Our SSPX priests and others have organized another probably larger protest for tomorrow. (Saturday)
From La Porte Latine 29 October 2011
"Aussi, pour défendre l’honneur du Christ, serons-nous nombreux samedi 29 octobre (1) pour nous mettre à genoux, sans aucune violence, priant uniquement et manifestant la gloire de Notre Seigneur !
Que sainte Geneviève, patronne de Paris, intercède pour eux et pour nous !
Abbé Régis de Cacqueray, Supérieur du District de France de la FSSPX
(1) Samedi 29 octobre à Paris, 18 H 00, place des Pyramides"
(Thank you Catherine)
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Anonymous: 10 decades of the rosary
Abbé Dominique Rousseau - Ecole de l'Etoile du Matin
Directeur-Doyen de Strasbourg
Tout sur les activités de l'ecole de l'Etoile du Matin
Réparation, expiation... sainteté !
Jusques à quand, Seigneur, endurerez-vous l'infamie ? Jusques à quand les fils des hommes s'insurgeront- ils contre votre majesté ? Jusques à quand votre bras ne se lèvera-t-il pas contre les blasphèmes, les réunions scandaleuses qui offensent votre Nom divin ? Jusques à quels abîmes descendra, dans sa douloureuse passion, votre Épouse la sainte Église ?
Seigneur notre Roi, vous êtes traîné dans la boue. Votre chemin d'humiliation n'est pas terminé. Si, selon la parole de Bossuet, l'Église est Jésus continué dans le temps, il faut que Notre- Seigneur souffre encore. Le péché est vaincu dans sa racine, certes, mais les hommes écoutent l'antique ennemi, le serpent venimeux. Ah, Seigneur, jusques à quand les hommes vous feront-ils souffrir ? Envoyez de ces ouvriers généreux, suscitez de notre race des héros ! Que dis-je ? Il nous faut des saints, il nous faut des saintes, des Simon de Cyrène, des Véronique et des larrons repentants qui pleurent et leurs péchés et les péchés de ceux qui ne pleurent pas, pas encore du moins, enfoncés dans leur orgueil et la haine qu'ils portent pour Celui qui pourtant les aime d'un amour infini.
Seigneur Jésus, nous voulons être de ces âmes fidèles. Nous fêtons en ces jours le Christ-Roi. Ces mots signifient-ils quelque chose ? Même dans l'Église, le Christ est découronné, par ceux-mêmes qui devraient brandir son étendard bien haut, au plus haut des cieux. L'heure est à la pénitence, l'heure est à la prière, à la supplication, chers fidèles. Ce n'est pas tant la crise économique qui importe, car il y a bien plus urgent et plus grave. Et d'ailleurs, la réponse à toutes les crises, à tous les soucis, la voici : Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ ! C'est l'enseignement constant du Magistère, des papes et des évêques, jusqu'au dernier concile. Nous avons été formés par Mgr Lefebvre dans ces principes lumineux. En dehors de cette vérité, tout s'écroule, rien n'est stable.
Chers fidèles, lisez ou relisez l'encyclique Mortalium animos (1928) de Pie XI, condamnant l'oecuménisme. Voulons-nous la paix ? c'est bien, assurément. Mais elle ne peut venir, parce que Notre-Seigneur est non seulement mis de côté, mais encore bafoué par ceux qui devraient le défendre, proclamer sa Royauté absolue. « Bienheureux les artisans de paix », enseigne le Christ. Cette paix souhaitée n'est pas le fruit d'un quelconque optimisme béat. C'est celle de la victoire sur le péché. Si l'iniquité abonde de nos jours, la grâce doit surabonder : encore faut-il être habité de cette présence divine. Ce n'est pas en laissant faire ces rassemblements tels qu'Assise (1986, 2011), ce n'est pas en ne réagissant pas contre des représentations blasphématoires (Golgota picnic entre autres) que la paix sera donnée aux hommes. Ce sont bien plutôt des châtiments qui vont pleuvoir sur nous. Ce sera justice.
