On this article, we make some comments (in red) about some points of the two documents published, as secret documents, in the Cor Unum No 105 (June 2013) and in Non Possumus on September 14 2013 (here): “Elements of Information with a view to a Canonical Solution For the Society of Saint Pius X”, and the project of “Apostolic Constitution on the Personal Prelature St. Pius X”.
Bp. de Galarreta revealed that Bp. Fellay has received a proposition of personal prelature and doctrinal declaration on past July. We think that this proposition cannot be essentially different of the previous one, alluded on the two aforementioned documents.
Therefore, it is necessary to consider the most important terms of the capitulation (*) of the SSPX, that is to say, the worst of the proposed prelature:
         “The Ordinary of the Prelature of Saint Pius X is its Personal Prelate, chosen by the Roman Pontiff on the presentation of a shortlist of three candidates established by the governing Council of the Prelature. A special rule will determine how the shortlist of three candidates is to be established”. That is to say that the future superiors of the SSPX will please the modernist and antichrists occupying Rome. That simple and that terrible.  Obviously the governing Council of the Prelature, to avoid causing an impasse with the liberal pope in turn, will not propose a cleric which could seem “politically incorrect”. Everything will be delivered to the political machinations and diplomatic arts typical of the world, enemy of God.
          “In accordance with the law and with written permission – required ad validitatem – of the diocesan Bishop concerned, the Prelate could erect new churches and Mass centers for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature”. In other words: The Prelature St. Pius X will not be able to erect any new church or other place of worship if it does not have the written authorization of the respective diocesan Bishop. This is a serious problem because the Prelature will not be popular. If Opus Dei (the only personal prelature that exists until now) has had great difficulties with this norm, what is left for the lefebvrist prelature? How will the SSPX convince the immense and crushing majority of liberal bishop to open the door? It must gain their favor through political maneuvers and diplomatic arts.
          “Priests and deacons which to date belong to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X are incardinated in the Personal Prelature. The priests form the Presbytery of the Personal Prelature. They belong to the secular clergy in all aspects that is why they maintain relations of deep unity with the Presbytery of the respective Dioceses". Such “deep unity” between legions of liberal clerics and a handful of anti-liberal clerics will result in one of the groups gradually adopting the spirit of those of the other group. Guess which group will yield and which group will dominate.
         "Each seminary of the Prelature has its own rules approved by the Prelate according to the norms of the Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis of the Congregation for Catholic Education, respecting their own specificity”. As a comment, it is enough to quote this praise (in the same text of this link): "The document is totally impregnated with the spirit of the Second Vatican Council." Therefore, the "own-specificity" means absolutely nothing.
         "Priests who, after consulting the diocesan Bishop, are appointed rectors of the churches of the Prelature (cf. CIC. can. 557 §1) receive from their own Prelate the missio canonica and all the necessary faculties to administer the sacraments to the faithful enrolled in the Prelature. In order to assist the marriage of other faithful, the Rector of a Prelature church must obtain a delegation of the Parish Priest or the Diocesan Ordinary". Another serious obstacle.
         "In the churches of the Prelature, the jurisdiction of the Prelate is cumulative with that of the respective diocesan Bishop, who will use his own jurisdiction only in a subsidiary manner, without overlooking what is established in Article III, and the other norms of the present Apostolic Constitution". Both the Prelate and the diocesan Bishop have jurisdiction in these churches, but that of the diocesan Bishop is exercised in default of that of the Prelate. This concurrence of jurisdictional powers is a sure source of friction between the Prelate and the diocesan bishops, unless the Prelate knows - as Bishop Fellay - to compromise before the modernists in order to avoid such clash.
         "The autonomous houses and monasteries of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life (...) currently existing, are canonically received in the respective Dioceses. For the erection of new houses, the respective superiors or the authority of the Prelature must receive written permission from the diocesan Bishop”.  Another serious obstacle. The SSPX will put a true straitjacket on when it accepts to be a Prelature in the official Church.
          “Regarding the canonical discipline, the schools and study centers currently dependent on the Priestly Society of St. Pius X are under the authority of the Personal Prelature and are confirmed by the present Apostolic Constitution in their respective Dioceses. The mentioned places remain submitted to the common legislation of the Church, always being excepting the ecclesiastical authority of the place, with which the protocol that rules the mutual relations must be established". No comments needed.
         "According to the norms of law and with the consent of the respective diocesan bishop (cf. CIC, can 801), the Prelature will be able to establish new schools and centers of study." Again, no comments needed.
         "Priests who, after consulting the diocesan Bishop, will serve as chaplain of these centers, will receive the missio canónica from the Prelate." As it turns out, the claws of the modernists will be over the children of the Prelature faithful.
         "The matrimonial causes of the faithful attached to the Prelature, fall within the competence of the Diocesan Tribunals”. Very serious danger for the marriages of the faithful of the Prelature. The bad shepherds of the SSPX will deliver the sheep to the wolves.
         "In order to ensure the necessary coordination with the Ordinaries of the place, according to the terms of can. 297 of the Code of Canon Law, the Prelate and his Vicars will maintain, directly or through others Priests of the Prelature, regular contacts with the President and the Bishops' Conference bodies, as well as with the Bishops of the Dioceses in which the Prelature is located". And of those contacts nothing good is to be expected.
(*) The document containing the terms of a surrender.

