Pope Benedict breaks silence: speaks of ‘deep crisis’ facing Church post-Vatican II

Pope Benedict breaks silence: speaks of ‘deep crisis’ facing Church post-Vatican II

March 16, 2016 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- On March 16, speaking publicly on a rare occasion, Pope Benedict XVI gave an interview to Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, in which he spoke of a “two-sided deep crisis” the Church is facing in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. The report has already hit Germany courtesy of Vaticanist Guiseppe Nardi, of the German Catholic news website Katholisches.info.

Pope Benedict reminds us of the formerly indispensable Catholic conviction of the possibility of the loss of eternal salvation, or that people go to hell:

The missionaries of the 16th century were convinced that the unbaptized person is lost forever. After the [Second Vatican] Council, this conviction was definitely abandoned. The result was a two-sided, deep crisis. Without this attentiveness to the salvation, the Faith loses its foundation.

He also speaks of a “profound evolution of Dogma” with respect to the Dogma that there is no salvation outside the Church. This purported change of dogma has led, in the pope's eyes, to a loss of the missionary zeal in the Church – “any motivation for a future missionary commitment was removed.”

Pope Benedict asks the piercing question that arose after this palpable change of attitude of the Church: “Why should you try to convince the people to accept the Christian faith when they can be saved even without it?”

As to the other consequences of this new attitude in the Church, Catholics themselves, in Benedict's eyes, are less attached to their Faith: If there are those who can save their souls with other means, “why should the Christian be bound to the necessity of the Christian Faith and its morality?” asked the pope. And he concludes: “But if Faith and Salvation are not any more interdependent, even Faith becomes less motivating.”

Pope Benedict also refutes both the idea of the “anonymous Christian” as developed by Karl Rahner, as well as the indifferentist idea that all religions are equally valuable and helpful to attain eternal life.

“Even less acceptable is the solution proposed by the pluralistic theories of religion, for which all religions, each in its own way, would be ways of salvation and, in this sense, must be considered equivalent  in their effects,” he said. In this context, he also touches upon the exploratory  ideas of the now-deceased Jesuit Cardinal, Henri de Lubac, about Christ's putatively “vicarious substitutions” which have to be now again “further reflected upon.” 

With regard to man's relation to technology and to love, Pope Benedict reminds us of the importance of human affection, saying that man still yearns in his heart “that the Good Samaritan come to his aid.”

He continues: “In the harshness of the world of technology – in which feelings do not count anymore – the hope for a saving love grows, a love which would be given freely and generously.”

Benedict also reminds his audience that: “The Church is not self-made, it was created by God and is continuously formed by Him. This finds expression in the Sacraments, above all in that of Baptism: I enter into the Church not by a bureaucratic act, but with the help of this Sacrament.” Benedict also insists that, always, “we need Grace and forgiveness.”

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Pope Benedict also refutes both the idea of the “anonymous Christian” as developed by Karl Rahner, as well as the indifferentist idea that all religions are equally valuable and helpful to attain eternal life.

This I think is a new step for Benedict.  I believe he was formed in the priesthood with the false ideas of Rahner.  Now he is refuting them. Praise God....prayers continue forth for Benedict!

Rosaries, Rosaries, Rosaries....... Storming Heaven, Storming Heaven, Storming Heaven....

I agree DM.  This is a new step and a large step.  Rahner and Ratzinger were both periti at Vatican II and both pushed for the reforms that became the Novus Ordo.  For His Holiness, Pope Benedict to now to refute Rahner and speak of no salvation outside the Church are big developments.  I agree with you, Joseph, and you, Alley, prayers and sacrifice are needed for Pope Benedict now more than ever.  May God bless and help His Holiness. 

I agree it's a step in the right direction, but I'm tempted to think is it too little too late? That in itself though is a temptation toward despair I think. What might have been better, had he admitted, as peritus and one of the authors of the destruction of the Church, his responsibility in 'razing the bastions' of the Holy Faith.

