This is an account of something extraordinary that took place back in 1943 in Mississippi. It's from the website of Friends of the Suffering Souls, a lay organization that arranges Masses for the souls in Purgatory. The link to their online article "Miracle on Death Row" with a copy of a newspaper article and a photograph is here.


“Miracle on Death Row”

(Adapted for the FOSS website by Cedric Wright)


Claude Newman was an African American man who was born on December 1, 1923 to Willie and Floretta (Young) Newman in Stuttgart, Arkansas. In 1928, Claude’s father Willie takes Claude and his older brother away from their mother for unknown reasons, and they are brought to their grandmother, Ellen Newman, of Bovina, Warren County, Mississippi.

In 1939, Claude’s beloved grandmother, Ellen Newman, marries a man named Sid Cook. Soon Sid becomes sexually abusive toward Ellen, which deeply angers Claude. In 1940, Claude works as a farmhand on Ceres Plantation in Bovina, Mississippi. The plantation is owned by a wealthy landowner named U.G. Flowers, and Sid Cook was born and raised on this plantation. One biographer also has Claude getting married also in 1940 at age 17 to a young woman of the same age.

On Dec.19, 1942, Claude is apparently still very angered by Sid’s abusive treatment towards his grandmother Ellen, and egged on by dominant friend named Elbert Harris, Claude lies in waiting at Sid Cook’s house (Sid Cook and Ellen Newman have since separated). Claude shoots Sid as he enters, killing him, and takes his money, then flees to his mothers house in Arkansas, arriving on Dec 20th.


In January 1943, Claude is apprehended in Arkansas and is returned to Vicksburg, Mississippi and makes a coerced confession on Jan. 13. Despite protests of Claude’s lawyer Harry K. Murray, his confession is admitted as evidence, and he is found guilty by jury, and is initially sentenced to die in the electric chair on May 14, 1943. Later an appeal to retry the case is rejected by State Attorney General and he is rescheduled to be executed on January 20, 1944.


(The majority of the information that will now be presented comes from a tape recording of a radio show interview of Father O'Leary -- a priest who came to know Claude very well during Claude's imprisionment.)

While Claude was in jail awaiting execution, he shared a cell-block with four other prisoners. One night, the five men were sitting around talking and eventually the conversation ran out. During this time, Claude noticed a medal on a string around one of the other prisoner's neck . 

Curious, he asked the other prisoner what the medal was. The young prisoner was a Catholic, but he apparently did not know (or did not want to talk) about the medal, and seemingly embarrassed, he appeared angry and suddenly took the medal off from around his own neck and threw it on the floor at Claude's feet with a curse and a cuss, telling him to "take the thing" . 

Claude picked up the medal, and after looking it over, he placed it around his own neck, although he had no idea whose image it was on the medal; to him it was simply a trinket, but for some reason he felt attracted to it, and wanted to wear it. Claude, who had no religion, hung the medal round his own neck as he went to sleep. 


During the night, he awoke with a start at a light touch on his wrist, and looking up, he saw “the most beautiful Woman that God ever created”, as he later described her . 
She said to him: “If you would like me to be your Mother, and you would like to be my child, send for a priest of the Catholic Church.” After speaking, she disappeared. 

At Newman’s request, the prison governor summoned Father Robert O’Leary, SVD (19ll-1984), chaplain to the local Coloured community, to visit Claude, who had been joined by four other prisoners. 

They asked for instruction in the Catholic Faith. Fr. O’Leary made regular visits to the men, and during this time, Newman said that Our Lady had appeared to him several times. Among other things, he told Fr. O’Leary:

“The Lady told me that when we go to Confession, we are kneeling down not before a priest, but by the Cross of her Son…and the Blood He shed for us...washes us free from all sin.” 


“The Lady told me that in Communion, I will see only what looks like a piece of bread, but she told me it is really and truly Her Son, and that He will be with me just as He was with Her before He was born in Bethlehem…”

Hearing Claude say this, Father O'Leary and the Sisters sat stunned with their mouths wide open. Claude thought they were angry and said, "Oh don't be angry, don't be angry, I didn't mean to blurt it out."


Fr. O’Leary said the disclosures made by Newman convinced him that Newman had really had visions of Mary. Newman was baptised on 16 January, 1944. Fr. O’Leary officiated, and a young nun, Sr, Bena Hanken, served as his godmother.

Soon afterwards, as he was being prepared for execution, Sheriff Williamson asked whether he had any last request. Newman shed tears and replied : 

“All my friends are all shook up. The jailer is all shook up. But you don’t understand—I’m not going to die, only this body. I’m going to be with Her. So I would like to have a party!”

He was given a short reprieve by the bewildered sheriff for the celebration. Fr. O’Leary arranged for a benefactor to donate ice cream and cakes, and a party was held for the prisoners. When Newman said he was disappointed at the delay in his execution, Fr. O’Leary suggested that he ask God for the salvation of another prisoner, James Hughes, who hated Newman . 

The priest said of Hughes: “This man was the filthiest, most immoral person I have ever come across. His hatred for God and everything spiritual defied description.”


Claude Newman went to the electric chair on 2 February, 1944. A short report in the local newspaper ended: 

“Newman’s only comment prior to the execution was that he was ready to go.”


But Newman’s miracle was not yet over. When the time came for Hughes’ own execution, he refused the offer to see a clergyman, and when the prison doctor offered to pray with him, James Hughes spat in the doctor’s face. But later, on his way to the electric chair, his eyes became fixed on a corner of the room, and he screamed in terror. He turned round and cried: 

“Sheriff, get me a priest!”

Asked before his death why he had changed his mind, Hughes responded 

“Remember that Black man, Claude Newman, the one I hated so much? He was standing there (pointing to the corner). And behind him, with one hand on each shoulder, was the Blessed Virgin Mary. And Claude said to me: “I offered my death in union with Christ on the Cross for your salvation. Holy Mary has obtained for you the gift of seeing your place in Hell if you do not repent.” I was shown my place in Hell, and that’s why I screamed!”

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Thank you David for posting this................most inspiring.

When I read this earlier I thought how wonderful to read this during the month honoring Our Lord's Most Sacred Heart.

What a wonderful example of how God's Mercy truly applies to even the worst of us, and how cooperating with His Grace saves us-- even at the very last moments.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, to Thee I implore, that I may love Thee more and more. Make our hearts like unto Thine.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

I've read this story many times before but it is always inspiring.  Thank you for posting this.

Dear Claude, please pray for us.

Thank you for posting this, David.  Very inspiring.   

I love this story :)

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