Danger from a hurricane now threatens the densely populated southeast coast of the United States. Storms are an opportunity to re-learn our utter helplessness before God and His creature, nature. For God created nature and it serves Him, though all the arrogant forces of the lord of this world would have us believe otherwise. Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us to pray to God as our loving Father. Now, we shall see His providence for us. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, merciful Savior, we place our trust in Thee!
O Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful Savior, save us from the wrath of storms, lightning and hurricanes. Amen.
For those in the path of the hurricane, we offer this prayer to protect our homes and families from danger of storms.
O Holy and merciful God, who rules the earth and sea, and commands the wind, the waves, and every force of nature, have mercy on thy children, who are helpless before the wrathful weather, which threatens our homes and families. Lord Jesus, we turn to Thee as the Apostles did when frightened by the storm on the Sea of Galilee, trusting that if Thou wilt, Thou canst calm the storm and save us from all danger.
Most Blessed Virgin Mary, most merciful and loving Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His infinite mercy, our own Mother too, intercede for us in this great peril. Mediatrix of grace, grant us grace to offer all trials and dangers to Our Lord Jesus Christ through thine Immaculate Heart for love of Him, for reparation for sins, for the conversion of sinners and for our Pope and priests. Amen.
(At each †, make the Sign of the Cross with Holy Water)
† Jesus Christ, the King of Glory has come in Peace.
† God became man,
† the Word was made flesh.
† Christ was born of the Virgin.
† Christ suffered.
† Christ was crucified.
† Christ died.
† Christ rose from the dead.
† Christ ascended into Heaven.
† Christ conquers.
† Christ reigns.
† Christ commands.
† May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.
† Christ went through their midst in Peace,
† And the Word was made Flesh.
† Christ is with us with Mary, His Mother.
† Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won!
† Holy God!
† Holy Powerful God!
† Holy Immortal God!
† Have mercy on us. Amen.
Additionally, in times of danger to our families, the Glorious Mysteries of Our Lady’s Rosary are a great comfort. Children especially, benefit from the focus on the Victory of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother.
If you have additional devotions and would like to share them, please let us know. Thank you!
† Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
Views: 213
Please pray for our fellow Crusaders in the path of Hurricane Matthew.
Thank you
Spare them O Lord!
Praying for all.
Thoughts and prayers for all in its path. May Our Lady of The Rosary intercede
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