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Whereto? Anyone has a recommendation? 

Please let us keep on praying for God's mercy that He may deliver us from the hands of the NO.

Ave Maria!

Personally I've no answer.  Find a priest who keeps God's law and doesn't preach heresy and who says the TLM.  That in itself is a hard thing to find for some of us depending on our location. :(

Flavia Talladen Schott said:

Whereto? Anyone has a recommendation? 

Please let us keep on praying for God's mercy that He may deliver us from the hands of the NO.

Ave Maria!

"your nuts are very tasty and your marble halls are very impressive..."

See Fr Z's blog:


Almighty God, Thy Will be done. 

Lord Jesus Christ, come to our aid, shepherd us, and reign over us now and always.

Holy Spirit, abide in us and sanctify us.

Mother Mary, intercede for us and keep us under your Immaculate Mantle. 

St. Joseph, lead us amidst the perils of life into safety.

St. Michael and all the Holy Angels, watch over us, guard us, protect us and drive the evil forces away from us that our enemy may perish from our midst.

St. Athanasius, pray for us that we may persevere and remain strong against modernism and innovations in the Church.

St. Pope Pius X, pray for us that we may remain faithful to the Lord and His Church.

Sts. Peter and Paul and all the Apostles and Saints, pray for us that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 


Kyrie eleison!  


Flavia Talladen Schott said:

Almighty God, Thy Will be done. 

Lord Jesus Christ, come to our aid, shepherd us, and reign over us now and always.

Holy Spirit, abide in us and sanctify us.

Mother Mary, intercede for us and keep us under your Immaculate Mantle. 

St. Joseph, lead us amidst the perils of life into safety.

St. Michael and all the Holy Angels, watch over us, guard us, protect us and drive the evil forces away from us that our enemy may perish from our midst.

St. Athanasius, pray for us that we may persevere and remain strong against modernism and innovations in the Church.

St. Pope Pius X, pray for us that we may remain faithful to the Lord and His Church.

Sts. Peter and Paul and all the Apostles and Saints, pray for us that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 


Kyrie eleison!  

A word of encouragement: A traditionally-oriented NO priest I know who has learned the TLM, but has been stopped by his bishop from offering it in his parish, told me that the situation on the Conciliar Church has gotten so bad because of Bergoglio's heresies that a significant number of NO priests are learning the TLM and are very close to going independent. So there may soon be more priests to say Mass in the catacombs, at least until WWIII and the rest of the chastisement hits.

Thank you, David.  Heartening news.  I pray they place themselves under the protection of their Excellencies Bishop Williamson, Bishop Faure, and Bishop Aquino.

Thanks for this info, David. 

Have not heard of Bishop Aquino before, Michael, thanks for mentioning. 

Here lies my dilemma. For me your post opens a lot of questions. Here are a few that comes to mind
If he is a Novus ordo priest what rite was he ordained in. The Mass he is saying the Traditional rite or the extraordinary rite? Does he go with the new code of canon law or the pre Vat 2 code? Does not this make him conservative and not traditional? Michael Davies says “ A conservative Priest is the devils pet’ How true. If you are willing to go to a Novus Ordo/ Conservative/Traditional Priest then why not still go to the SSPX?
For me I could not go in this direction, it has danger written all over it. The Archbishop examined, retrained if required and conditionally re-ordained these priests. The seminarians do not spend six years just to learn how to say the Mass in Latin, there is more to it.
We have to be careful we do not swap one cup of poison for another

David Kaftal said:

A word of encouragement: A traditionally-oriented NO priest I know who has learned the TLM, but has been stopped by his bishop from offering it in his parish, told me that the situation on the Conciliar Church has gotten so bad because of Bergoglio's heresies that a significant number of NO priests are learning the TLM and are very close to going independent. So there may soon be more priests to say Mass in the catacombs, at least until WWIII and the rest of the chastisement hits.

