Society of St. Pius X: prelates visits
On 23 September 2014, following the meeting between the Cardinal and Bishop Fellay Müller which took place the same day, the Vatican issued the following statement:
The parties [...] have agreed to proceed in stages, but within a reasonable time, towards overcoming difficulties. And that, in the desired perspective of full reconciliation.
What are these steps? KIID No. 302 of October 10, 2014 seems to answer the question:
It was decided to continue the doctrinal discussions "in a broader context and less formal than previous interviews."
Rome has left to Bishop Fellay choice of locations and contacts.
The Brandmüller Cardinal and Bishop Schneider
- Cardinal Walter Brandmüller
86 years old, Cardinal Brandmüller was president of the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences from 1998 to 2009. With Müller Cardinals Burke, Caffarra and Paolis, it is a co-signatory of the book abide in the truth of Christ , s opponent to communion given to divorced and remarried.
He is an avid follower of the last pope. His thought is exposed in the book The Keys of Benedict XVI for the interpretation of Vatican II [1] . It reads, in particular:
The Society of St. Pius X and the Old Catholics who rejected the teaching of Vatican I on papal infallibility are based on the rejection of legitimate developments in the doctrine and life of the Church.
May 21, 2012, during the presentation of his book to the press, Cardinal confided to Vatican Radio
Dignitatis Humanae and Nostra Aetate do not require doctrinally. I do not understand why our friends from St. Pius X focus almost exclusively on these two texts. I regret that they do so because they are the two texts easier to accept if we consider their canonical kind.
Should we not remember how these texts résultèrent secret agreements with Freemasonry, what struggles he had to move them, then their disastrous consequences: loss of Catholic states for the first, Judaization of the Church for the second?
DICI No. 307 of 19 December 2014, announced that a meeting took place on 5 December 2014 seminar Zaitzkofen between the German prelate Bishop Fellay and accompanied by several priests.
- Bishop Athanasius Schneider
53 year old Bishop Schneider is the auxiliary bishop of Karaganda in Kazakhstan since 5 February 2011.
Echoing the judgment Sandro Magister, Vatican recognized The New Man No. 1500 considers him "the best student of Benedict XVI." Symposium Reunicatho held in Paris in January 2014, Bishop Schneider also made a strong call for a revival in the wake of Benedict XVI. In various speeches, he has made known his views on the main issues under debate today.
* The Council:
This is the Second Vatican Council which expanded the understanding of the mystery of the Church according to the teaching of the Fathers of the Church [...] stating: "The universal Church appears as a people brought into unity from the unity of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit "( Lumen Gentium 4) [2] .
This is what Archbishop Lefebvre thought of this new ecclesiology:
There is a new ecclesiology, that is clear. [...] In my opinion, this is an exceptionally serious : nothing to say that there may be a new ecclesiology. The Church, it is not we who make it, it is not we who have made, it is neither the Pope nor the bishops, nor history, nor councils. It was made by Our Lord. [...] This does not depend on us. So how suddenly say, "Now since Vatican II, there is a new ecclesiology." It is unlikely [3] .
* Ecumenism:
Ecumenism is required to be in contact with our separated brethren, to love them. Within the challenge of the new paganism, we can and we must work with serious non-Catholics to defend the divine truth revealed [they reject!] and natural law created by God [they do not practice! ] [4] .
* Pope Francis
In the same interview on 30 May 2014 in the Latin Mass Society , speaking on Pope Francis after a year of his pontificate, Bishop Schneider said:
Thanks be to God, Pope Francis has not expressed in the manner expectations of the media. So far, he has expressed in official homilies a beautiful Catholic doctrine .
Bishop Schneider should read the study made two months ago by Alexandre-Marie published by Salt Publishing , and also broadcast by Clovis : The strange pontificate of Pope Francis . It shows the thinking of the Pope on Islam, Judaism, the State of secularism, homosexuality and even Freemasonry, far removed - to say the least - from the "beautiful Catholic doctrine."
* The liturgical reform:
In his book Corpus Christi [5] , widely disseminated by the media rallied Bishop Schneider instead sees the heart of the current crisis in the lack of respect in the distribution of communion:
The deepest wound of the current crisis of the Church is the Eucharistic injury, abuse in the Blessed Sacrament.