I was thinking of Kant who formed (erroneously) poor Benedict's mind as a youth.  But still this is without question huge.  These are errors he once embraced and now is refuting.  This is immensely encouraging in respect to him coming around.  We must always be merciful, tender, and compassionate when someone, whoever they may be, but most especially a pope begins to see the light. (I wasn't thinking of you Michael when I say that, I was thinking of the innumerable people on Fr. Kramer's thread saying all manner of evil against Benedict including one man who said he wanted to see Benedict tortured by water boarding where they put a rag over your face and make you feel like you are drowning).

This is a serious move on Benedict's part because he says these things just days before Frank is about to unleash his post synodal declaration which is supposed to be horrific. 

Michael said:

I agree DM.  This is a new step and a large step.  Rahner and Ratzinger were both periti at Vatican II and both pushed for the reforms that became the Novus Ordo.  For His Holiness, Pope Benedict to now to refute Rahner and speak of no salvation outside the Church are big developments.  I agree with you, Joseph, and you, Alley, prayers and sacrifice are needed for Pope Benedict now more than ever.  May God bless and help His Holiness. 

Pray......pray..........pray..........the Rosary

This is huge! With Francis the Destroyer "pastorally" promulgating blasphemous heresy after blasphemous heresy, here comes a ray of sunshine. God bless Pope Benedict. 

More Rosaries!! More prayers for His Holiness!!

God bless Pope Benedict  to refute Rahner and speak  no salvation outside the Church.   Praise the Lord from whom all blessing flow !  More Rosaries and then add one more for  Pope Benedict.

He actually said this in October just before the synod of horror began.  We are only now getting it because I believe it is only now being translated into Italian and then English.  That he said these things before the synod is even more impressive.  That they are only now being translated is more providential. Deo Gratias :)

DM, are sure it was last October? According to the article on LifeSiteNews.com, " On March 16, speaking publicly on a rare occasion, Pope Benedict XVI gave an interview (English translation) to Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, in which he spoke of a “two-sided deep crisis” the Church is facing in the wake of the Second Vatican Council."

Dawn Marie said:

He actually said this in October just before the synod of horror began.  We are only now getting it because I believe it is only now being translated into Italian and then English.  That he said these things before the synod is even more impressive.  That they are only now being translated is more providential. Deo Gratias :)

You were right, Dawn Marie. I looked up the actual interview, which I found on insidethevatican.com. Life Site News got it wrong.

By the way, what do you make of this section, which wasn't mentioned on Life Site News:

"Let us recall, lastly, above all Henri de Lubac and with him some other theologians who have reflected on the concept of vicarious substitution. For them the “pro-existence” (“being for”) of Christ would be an expression of the fundamental figure of the Christian life and of the Church as such.

It is possible to explain this “being for” in a somewhat more abstract way. It is important to mankind that there is truth in it, this is believed and practiced. That one suffers for it. That one loves. These realities penetrate with their light into the world as such and support it."

Isn't Henri de Lubac one of the founding fathers of modernism? Here's an article I found that names him as such.

David Kaftal said:

DM, are sure it was last October? According to the article on LifeSiteNews.com, " On March 16, speaking publicly on a rare occasion, Pope Benedict XVI gave an interview (English translation) to Avvenire, the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops' Conference, in which he spoke of a “two-sided deep crisis” the Church is facing in the wake of the Second Vatican Council."

Dawn Marie said:

He actually said this in October just before the synod of horror began.  We are only now getting it because I believe it is only now being translated into Italian and then English.  That he said these things before the synod is even more impressive.  That they are only now being translated is more providential. Deo Gratias :)

Henri de Lubac is still praised extensively in some quarters, but I always thought he was another Modernist of the worst sort. 

I know pictures don't always mean much, but to me +Benedict at least "looks" dignified on the papal chair, as befits his position as Christ's Vicar on earth. (never mind what I think of his successor - may God forgive me)  Many prayers for +Benedict.  If the Lord allows, he will turn 88 this coming April.

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