When four girls reported, on November 1st, 1937, that the Blessed Virgin had appeared to them, the news was received in the village with predictable skepticism and/or amusement. It was not until the girls showed a dramatic change in their way of life that the villagers began to wonder. Hitherto given over to pleasures and amusements, the girls switched to long and fervent prayer, impatiently waiting for the hour when they would see the Heavenly Vision again. Nevertheless, the Pastor and most of the villagers refused to believe in the apparitions for a long time but were finally won over. Crowds came to Heede when the news percolated to the surrounding towns and villages. But Hitler ruled Germany in those days and the Gestapo swiftly put a stop to this "superstitious nonsense." The children were taken to a lunatic asylum and the pilgrimages forbidden. After a few weeks the children were released but forbidden to go near the place of the Apparitions. However Our Lady appeared to them in other places, as subsequently did Our Lord.
The message of Heede is very similar to that of Fatima. Our Lady appears to have said little. She appeared to the girls with the Divine Child in her arms, smiled at them and was content to have them enraptured with the beauty of the Divine Presence.
When everyone acknowledges my power, peace will come.
I am, the Sign of the living God. I place my sign on the foreheads of my children. The star of hell shall pursue my Sign, but my Sign shall prevail over hell. I am the powerful Mediatrix of Grace. Since the world will only find mercy from the Eternal Father through the immolation of the Son, likewise, you will find the benevolence of the Son, through my Mediation.
The Eternal Father poured out the cup of his wrath on the nations for having rejected his Son.
The world consecrated itself to my Immaculate Heart, but the consecration itself brings a tremendous responsibility. I demand that the world respect its consecration. Recognize that I have absolute influence over my Son.
Replace your sinful hearts with my Immaculate Heart; then I will be the one who will attract the power of God and the Love of the Eternal Father, renewing the plenitude of Jesus Christ in you. Fulfill my will so that Christ may reign as King of Peace.
The world will have to drain, to the dregs, the chalice of Divine wrath, for its innumerable sins, which have wounded the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The fury of the star of hell will exceed in violence and will cause terrible devastation, because it already knows that its time is short and because it has already seen the many who gather around my sign. Over these, it has no power, although it will kill the bodies of many, but by these immolation's made to ME, will increase my power to lead the rest of the host to victory.
Some of you have already accepted the impression of my sign; their number will grow continually. But I want to warn my children not to lose sight of the fact that the Cross itself of these bloody days is a grace, and they must give the Eternal Father repeated thanks for this Cross.
Pray and sacrifice yourselves for sinners. Offer yourselves and your works to the Eternal Father through my mediation, and surrender yourselves to me without reserve. Pray the Rosary. Do not ask for exterior things so much. It is a question of more important things for these times.
Do not expect miracles or prodigies. I will work in secret as a powerful mediatrix. I will procure for you peace of heart, if you do my will. Then, Jesus Christ will reign as King of Peace over the nations. Do your part to spread My will throughout the world.
I am the Mighty Mediatrix of Grace. It is the will of the Eternal Father that the world recognizes this task given to His handmaid. People must know Me as the Eternal Bride of the Holy Spirit, the Mediatrix of all Graces. My Sign now appears. God wills that it should be so. Only my children recognize this sign. For it is revealed in secret, and therefore, they glorify the Eternal One. I cannot yet manifest my power to the world, in general, I still have to keep myself apart with my children. In secret, I will work wonders in souls until the required number of victims is filled.
It is up to you to shorten the period of darkness. Your blood and your sacrifices will destroy the image of the beast. Then, I will be able to manifest myself to the whole world by the Glory of the Almighty. Choose my sign so that soon the Triune God may be worshipped and honored. Pray and offer sacrifices through ME. Pray always, pray the Rosary. Make your petitions to the Father through my Immaculate Heart; if they are worthy of His honor, He will grant them.
In your prayers do not ask for temporary things, but for graces for individual souls, for your community, for the nations, so that all may come to love and honor the Divine Heart.
Keep the Saturdays that have been consecrated to me, according to my desire. (*note* seems to indicate the Five First Saturday's)
Apostles and priests must consecrate themselves to Me to increase in holiness and value. Bring me many sacrifices as offerings. Offer your prayers to Me as sacrifices. Do not be self-interested in yourselves.
Crosses as heavy as the sea, I will lay upon my children, for I love them in my Immolated Son. I beg you to be ready to carry the cross so that peace may be achieved. I earnestly recommend to the people the prompt fulfillment of my desires, for today and always, the fulfillment of my will is necessary for the greater honor and glory of God. The Eternal Father threatens a terrible misfortune to all those who reject his will.
The announcement of these revelations must be made first of all to the general public. However, the crowd will not take them seriously. It will be reserved for a small group, and within this group, only for those who discern secret things. I will work wonders such as have never been done before, in the souls of that small group that begins to do my will. But these wonders will only be known to my children. I am pleased that a small group has been formed. I will not pray alone. There will be many who will pray with me. My help will return the help of my children. I need many sacrifices. It is necessary that my children cooperate with me.
It is my will that my message be made known to the public word by word, it is necessary to make my will known, as the will of the Eternal Father.
A small group will understand the message correctly and will carry it out. Most of the people will not heed it, but will reject it and resist it, but do not fear. I am with you always. In several countries, there will be a small group that understands My message. These group will willingly accept the message, carry it out and communicate it to others. They have truly recognized my position as Mother Admirable and the Mediatrix of Graces. I rejoice in their recognition, and I will reveal secret wonders to them."
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Flavia Talladen Schott said:
Prayer to Our Lady of Heede
Dear Lady of Heede, Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory, hear thou our fervent pleas for the relief of those suffering souls. As thou art truly the loving Mother of Mercy, let the graces of thy Immaculate Heart pierce that dark prison of purification and fall as a refreshing dew upon those languishing there. And do thou, dearest Advocate, implore thy Divine Son to allow the infinite merits of His Precious Blood to penetrate the darkness as a ray of hope and light upon the Poor Souls, especially those enrolled in the Purgatorian League, and the souls of...(insert names), through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Flavia Talladen Schott said:
Prayer to Our Lady of Heede
Dear Lady of Heede, Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory, hear thou our fervent pleas for the relief of those suffering souls. As thou art truly the loving Mother of Mercy, let the graces of thy Immaculate Heart pierce that dark prison of purification and fall as a refreshing dew upon those languishing there. And do thou, dearest Advocate, implore thy Divine Son to allow the infinite merits of His Precious Blood to penetrate the darkness as a ray of hope and light upon the Poor Souls, especially those enrolled in the Purgatorian League, and the souls of...(insert names), through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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