Priestly Ordinations


The Society of St. Pius X will be having more priestly ordinations at its seminaries in Econe, Switzerland and Zaitzkofen, Germany. When all has been said and done, 20 new priests will be ordained for the Roman Catholic Church.

Courtesy of (website of the General House in Menzingen, Switzerland), we present here a list of the names and nationalities of the priests who will be ordained in the coming weeks to the Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ for the Society of St. Pius X.

This list interestingly shows the SSPX's international character, as intended by Archbishop Lefebvre when he declared that "the spirit of the Society is that of the Roman Catholic Church", which is universal.

In addition to the priests, 21 new deacons will also be ordained during the same ceremonies, showing the promise of next year's priestly harvest for the Lord's vineyard.

Please join the SSPX in praying for these new priests and deacons to soon be ordained for Holy Mother Church >

Already on June 17, 4 priests for the SSPX were ordained here in the United States at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona, MN: 1 American, 1 Canadian, 1 Frenchman, 1 Indian:

1. Desautard, Laurent (France)
2. Loop, Jonathan (USA)
3. Roy, Pierre (Canada)
4. Xavier, Theresian (India)

On June 29, at St. Pius X International Seminary in Econe, Switzerland 12 new priests will be ordained:

1. Ballini, Giacomo (Italy)
2. de Beaunay, Matthieu (France)
3. Carlhian, Louis-Marie (France)
4. Chauvet, Gregoire (France)
5. du Chazaud, Raphael (France)
6. Delmotte, Francois (France)
7. D’Humieres, Arnaud (France)
8. Espinasse, Benoit (France)
9. Graff, Amaury (France)
10. Heon Louis-Etienne (France)
11. Mouroux, Pierre (France)
12. Rantoandro, Luc (Madagascar)

On July 2, at Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, 4 new priests will be ordained:

1. De Clercq, Matthias (Belgium)
2. Jeindl, Andreas (Austria)
3. Pfluger, Markus Ignatius (Switzerland)
4. Wierzycki, Dawid (Poland)

In total, out of the 20 priests ordained to be ordained this year, 11 of them are French, 1 American, 1 Austrian, 1 Belgian, 1 Canadian, 1 Indian, 1 Italian, 1 Madagascan, 1 Polish, and 1 Swiss.


Join the SSPX in a Novena to the Holy Ghost for the new priests. Click on the image to open the prayer card PDF.

Click here to see a schedule of the First Masses for the priests just ordained on June 17 at Winona, MN  []

Novena to Holy Ghost Prayer Card

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Ummmmmm Not bad for a marginalized, schizmatic cult.

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