Nous sommes fils et membres de l'Église de Notre Seigneur Jésus- Christ. Il est traité et traîné comme un malfaiteur et nous passerions à côté de lui sans rien faire, muets et immobiles ? Sommes-nous de l'Église des martyrs ou de celle des lâches et des traîtres ?
Si nous n'avons pas encore compris, il est temps de nous armer de nos chapelets, de venir plus souvent à la sainte Messe, en semaine, pour les fêtes. Savons-nous que nous passons à côté de grandes richesses ? Quand comprendrons-nous enfin le Trésor qui nous est donné ? Quand il nous sera retiré, peutêtre... Nous n'aurons alors plus que les larmes de nos yeux pour exprimer notre chagrin... stérile. Nous n'avons pas vraiment saisi l'enjeu de la bataille, nous nous sommes embourgeoisés et nous sommes confortablement installés dans un cocon douillet.
La bataille, la guerre n'est pas finie. Chers fidèles, nous en appelons aujourd'hui à ce qui reste de flamme en vous. Est-ce une étincelle, est-ce encore une braise qui va s'éteindre ? Rallumez le feu, priez le rosaire, assistez au saint sacrifice qui nous rachète, venez vous confesser.
Seigneur Jésus, qui êtes humilié publiquement, nous voulons nous tenir à vos côtés, comme saint Jean au pied de la Croix. Nous nous engageons tous dans cet esprit d'expiation, de pénitence, de réparation. Nous offrirons nos sacrifices en ce mois des défunts pour soulager votre fardeau : « J'accomplis en moi ce qui manque à la Passion du Christ » (St Paul).
Chers fidèles, apprenons à nos enfants à être généreux. Montrons-leur l'exemple !
Abbé Dominque Rousseau
Google translation (poor quality)
Father Dominique Rousseau - School of the Morning Star
Director Dean of Strasbourg
Repair, atonement ...holiness!
How long, Lord, you will endure the infamy? How long the son of men rebelling against your majesty they? How long does your arm get up there not against blasphemy, meetings scandalous that offend your divine name? Till what depths descend in his painful passion, your spouse the Holy Church?
Lord our King, you are dragged through the mud. Your way of humiliation is complete. If, in the words of Bossuet, the Church is Jesus continued over time, it is necessary that our Lord still suffers. Sin is defeated in its roots, certainly, but men listen to the old enemy, the poisonous snake. Oh, Lord, how long men will make you suffer? Send these workers generous raises our race of heroes! What am I saying? We need saints, we need saints, Simon of Cyrene, Veronica and the repentant thief who weep and their sins and the sins of those who do not cry, at least not yet, deep in their pride and hatred they are yet to one who loves with an infinite love.
Lord Jesus, we want to be faithful souls. We celebrate these days Christ the King. These words do they mean anything? Even in the Church, Christ is dethroned, for even those who should wield his standard very high, the highest heaven. This is a time of penance, it is time to prayer, supplication, dear faithful. This is not so much the economic crisis is important because there are more urgent and more serious. And besides, the answer to every crisis, every concern is this: Our Lord Jesus Christ! Is the constant teaching of the Magisterium of popes and bishops, to the last council. We were trained by Archbishop Lefebvre in the principles of light. Apart from this truth, everything collapses, nothing is stable.
Dear faithful, read or reread the encyclical Mortalium animos (1928) of Pius XI, condemning ecumenism. Do we want peace? is good, certainly. But it can not come, because our Lord is not only set aside, but scorned by those who should defend, proclaim his absolute monarchy. "Blessed are the peacemakers," Christ teaches. This peace is not the desired result of any complacency. This is one of victory over sin. If iniquity abounds these days, the grace to abound: must still be inhabited by the divine presence. It's not time allow these gatherings such Assisi (1986, 2011), it is not does not react against blasphemous representations (Golgota picnic among others) that peace will be given to men. These are rather punishment that will rain down on us. " It will be justice.
