From the very earliest moments of his pontificate, hardly a week has passed without Pope Francis, at the very least, causing great confusion among many of the faithful. Often, his words and his deeds have been outright scandalous.
The papal improprieties of the past twenty-seven months are so numerous and so well-known that there is little need to list them here.
Besides, doing so will be of no avail for those who welcome the church-of-man, or who choose, as a deliberate act of the will, to bury their heads in the neo-conservative sandbox.
Looking ahead, all indications are that Pope Francis is about to outdo himself with the promulgation of an encyclical on the environment.
In the more distant future, should the Lord choose to allow the Franciscan scourge to continue for another two years, the eyes of the world will witness the Successor to St. Peter celebrating the protestant revolt; the same that ushered in a pseudo-Christianity that dares to promote homosexual mock-marriages, divorce, contraception, abortion, female “priests” (practicing lesbians, included), and any number of other abominations, all in the name of Christ.
What can one say about such a pope?
Why does he do such things?
What is he thinking?
Numerous theories attempting to explain the man abound.
For example, some wish to believe that Pope Francis (who, after all, is a “son of the Church” – he said so himself) is the smartest guy in the room; a brilliant tactician employing a strategy for converting the world to Christ that is so masterful in its subtlety that we, his subjects, cannot even begin to comprehend it.
On the flip side are those who say that the man is just plain stupid.
Others are more Benedictine in their “interpretation” of Francis’ more disturbing words and deeds; twisting themselves into knots in an attempt to wring “continuity” out of whole heretical cloth.
Others still, having long since taken up membership in the church-of-man, see Pope Francis as a breath of fresh air in spite of the Holy Catholic Church’s near complete suffocation.
For my part, it seems that if nothing else is clear, it is entirely obvious that Pope Francis isn’t the least bit serious about performing the duties of the Office of Peter, at least not as they have been understood for nearly 2,000 years.
He’s also a walking “do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do” operation in hypocrisy.
He is a man who speaks rather often of “unity” while dividing like none other, who promotes “humility” while staging magnificent displays that call attention directly to himself, who trumpets collegiality while enforcing his will on the majority, who decries gossiping and name-calling while offering homilies with material that would make an insult comic blush, and so on.
At the end of the day, I think the most accurate explanation for his unseemly behavior is simply this:
Pope Francis hates the Catholic faith.
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen once famously remarked:
There are not more than one hundred people in the world who truly hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who hate what they perceive the Catholic Church to be.
I’m not so sure he had this right, but in any case, let’s be perfectly clear; as it concerns the hatred that lurks within Pope Francis, it’s not a matter of knowing not of what he despises.
Pope Francis knows the Catholic faith, he “gets” the Catholic faith, he is well aware of the Catholic faith; he simply hates it.
No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24)
What is mammon?
Mammon is typically considered to mean “riches,” and what’s more, riches in which one puts undue stock; even to the point of devoting oneself to them.
Though “mammon” most often calls to mind money, it need not be so exclusively.
In the verses preceding Mt. 6:24, Our Lord gives a lengthy discourse wherein He offers three examples of “hypocrites” who have “received their reward;” namely, men who practice piety, give alms, and fast in such way as to win the acclaim of others.
With this understanding in mind, can there be any doubt that Pope Francis loves him some mammon?
I suppose one might argue that it’s not so much that Pope Francis seeks mammon so understood, much less loves it, but even if this be so, there can be no arguing against the fact that mammon has been heaped upon this man and his pontificate unlike any other.
Pope Francis enjoys immense, indeed unprecedented popularity among heathens, homos and heretics, and not without reason.
And let’s not be naïve; it most certainly isn’t because he strikes an image of Christ so clear and compelling as to be irresistible.
No serious observer of this pontificate will contend that Pope Francis is so loved for his intrepidness in teaching the one true faith.
Rather, it is most certainly the case that he is loved by so many for the exact opposite reason; he hates the one true faith.
This much is entirely evident if one simply allows the man to speak for himself.
A supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline leads instead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism…
In some people we see an ostentatious preoccupation for the liturgy, for doctrine and for the Church’s prestige…
I believe in God, not in a Catholic God, there is no Catholic God…
I would not speak about “absolute” truths, even for believers…
Do you need to convince the other to become Catholic? No, no, no!
To those sincere souls who still feel compelled to “figure out” the complexities of Pope Francis vis-à-vis his deeply disturbing words and deeds; do yourself a favor and just stop.
The impetus for the current papal program is at once exceedingly simple, and immensely tragic:
Pope Francis hates the Catholic faith.
Views: 641
And if I may address the sede issue with regard to Francis possibly despising the Faith (this is Louie opinion not an absolute).
Even if Francis did hate the Faith, even if he was elected uncanonically, even if he is the pope of the alta venditata, the judgement on whether he is actually the pope or not MUST come from the Church Herself. Not from the laity who do not hold the authority to make that decision.
There have been many bad popes along the way, some might even say evil, but they were declared so by the Church after an investigation. It was not done by the people. And until the Church declared such and such a pope to have been a heretic he was considered the pope. So it is unwise to say, if Francis is this way or that then I am a sede.
We can recognize that what he is saying or doing is not Catholic and we can resist. What we can not do is decide he is not the pope.