This is certainly extremely serious. However, is Communion in the hand not the consequence of the New Mass of Paul VI? Bishop Schneider does not call the question. He even thinks - but as Benedict XVI his teacher - the New Mass should enrich the traditional liturgy:
The introduction of some prefaces the new missal would be a nice and useful initiative and the introduction of new saints in the traditional liturgical calendar [6] (Mother Teresa, Pope John Paul II?)
Add here that the Mass itself is that one of the aspects of the conciliar revolution, the most serious is the uncrowning of Our Lord. Always come back because it is the heart of our struggle, as the Archbishop said:
That's what makes our opposition [to the current Rome], and this is why we can not get along. It's not the first question of the Mass, because the Mass is just one of the consequences because we wanted to be closer to the Protestantism and thus transform worship, sacraments, catechism, etc.
The real fundamental opposition is the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oportet illum regnare , says St. Paul, Our Lord came to rule. They say no, we say yes with all the popes [7] .
In Fideliter January / February 2015, Fr. Toulza aptly wrote:
The crisis will not be solved by people more or less adequate if they renounce inadequate principles. The restoration of the true and the good in the Church did not start and can not be done without calling into question the principles that Benedict and Francis demanding one as the other , though undeniably one way different [8] .
One can also read Archbishop Lefebvre:
I hear: "You exaggerate! There are more good bishops who pray with faith, which are edifying, etc. »
Would they be saints, when they admit the false religious freedom, so the secular state; false ecumenism, so the admission of several ways of salvation; the liturgical reform, so practical negation of the sacrifice of the Mass; new catechisms with all their errors and heresies, they officially contribute to the Church's revolution and its destruction [9] .
Bishop Schneider has already been received in the spring of 2014 Zaiztkofen seminar by its director Fr. Schmidberger. He gave a lecture to the seminarians.
Two meetings were scheduled as part of the meetings requested by Rome in September: one in Saint Curé of Ars Seminary Flavigny (France), which took place Thursday, January 15, 2015, and during which Bishop Schneider also gave a lecture to the seminarians. The next seminar will be held at St. Thomas Aquinas Winona (USA). Surprisingly, no visit to Écône are announced.
Bishop Schneider, relatively young bishop, who frequents rallied circles, opposes communion in the hand, who does not mince words about the last synod, and like the splendor of the traditional liturgy ... but is imbued with the " strange theology "of Benedict XVI that he is the" best student "- the prelate seems able to attract more than a seminarian.
Philippines: another meeting
Visits of a prelate in the Philippines
According to the official press release of November 25, the Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), which published the photograph above, Father Carlos Reyes, Secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Interreligious Dialogue, was delivered on 18 November at Priory Manila to visit Fr. Nély second Assistant Bishop Fellay and the priests of the priory. The goal was indicated:
Develop cordial relations with the group in the same line as the September meeting at the Vatican: achieving full communion with the Church. Some canonical solutions have been raised.
[1] - Walter Brandmüller, The chiavi di Benedetto XVI per interpretare it Vaticano II , Siena, Cantagalli, 2012.
[2] - Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the newspaper interview Present of 10 January 2015, published without reservation by the site 's Latin Gate .
[3] - Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, spiritual Conference March 17, 1986 to Écône; reproduced in part in the CD 2: The Holy Church, Archbishop Lefebvre Homilies and speeches broadcast by the same seminar.
[4] - Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Maintenance of May 30, 2014 with the Latin Mass Society , published by the Latin Gate , still without any critical judgment to form the faithful, thus taking the risk of deceiving.
[5] - Athanasius Schneider, Corpus Christi, Communion in the hand in the heart of the crisis in the Church , Contretemps Publishing, 2014. Foreword by Cardinal Burke.
[6] - The Letter of Peace Liturgical No. 249 of 24 September 2010.
[7] - Archbishop Lefebvre, The Church infiltrated by modernism , Editions Fideliter 1993, p. 70.
[8] - Fr. Philippe Toulza, "The Tradition, the Church, the world," Fideliter 223, January / February 2015, p. 70. It is necessary to study here and revisit the masterly study of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais The strange theology of Benedict XVI (Avrillé, Salt Publishing, 2012).
[9] - Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey , Prologue.
Views: 653
The visit of Bp Schneider to Winona was on february 11, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. She won't be happy...
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