Malachi Martin on the Apostasy of the Faith, 2023 ~ Return to Fatima

Malachi Martin on the Apostasy of the Faith, 2023

The following post has been published many times over the years and updated from time to time.   I’m working to re-publish all the posts necessary to express Our Lady’s Fatima Message and the private and sacred prophecies related to it, within the context of this present time. In addition, I hope to repost devotional essays that have been asked for.
Father Malachi Martin died before seeing this brave new century and this destructive agenda which he had foretold. What would he think today?


Pope Francis to Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica, the Pope’s favorite newspaper: “this is bottom line result, the de facto appraisals are entrusted to the confessors, but at the end of faster or slower paths, all the divorced who ask will be admitted.” (Rorate Caeli)

The above is shocking, of course, even though we knew it was coming to this. But to help us get  some perspective, let’s take a brief look at what Malachi Martin predicted back in the 1990’s.

Years after his death, and despite the vicious campaign to malign his reputation, Father Malachi Martin continues to prove prescient in his diagnosis of the problems afflicting the Church.  Triumph Communications has a series of small books based on interviews Father Martin gave during the course of the last decade of his life. I have been reading several of them and believe them helpful in understanding the urgency of our current situation. Father Martin stressed way back in the 1990’s that we are in a time which is far, far worse than in any previous period of persecution in the Church.


Fr. Malachi Martin stated quite firmly that Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II all failed to obey Our Lady of Fatima:

“These Popes did not carry out the mandate of the Queen of Heaven. She said, “All you bishops, together on one day, consecrate Russia to me. And Russia will be converted.” If this consecration had been done, Russia would have become Catholic, Marxism would have been finished and there would be no chastisements. But she also said, “If you don’t do this consecration, my Son is going to punish you all.” John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II neglected this warning and command. …”

In explaining why the consecration still had not been done, Martin said that the reason, “goes all the way back to Lucifer. He simply has too much power among the prelates of the Church. He is able to neutralize the people who attempt something.”

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.


In “The Tempter’s Hour”, by Triumph Communications, Father Martin discussed his recently published book, “Windswept House”; affirming that “95% of the events (related in the book) are factual, but they are cloaked in novelistic form.” He stated that the primary theme of the book is, “The Roman Catholic Church …. is in apostasy.” Father went on to discuss the often used, misused and poorly understood terms, schismatic, heretic and apostate. I’ve taken the liberty of summarizing them below:

  • If you are schismatic, it means you fight over the Church’s power or jurisdiction.
  • If you are a heretic, you deny one or more doctrines taught by the Church. If you believe a heresy, it doesn’t mean you completely lost your faith, but it does mean you are very dangerously positioned to lose your faith.
  • But if you are an apostate, you deny basic truths of the Church, such as hell, divine grace, or personal sin, such as in reducing sin to merely social offenses.

Father Martin then stated:

“At the present moment  (1997) a sizable majority of Catholics are in apostasy. They have been led into apostasy by churchmen in apostasy. At least a sizable minority of cardinals, bishops, priests and religious are in apostasy. They no longer profess the basic truths of Christianity, let alone Catholicism.”

Now, nearly a generation later, it is clear that the “sizable minority” of apostate cardinals and bishops has become a majority.


He then compared the present situation with the heresies of the Protestant Revolt, noting that that neither Luther nor King Henry VIII denied truths such as heaven, hell, sanctifying grace or divine revelation. Their main error was claiming to be the magisterium.

“Today’s apostasy is worse than the Arian heresy … We are in a terrible situation where churchmen do not believe that Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament. They don’t even believe that Jesus is God. And they go even further than that. A famous French Jesuit, Teilhard de Chardin, held that God didn’t become man, but that man is going to become God. … Some Cardinals hold that idea. They no longer believe in the Incarnation as we know it or the Resurrection as we know it. They are apostates and yet they are in charge. They are in charge of the Church!”

