Pope Takes off Shoes to Enter Dome of the Rock!!!by Catholic4Life |
Pope Francis has entered the Dome of the Rock, the iconic shrine located at the third-holiest spot in Islam, on the third and final day of his Mideast pilgrimage.
Francis took off his shoes on Monday to step into the gold-topped dome, which enshrines the rock where Muslims believe the Prophet Mohammad ascended to heaven.
The mosque complex, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as the Temple Mount, is at the heart of the territorial and religious disputes between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
Francis was meeting with the grand mufti of Jerusalem before going to pray at the Western Wall, the only remains of the biblical Second Temple and the holiest place where Jews can pray.
Views: 122
St. Francis of Assisi, pray for us. Good St. Francis offered to walk through fire to prove to the Sultan the Truth of our Holy Faith. If he could weep, he would be weeping in Heaven over this.
Dear Lord, have mercy on us all.
One hardly knows what to do anymore as these atrocities are happening so quickly one upon the heels of the other.
All I can say is I'm so sorry dearest Jesus; offering a rosary to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary for these unbelievable, mind numbing outrages.
Jesus have pity on Your little ones.
I agree, Dawn, one does not know what to do or think anymore! Does the Holy Father really know what he is actually doing ? How can he pay homage to the temples of false gods? All this in the name of false ecumenism. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners.
This is from the Our Lady of the Rosary Library .org Site (excellent site btw)
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