Faithful,


It is with great sorrow that I make this announcement. Fathers François Chazal and Joseph Pfeiffer, as of today, Sunday September 9th are no longer allowed to celebrate masses in any of our mass centers in the District of Asia. Father Chazal, after receiving the two normal canonical monitions and by coming back to Asia against a formal order of Bishop Fellay, signifies by this that he has now officially left the Society of St Pius X.


Father Joseph Pfeiffer has already received and ignored two canonical warnings and is about
to be expelled. We can still however pray for a miracle to happen in order to prevent this.


The reasons

1. “The deal” They continue to claim with certainty that the Society of St Pius X is about
to surrender to the modernist Rome: this prophecy was to be fulfilled first in June. It wasn’t.
Then it was to take place in July. It didn’t. Now it is supposed to happen in October, or
November. It won’t. But we hear from them that it will happen in 5 years, then in another
five years (cf. sermon of Fr. Chazal in Cincinnati, USA, on August 12, 2012). It will not.
They are like the false prophets (“Little Pebble”, etc.) announcing repeatedly – because,
obviously, it hasn’t happened! - the imminent end of the world. They lead the faithful with
the fear that this drama will surely happen. And they ignore all attempts to convince them
that the facts prove them wrong:
 the constant and recent statements on the part of Bishop Fellay that the Society of St
Pius X will not cease to condemn the errors of the Council and of the New Mass;
 the absolute insistence of the conciliar authorities which have openly, in the last 2-3
months especially, stated clearly that the SSPX would never be recognized if it rejects
Vatican II and the New Mass.
So, as Bishop Fellay stated in his June 29th sermon, “we are back to square one”, which
means at the position we have had ever since 1974, with the Declaration of Archbishop
“We hold firmly with all our heart and with all our mind to Catholic Rome, Guardian of
the Catholic Faith and of the traditions necessary to the maintenance of this faith, to the
eternal Rome, mistress of wisdom and truth.
We refuse on the other hand, and have always refused, to follow the Rome of Neo-
Modernist and Neo-Protestant tendencies, which became clearly manifest during the Second
Vatican Council, and after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it…”
2. These priests have now, on their own initiative, started a resistance group in the USA
contrary to all their promises of obedience to God and to the Society of St Pius X (made in
front of the Blessed Sacrament). The real issue is therefore not a doctrinal one but one of
simple obedience.
3. Father Chazal has left his new assignment in France, and Father Joseph has refused to
return to Davao, Philippines (he was due to come back on July 7), and has announced that
his and Fr. Chazal’s real address was, as of August 12, in Boston, Kentucky, USA. Thus
they have abandoned their assigned post in the Divine Master’s vineyard, and have chosen
an apostolate of their own.
I might also add to these very grave reasons an attitude towards Our Blessed Lady which is,
to say the least, shocking: on one hand they claim that only Our Lady will bring about the
conversion of Rome to Tradition (which we also believe), but on the other hand they also
state that the last three rosary crusades were insults to Our Lady since what happened was
not perfect : “The Rosary Crusades are good instruments to measure our gullibleness and
the gullibility of our faithful … The 2007 and 2009 rosary crusades are a mockery of Our
Lady” (Fr. Chazal, War On)! They are expecting a miracle while at the same time refusing
the means to obtain it and ignoring the way Providence works in the conversion of souls.
Let us nevertheless keep them in our prayers so that one day they may see the dead end road
they have chosen for themselves and those who will follow them
In the service of Christ the King and His Immaculate Mother,


Fr. Daniel Couture



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I am sorry to hear this.

Very sad to hear this.  I hope these two priests re-examine their vows and to whom they are obedient.  Pray for them.

Yes, seconded.  Many prayers for them.

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