Father then noted that the majority of Catholics “are being led by the nose out of the true faith and they don’t even know it. The bishop and his priests often say that it is alright if you are a homosexual, or are divorced and (civilly) re-married and come to the sacraments.” Once again, this was in 1997, and see how appropriate that is in light of the recent Kasperian synod.

The interviewer, Bernard Janzen, remarked that “one of the characteristics of the hierarchy is that they do not openly deny the doctrines and dogmas of the Faith; they simply act as though the doctrines do not exist. Father Martin confirmed that, “They live their lives as if the teachings don’t exist any longer.”


Father Martin then explained that a sub-theme of Windswept House is that,

“in a short time, humanly speaking, there will be no visible holy Roman Catholic Church organization.” He then repeated, for emphasis, “There won’t be any organization.” Further, “This is referred to as auto-demolition. [See The Auto-demolition of the Church, here for more on this.] In the 1960’s there was this diabolical consecration, this enthronement of Satan within the Vatican. … It is a historical fact. … done by Luciferians from all over the world and therefore, in a certain sense, Lucifer has power in Rome. He doesn’t own Rome yet, but I’m sure he hopes to own some future Pope so that the house will be truly his. The only man who can expel Lucifer from Rome is the owner of the house. And that owner is the Pope. It is the Pope that must carry out the exorcism, the cleaning of the house.”

Thus, in 1997 Fr. Martin could say that Lucifer did not yet ‘own the house’ but now that Francis/Danneels has the papacy, who can say . . .

Father Martin then explained that although Father Gabriel Amorth and his team of exorcists are very good, there are limits to what they can do, since authority rests with the owner of the house, that is, the Pope.

Now, in his book, Windswept House, Father Martin states that the Enthronement of Lucifer occurred June 29, 1963 and elsewhere he stated that the follow-up Enthronement must be performed at the Vatican within 50 years of that date, which would have been June 29, 2013, I believe. In other words, shortly after Jorge Bergoglio took over the Vatican, and moved in with his dear friend, Msgr. Ricca.


Nine years to the day after that enthronement, that is, on 29 June, 1972 Pope Paul lamented,

“We believed that after the [Second Vatican] Council would come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church. But instead there has come a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness … “And how did this come about? We will confide to you the thought that maybe we ourselves admit in free discussion, that may be unfounded, and that is that there has been a power, an adversary power. Let us call him by his name: the Devil. … It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the Temple of God.”

In his book, The Kingdom of Darkness, Father Martin describes what is meant by “the smoke of Satan”, describing an interview Pope Paul VI gave to his close friend, Jean Guitton not long before he died. When Guitton asked the Pope about his often-quoted remark regarding the smoke of Satan, Paul VI replied,

“Yes, the smoke of Satan is in the sanctuary. Due to the presence of Satan, Catholics are destined to become an infinitesimally small part of humanity.”

Father Martin continued,

“We must remember this. A new assault has been launched. The assault is very simple. The temptation is: ‘Just be like the rest of men. Adore a general god. Be good. Be compassionate. Be humanitarian. Join the rest of humanity in building man’s earthly world’ “.

“In Rome, there is a force which at the present moment is immovable. It cannot be dislodged by ordinary human means. This is where, again, one’s faith in Our Lady of Fatima comes in because she said that only she can save the Church because that is what her Son has willed. It is not so because it was her own choice, but because it what Christ has chosen. Christ chose that His Mother should be the one to come and finally save the Church. If you read carefully what Our Lady told Sister Lucia, you get a strong message that things are going bad. Many of the elect will lose their faith.”

One more quote:

“The Luciferians have a very tight schedule. They have an inner Luciferian prophecy that says that unless the prince is properly installed in the citadel, namely in the Vatican, they have lost. Now in order to install the prince and complete the enthronement, they have to get rid of this Pope.”

Note that Martin said this in 1997. So you can see how impatient the Danneels/Kasper faction must have been when not only did Pope John Paul II hang on, but then Benedict got in and did what he could to resist them, namely issue his Moto Proprio for the perpetuation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Thus, they had to force Benedict to resign.


