Letter to priests of Society, regards recent developments June 25 2012

Excellencies, and Superiors,

As you know, our Superior General responded to the letter of the 16th March from Cardinal Levada who tried to impose the doctrinal Preamble of the 14th September 2011. By this document, dated 15th April, he wished to break free from the impasse created by this Preamble. According to several concurring sources, the new text seemed to satisfy the Sovereign Pontiff.

On the 13th June, 2012, Cardinal Levada returned to our Superior General his text of April, but it was amended in such a way that it still took up, in substance, the propositions of September, 2011. Msgr. Fellay also made known to him that he could not sign this new document, which was clearly unacceptable. The coming General Chapter will permit the analysis of the entire dossier.

Moreover, I inform all the members of the Chapter, that in virtue of Canon 2331, Paragraph 1 and 2 (New Code 1373) the Superior General has deprived Msgr. Williamson of his office as member of the Chapter for taking a position calling for a rebellion, and for his continually repeated disobedience. He has equally forbidden him to come to Econe for the ordinations.

Finally, Msgr. Fellay has differed the ordinations of the Dominicans of Avrille and the Capuchins of Morgon, who were foreseen to have been ordained at Econe this coming 29th July. The putting off of orders was dictated simply by the wish of Bishop Fellay to be assured of the loyalty of these communities, before laying hands upon their candidates (cf. I Timothy 5:22).

Be assured Excellencies and Superiors of my respectful and faithful priestly wishes.

Fr. Christian Thouvenot.

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Attached File  Letter_to_Superiors_2012.pdf (49.15 kb)


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Kick you off!  Are you serious LOLOLOL.

Fat chance my dear.  I thrive on the artistic expression of those more creative than myself ha!

You hate those big "cookies" too! It just makes you cringe, some of them look like huge tortilla shells (maybe they are),  they have used fritos before.


It is sad to say that there is a reason why Our Lord referred to us as sheep.

It is our God given right to stand up for our Holy Catholic Faith, the Truth!

God expects it. Our Lord Jesus and His Holy Mother Lived it, Jesus Preached it,

the Saint's were examples of it and the Martyrs died in its defense.   

We make things so complicated don't we. Sometimes it is that very intellect that God

in his goodness has given us that causes us more trouble.

We have to rethink what God has already thought and revealed.  Hmmm

sounds complicated. 

I wonder why it is that God has in His Great Wisdom and Intelligence

mostly chosen children to deliver his messages. Why not the greatest scholars?

This "Diabolical Confusion" Lucia spoke of has affected us all!  

Our only hope is to put our trust and love in Mary's Immaculate Heart, She is the

means by which God has chosen to deliver the world/us from peril.

I don't usually post, I do love the discussions your charity toward each other

in my (humble) opinion is something to emulate and reflect on.

I thank Our Lady for having lead me to such a refuge.

As always with love, prayers and sacrifices!        




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