Quote from the press conference (version in Italian and English ) given on the flight between Madagascar and Rome, yesterday September 10:
Question - On the flight to Maputo he acknowledged that he was being attacked by a sector of the American Church, obviously there are strong criticisms of some bishops and cardinals, there are very critical Catholic television and American websites, and even some of his closest allies have spoken of a plot against you. Is there anything these critics do not understand about your pontificate? Is there anything you learned from the reviews? Are you afraid of a schism in the American Church? And if so, is there anything I can do, a dialogue, to avoid it?
Pope's response - (...) he problem of the schism: in the Church there have been many schisms. After Vatican I, for example, the last vote, that of infallibility, a significant group abandoned and founded the old Catholics to be really "honest" with the tradition of the Church. Then they found a different development and now they do the ordinations of women. But at that time they were rigid, they got behind an orthodoxy and thought the Council was wrong. Another group left in silence, but did not want to vote ....
Vatican II had these things among the consequences. Perhaps the best known of the post-conciliar separations is that of Lefebvre. There is always the schismatic option in the Church, always. But it is one of the options that the Lord leaves to human freedom. I do not fear schisms, I pray that they do not exist, because the spiritual health of many people is at stake. Let there be dialogue, let there be correction if there is any mistake, but the path of the schism is not Christian.
Think of the beginnings of the Church, as it began with many schisms, one after another: Arians, Gnostics, Monophysites .... Then I come to tell an anecdote: it was the people of God who saved the schisms. The schismatics always have one thing in common: they separate themselves from the people, from the faith of the people of God. (...)
A schism is always an elitist detachment caused by an ideology detached from the doctrine. It is an ideology, perhaps just, but that enters the doctrine and separates it ... That is why I pray that there will be no schisms, but I am not afraid. This is a result of Vatican II, not this or that Pope. For example, the social things I say are the same as those of John Paul II, the same! I copy it. But they say: the Pope is a communist ...
Ideologies enter the doctrine and when the doctrine slips into ideologies, there is the possibility of a schism. There is the ideology of the primacy of aseptic morals over the morals of God's people. Shepherds should lead the flock between grace and sin, because evangelical morality is this. Instead, a moral of such a Pelagian ideology leads you to rigidity, and today we have many schools of rigidity within the Church, which are not schisms but pseudo-schematic Christian paths, which will end badly. When Christians, bishops, rigid priests are seen, there are problems behind them, there is no holiness of the Gospel. That is why we must be meek with the people who are tempted by these attacks, they are going through a problem, we must accompany them with meekness.
Will the superior general of the SSPX dare to defend the truth about Bishop Lefebvre, against this liar and grave accusation made by Pope Francis? We will see.
Pope Francis affirms that Mons. LEFEBVRE MADE A SCHISM ~ Non Possumus
Views: 122
Meanwhile Frank is redefining Church teaching on the homo situation and the definition of life and family and he is not redefining it for good but for evil. Many in the nordo Church are bracing for a full on schism next month brought to the world by Frank the antipope and perhaps one may go so far as to say the antichrist. Before you judge that last observation, wait until October and see for yourselves how antichrist he really is.
I agree an open schism may be coming. This is why having the SSPX back under Rome is so important to his plan. It immediately blunts Novus Ordo Catholics who oppose him. He can use the SSPX, a traditional Catholic society, to beat them over the head. "Why are you in schism? After all the SSPX follows me." He doesn't need the FSSP since they already capitulated to modernism. My hope is the good priests of both the SSPX and FSSP will walk away to Bishop Faure and the SAJM or to move together into another group. Maybe a loose confederation of traditional priests that Bishop Williamson envisions. I agree that what is coming in October is evil and will be an open affront to God and His Holy Catholic Church.
francis, knowing what I know about him, makes me sick that BP Fellay went back and took all those unsuspecting
innocent people with him. francis IS NOT A TRUE SON OF JESUS CHRIST!
Here's the kicker though, some of us have been saying for years that if BPF went with Francis, which he has i.e. the SSPX, then it was altogether plausible that it could end where Francis goes into full blown heresy, which he is, most especially come October, and the decent prelates of the novus ordo would recognize it and choose the side of Christ as opposed to Francis, which would leave the SSPX in an awkward position. If they stay with Francis they must accept the heresy, if they leave him and defend Christ then they lose all the "privileges" Francis has "given" them.
It will be interesting to see what they do next month, but I believe all will have to choose, Christ or the devil. I hope the SSPX chooses wisely. We will see.
I believe that is the point. Francis will use the SSPX as a weapon against the good Novus Ordo and traditional priests and religious. He wants the SSPX in an awkward position and will use the fear of loss of privileges to keep them in line. This will cause in my opinion, an irreparable and destructive division in the SSPX and their end as anything effective n the fight for the Church.
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