Well, please be sure that I understand the explanations above, but just in case of interest given that this is my personal opinion, what the Pope is saying (did listen to it again, link provided above) is the Athanasian Creed (mentioned by Matthew) (Profession of Faith of Saint Athanasius, Symbol of Saint Athanasius, To the Holy Trinity, or “Quicumque”) which begins and ends (I only have it in Spanish):
“Todo el que quiera salvarse, ante todo es menester que mantenga la fe católica y el que no la guardare íntegra e inviolable sin duda perecerá para siempre.
Ésta es la fe católica y el que no la creyere fiel y firmemente, no podrá salvarse”.
I think that if someone wants to expound on the more rarified aspects of Thomistic theology, it would behoove them to be qualified to teach it.
Thomistic sophistry may be a good thing if one is qualified to speak it, but I think you missed or didn't understand what I was trying to say Matthew.
What I'm trying to say is just this, we shouldn't have to pull out the Summa to figure out ( or perhaps split hairs) as to exactly what Francis is saying when what he has said, taken at face value is not Catholic. Or as you said he obfuscates.
Some highly intellectual people or Thomistic Theologians might feel comfortable pulling out the Summa but the vast majority of us don't, and frankly we shouldn't have to.
From down here on the lower intellectual ladder, where I sit, and probably where most people sit, what Francis said sounds pretty bad to me. Not Catholic.
That's all I'm saying.
And David, I have a question for you, if you know. I ask because you said you understand the Italian of what Francis said.
What exactly was he saying, or meaning when he said "This God spray does not exist".
God spray?
My Italian is a bit rusty, and I was never fluent in it, although at one point I could understand it pretty well. The sense I got was that he was referring to something shapeless, some sort of vague amorphous mist that's there one second and gone the next. The word he used was "spray," (pronounced spry), which I wasn't familiar with, not spruzzo, which is the Italian word for spray I've usually heard used. Here is the transcript in Italian provided by Radio Vaticano:
Tante volte: ‘Ma lei crede?’: ‘Sì! Si!’; ‘In che crede?’; ‘In Dio!’; ‘Ma cosa è Dio per lei?’; ‘Dio, Dio!’. Ma Dio non esiste: non scandalizzatevi! Dio così non esiste! Esiste il Padre, il Figlio e lo Spirito Santo: sono persone, non sono un’idea nell’aria… Questo Dio spray non esiste! Esistono persone!
It seems an accurate rendering, except I noticed that Francis had actually said "non sono un’idea sull’aria," not "nell'aria" — or "they are not an idea on the air," not "in the air." But anyway, I would have to not only have a perfect grasp of Italian, but also be a mind reader to know exactly what he meant!
Dawn Marie said:
And David, I have a question for you, if you know. I ask because you said you understand the Italian of what Francis said.
What exactly was he saying, or meaning when he said "This God spray does not exist".
God spray?
One other thing, and that is Mr. Verrechio's assertion that Francis hates the Catholic Faith — the actual title of this thread. Mr. Verrechio may be very talented, but I doubt that he can read men's souls. Francis acts as if he hates the Catholic Faith, but we cannot say with certainty that he does hate it. God would know, a wonder-working saint like Padre Pio might now, but for the rest of us, we should avoid such judgments.
God spray (three examples, below; there are many others in the internet by googling God spray):
*Elsa I had to remove the links. When I clicked them they led to bad stuff. I know you didn't realize it. No harm done. They are gone now.
The second and third links go to blasphemous jokes, while the first link goes to a similar joke but also an article that links to the Radio Vaticano website and reproduces an excerpt from it in which Francis again reiterates the same theme of the persons of the Blessed Trinity existing but not the "God-spray." Radio Vaticano defines the God-spray for us as "an intangible essence, ‘mist’ or 'spray'." Francis in his talk discusses it as "An ‘all over the place - god, a 'god-spray' so to speak, who is a little bit everywhere but who no-one really knows anything about."
Francis seems to be emphasizing the Three Persons and dismissing the One God. I don't claim to understand the mysteries of the Blessed Trinity, but I know that my catechism said there is "One God in Three Divine Persons." Francis appears to be using a straw man argument in which he equates the One God to a meaningless spray, and then dismisses the spray, leaving only the Three Persons and no God.
Thanks for the explanation David. I get the gist of it now anyway. I'd never heard of anything like that before.
Agreed. If I hear one more person say, "Who am I to judge?" quoting the Pope, I think I will throw up.
Most people live by sound bites and bumper stickers nowadays, at least here in the brainwashed US. Sad, but true.
Contrast all that with +HE Williamson's sermons.......clear as a bell. And for most simple people like myself, a welcome breath of fresh air.
Dawn Marie said:
Thomistic sophistry may be a good thing if one is qualified to speak it, but I think you missed or didn't understand what I was trying to say Matthew.
What I'm trying to say is just this, we shouldn't have to pull out the Summa to figure out ( or perhaps split hairs) as to exactly what Francis is saying when what he has said, taken at face value is not Catholic. Or as you said he obfuscates.
Some highly intellectual people or Thomistic Theologians might feel comfortable pulling out the Summa but the vast majority of us don't, and frankly we shouldn't have to.
From down here on the lower intellectual ladder, where I sit, and probably where most people sit, what Francis said sounds pretty bad to me. Not Catholic.
That's all I'm saying.
Sorry, Dawn Marie. I didn't realize (I was just trying to answer the question). I had just taken a look at the first one I posted (from googling) due to the address (the hermeneutic of continuity, which called my attention) and since it cited to the right in the list of blogs The Eponymous Flower, Rorate Caeli, I thought they were serious. Sorry.
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