Prayers Requested For Texas, Florida and the Caribbean Islands

In your charity we pray for all those in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean Islands -- but most especially our parishioners, our family and our friends as well as our fellow Crusaders.  Bishop Zendejas has also requested prayers for his parishioners there who are in Houston and near Galveston.  Please join us in asking God's protection on all but most especially those of the Faith mentioned above.

Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. +

God became man, + and the Word was made flesh. +

Christ was born of a Virgin.+

Christ suffered.+

Christ was crucified.+

Christ died.+

Christ rose from the dead.+

Christ ascended into Heaven. +

Christ conquers. +

Christ reigns. +

Christ orders. +

May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.+

Christ went through their midst in Peace, +

and the Word was made flesh. +

Christ is with us with Mary. +

Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the

Generation of Juda, the Root of David, has won. +

Holy God! + Holy Powerful God! + Holy Immortal God! +

Have mercy on us.


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Please God, send Sts. Michael and Raphael the Archangels to protect our Crusaders of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and all others who are in the path of this monster storm, Hurricane Irma.  Keep them safe, and please protect our Priests, the SSPX chapels, the laity and the rest who may feel the effects of this disaster.  God bless Florida and the people of the Caribbean areas.  Amen. 







We will be leaving here in about an hour.  We'll be staying in Jacksonville.  After we leave I've no idea when we'll have internet and electricity again.  Will have our cell phone.  God be with all our Crusaders who are in this path.  Love you guys and gals <3  :)   See ya again when I can.


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