Son and we are members of the Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is treated like a criminal and dragged and we will miss him doing nothing, mute and motionless? " Are we of the Church of the martyrs or the cowards and traitors?
If we have not yet understood, it is time to arm ourselves with our rosaries, come more often to the Holy Mass during the week for the holidays. Do we know that we miss great wealth? When will we finally Treasury given to us? When it will be removed, perhaps ... We will then only the tears from our eyes to express our sorrow ... sterile We have not really grasped the issue of the battle, we have gentrified and we are comfortably seated in a cozy cocoon.
The battle, the war is not over. Dear faithful, we call today the remains of flame in you. Is it a spark, is it still an ember that is going out? Turn the fire, pray the rosary, attend the holy sacrifice redeems us, come and confess.
Lord Jesus, who are humiliated publicly, we want to take with you, as St. John at the foot of the Cross. We urge all in the spirit of atonement, penance, reparation. (St Paul).We offer our sacrifices of the dead in this month to ease your burden, "I fulfill in me what is lacking in the Passion of Christ" (St. Paul).
Dear faithful, teach our children to be generous. Let's show them by example!
Dominque Abbé Rousseau
v. I said Lord, have pity on me
r. Heal me though I have sinned against you
v. Return O Lord! How long?
r. And have pity on Your servants
v. Let Your kindness O Lord be upon us
r. As we have hoped in You
v. Let Your priests be clothed with righteouness
r. And let Your Saints rejoice
v. Cleanse me from my unknown faults, O Lord
r. From wanton sin especially restrain your servant
v. O Lord hear my prayer
r. And let my cry come unto You
An Account of Saturday's Demonstration
The demonstration organised by Civitas and supported by various movements and associations was a great success, with nearly 5,000 people crowding the pavements of Paris in the rain, behind the leading banner which read "France is Catholic and must remain so!"
The object was to denounce the hateful and contemptuous attacks whose victims were Christianity and the person of Jesus Christ under the pretended "cultural" context.
A long, dignified march, where slogans were followed by prayers and hymns.
The Police and city authorities re-routed the course of the demonstration, so that it culminated in a cramped place, far from where the blasphemy was taking place.
After an energetic speech from Alain Escada, secretary general of Civitas, and an address from Fr. de Caqueray, superior of the SSPX in France, the demonstration dispersed.
Upon which several hundred protesters made their way, in small groups, to Place du Chatelet, wanting to protest outside the theatre where the play was being performed, in the presence of Frédéric Mitterrand, "minister of culture".
The first group of young Catholics arrived at the place, and pushed back the line of CRS [French riot police - Ed.] for fifty metres. Then these latter pannicked and fired tear gaz at the crowd, not sparing the priests present. Batons also were brought out and used. A priest brandished a crucifix shouting "Do you want to gas Him, too?!"
In the tension of the stand off, the Catholics knelt and began to pray the Rosary, traditional Priests at the front.
The rest of the demonstrators arrived (around 400 in total), and then began what had been taking place on the previous evenings: prayers, singing, slogans (a favourite: "Mitterand in Thailand!") for another two hours, before leaving at 11pm.
To support those Catholics who are facing court costs and legal fees, see here:
Muslims join the protest
On Saturday, October 29, a third protest was held in Paris at six o'clock in the evening (noon by Central Standard Time reckoning) and over 5,000 Parisians, clergy and laity, came to participate. A remarkable number considering that the first demonstration in front of the Theatre de Ville during the play's first showing consisted of only 50 traditional Catholic protestors. The police brutally reacted to this small and peaceful demonstration by pepper-spraying the protestors and severely beating several of the youth. Undeterred, over 200 showed for the second protest with the police responding by the arrest of 140 demonstrators, but worse, by deliberately running over the foot of a young boy with a police car—the boy was taken to the hospital in such serious condition that he might lose his foot. While considerably a less harsh reaction in comparison to the first two protests, nevertheless the police continued their tactics of using mace and nightsticks on several protestors during Saturday's demonstration. Below is a brief description and some accompanying videos of the protest held on Saturday, October 29. |
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