In the same interview, Janzen asked Father Malachi Martin if it was possible for the Cardinals to elect a heretical Pope, Father Martin responded,

“Yes, we could have an apostate as Pope. In that case, we would be into something terrible. We would be into something which is nightmarish. It would test the faith of the greatest saint. … Your faith would be battered to pieces. If that happens, they (The Kingdom of Darkness) would have the prize and everything would have to go underground. We are, indeed, Bernard on our way to becoming, as Paul VI described in his misery, an infinitesimally small part of humanity. “

And so, we are here today, in this post-synodal church. Remember Father Amorth’s warning: unless the Pope and Bishops consecrate Russia as requested by the end of October, the Chastisement will occur soon after. Now, also remember that the Chastisement has been unfolding for years now, although faithless and lukewarm Catholics were unaware. The initial Chastisement was the withdrawal of grace from the Popes, hierarchy and priests which occurred as a result of the Popes’ refusal to obey the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Message of Fatima. Unfortunately, that falling away from the faith was not perceived as the horrendous Chastisement that it was, because so many Catholics had lost their sense of the faith and were no longer shocked by the corruption of doctrine and practice or even the perversions that began  to be so prevalent among the clergy.

Therefore, since the vast majority of Catholics do not respond to the Chastisement of the faith, nor now, even the open and outright apostasy of the faith in this post-synodal Church of Mercy®, the “New Church” instituted by Pope Francis, God will most likely begin the final stages of the Chastisement. This will be the Chastisement of the material world, with immense suffering and in which the few survivors will envy the dead.

But it will take most men by surprise because, since they refuse to follow the command of Our Lady for penance and prayer, their intellects and spirits are darkened. Caught up in worldly affairs and intellectual curiosity, they ignore their Mother’s call to the Rosary, First Saturdays of Reparation and Total Consecration.

In previous postings, we have attempted to show a few of the prophecies of this. But we all know that what is necessary for this time is to hold fast to Our Blessed Mother, maintain a contrite and generous sacrificial heart and above all, trust in His merciful love. We must pray for others, especially priests at this time!

in the aftermath of the synod, the Pope and his backers, the “St. Gallen Mafia” will proceed with the dismantling of the hierarchical Church through “decentralization” and the corruption of marriage, penance and the Holy Eucharist. As October and November pass and the faithful do not see immediate evidence of “fire from heaven” or entire countries vanishing, their itching ears will continue to distract them from the hard and humbling work of prayer and penance. Meanwhile, the forces calling forth the Chastisement will continue to build. And when many are unaware, the long-awaited final Chastisement will sweep across the world.


At the present time, the scene is being set for a war, with suffering far worse than any ever before seen on earth. In its aftermath, the Church will be almost totally annihilated. This has been the goal of the modernists in the Church for many generations now, but they will be destroyed and the Church will survive.  God will once again demonstrate that He is Lord of heaven and earth and by His command the forces of nature will respond to eradicate the usurpers and purify the earth, to make way for the restoration of the faith. This will be the brief age of peace before the coming of the anti-Christ.

Each of us has to prayerfully decide what path to take. My own decision has cost me nearly all I hold dear. Pray for the Church, pray especially for our priests and hierarchy.

There has never been a better time to  Pray the Rosary with confidence and joy!

Remember – Our Lady needs us to obey:  First Saturdays of Reparation, daily rosary, at least 5 mysteries, wear her brown scapular and live your Total Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, offering daily duties in reparation and for the conversion of poor sinners.

Open your hearts to the Lord and serve Him only: and He will free you from the hands of your enemies. With all your heart return to Him, and take away from your midst any strange gods” (I Kings 7:3)

  Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of our hearts, Mother of the Church, do thou offer to the Eternal Father the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for the conversion of poor sinners, especially our Pontiff.
  Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come! Viva Cristo Rey!
  Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
  St. Joseph, protect us, protect our families, protect our priests.
  St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

~ by evensong for love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King.
Vouchsafe that I may praise thee, O Sacred Virgin! Give me strength against thine enemies!

Malachi Martin on the Apostasy of the Faith, 2023 ~ Return to Fatima

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