Here lies my dilemma. For me your post opens a lot of questions. Here are a few that comes to mind

If he is a Novus ordo priest what rite was he ordained in. The Mass he is saying the Traditional rite or the extraordinary rite? Does he go with the new code of canon law or the pre Vat 2 code? Does not this make him conservative and not traditional? Michael Davies says “ A conservative Priest is the devils pet’ How true. If you are willing to go to a Novus Ordo/ Conservative/Traditional Priest then why not still go to the SSPX?

For me I could not go in this direction, it has danger written all over it. The Archbishop examined, retrained if required and conditionally re-ordained these priests. The seminarians do not spend six years just to learn how to say the Mass in Latin, there is more to it.

We have to be careful we do not swap one cup of poison for another

I think that as soon as the agreement is finalized, the situation would all be the same, namely, SSPX praying literally side by side with the modernists, thus, the poison would be swapping into the once! traditional cup.

Or, is Bp Fellay very confident in converting the modernists very soon? I pray fervently for this. But the way I see it, it is likely,  they have already gotten him. There's a very popular saying, "tell me who your  companions are, and I will tell you  who you are! "

But I do believe in miracles, like what David states here about NO priests going traditional. We pray that they are not just up to offering the Real Mass but that they are really going traditional, home to where the Lord wants them to be. He will not abandon His Flock and He shows the way to those who are faithful to Him. For this I pray as hard as ever, esp. for Bp Fellay.

Kyrie eleison! 

Look at what I just read on another forum?!?!?

  1. So sad...

    My family just told me today that their novus ordo pastor said that the SSPX is officially joining with Rome on May 15th...
  2. obscurus


    Hello SenoritaRita: 

    May I ask how he would know?
  3. obscurus


    Perhaps he read the following from Rorate from 3 weeks ago: 

    RORATE CÆLI: SSPX-Vatican: "Two dates are mentioned in Rome: May 13...

    SSPX-Vatican: "Two dates are mentioned in Rome: May 13 or July 7" 

    French conservative daily Le Figaro's religious correspondent Jean-Marie Guénois mentions in an article today the current status of negotiations between the Society of Saint Pius X and the Holy See (both of which we have covered: SSPX's Superior-General Fellay's interview and Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei's Secretary Pozzo's comments).

    In the end, through, he adds the following new information:

    Is a signing [of an agreement] close? "It is not a question of calendar," but of "full development of the dossier," the main players insist. Nevertheless, two symbolic dates are mentioned in Rome: July 7, 2017, tenth anniversary of Benedict XVI's motu proprio that reestablished the Mass according to the 1962 Missal, called the Latin Mass, as well as Extraordinary rite [sic] in the Catholic Church. Or May 13, 2017, centenary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. Pope Francis will be, on the latter day, on a pilgrimage [to Fatima].
  4. SenoritaRita


    obscurus said: 
    Hello SenoritaRita:

    May I ask how he would know?
    I don't know how he would have come across the information as I don't talk to him...

    I just thought that it was interesting that a novus ordo priests would bring this up. Granted, he is more conservative than most, but I figured that it probably meant that the agreement was really going to happen if even their priests are announcing it from the pulpit... I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens though. And pray...
  5. I've a feeling it will be much, much sooner than May...I'm guessing perhaps March. They are moving rapidly now.

I've a sneaking suspicion that things will go something like this; Bp. Fellay signs a deal with Rome, he gets all he ever wanted then BAM the Church falls into a massive schism (which everyone around Italy and other European countries are clamoring about even now) the Church is split between the true pope with good and or decent cardinals, bishops, priests and laity around him and on the other side the false pope who will continue to dismantle all that is Catholic including the SSPX in order to achieve that one world religion they have been waiting so long to achieve. Bp. Fellay will find himself on the wrong side of the aisle but will stubbornly stay there and even defend Francis against people like....say....Cardinal Burke and others. In the end it will be found that Frank is and was no pope at all and Bp. Fellay will find that he made a deadly mistake and that he lost everything for nothing when he thought he was gaining everything he ever wanted. You can't circumvent God, in the end He always wins Just sayin

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